i promise i will never sleep with you, and i offer my services as an unobtainable focus for your adoration.
i have been working out, and have a eclectic line in specialist sexual techniques. i will NEVER share the secrets of my magical love making with you, and you may as well just give up hope right now. you are never going to be talented enough for me, and there is no way you are pretty enough to be even my trophy bitch. i wouldnt trust you to carry my shopping, let alone give me a lift home. i wouldnt waste the breath it takes to speak to you, even if i were bloated and dying of oxygen poisoning.
you wouldnt get into all the clubs i hang out in, and so it could never work. you wouldnt even be allowed to ogle me from afar, sipping your cheap american beer and scratching yourself excitedly as i bat away yet another unfeasibly attractive gnat trying to land on my crotch.
you can pay me through all the usual channels, just dont expect a receipt. |