So, Tom Tit Tom, you're like, really hard?
Me? Fuck no! I'm tall, and I look intimidating, apparently (which sucks, because random strangers are less likely to chat with me when I'm bored). That goes a long way towards keeping hostile people from talking to you, methinks.
And it's Tom Tit Tot.
Anyway, he's just mad because we both got arsey at one another in a different thread.
Pax, Linus Dunce? I offer you the olive branch of not bickering and the hammer of joinery, k?
Can I ask all Embra 'lithers to head down to see The Fence Collective at the Venue on Thursday at 7.30? I promise it'll kick botty, and it'll only be a fiver. See the stars of the future now, kids.
Sorry for the ad, but if you come along I can show you all the wall where there used to be some KING MOB RULES graffitti.
Welllll... I'll see if I can't round up some people and get out there. If you want to meet up, cube, just send me a message. |