
1. "The first annual Easter Egg hunt was a washout after insurgents swapped all the eggs for rocks."
2. "Wadda-ya-mean, 'Use these rocks when you run out of bullets???' What am I...David?"
3. "Pvt. Ryan plays his infamous 'Want something on the rocks?' joke one time too many."
4. "The sudden collapse of their brand-new Haliburton-built HQ left many marines in a state of shock."
5. (Sung to the tune of South Pacific's 'There is Nothing Like a Dame'):
We got sanddunes to our left,
We got bunkers to our right,
But we feel so very happy stuck here in a big-ass fight.
'Cause the army's done and brought us,
A big load of easter eggs,
Dressed up as rocks
And big sand-bags! |