Wow. It looks like my posting is actually winding a good few people up. I agree with some of this stuff though, namely this, which is the main reason why i make nonsense threads sometimes :
This is not to be prescriptive, but just for a different perspective... I embrace drivel and nonsense. I think it's essential to creativity. If I'm stuck on some problem, I find that it helps a great deal to spout utter nonsense. I envision this as loosening up the stuck things in my brain. Maybe two things that were never close to each other will bump against each other & make something new.
I never go into one of those threads with the intention of trying to do anything for my ego, but on more than one occasion some of you seem to get that impression...........i really can't do anything about that except say that i do it do break up any uninspiring patches i have when i'm stuck in the house and bored.
I just like messing around in here, when i post in the Temple forum and the other forums from time to time i don't do any of this nonsensical stuff because it's not needed in there among the types of things being talked about, (99% of the time) but in here i feel free to piss about and i enjoy doing it. No matter what i say though it seems that i'm being seen as a person who just likes attention and is egotistical.
I'm not that crazy in real life either, i'm a pretty quiet person, when i go out with my mates i'm quiet aswell, unless i'm pissed anyway.
Wierd, i don't know what to say, because egotistical people really annoy me and it looks like i'm being seen as one of those people by more than a few now, so i'm gonna have a good look at what i'm doing when i post and see if there's anything i can notice that's getting taken in the wrong way.
I can't believe i'm explaining why i make nonsense threads from time to time. I think it gives, more or less the same as Persephone said, different parts of the mind a rest and brings others into use, also, one of the good things it does is to connect different things up that wouldn't normally be connected maybe, i really don't know for sure and i don't even wanna get into trying explain this type of thing, it beats the whole purpose of doing it in the firstplace.
You'd be amazed at how normal a person i am if you met me, you probably wouldn't believe it was me because you'd be expecting me to go insane or crazy or whatever at any moment, really, i'm not that crazy in real life, sorry. |