Well, obviously it's all about sticking one to the order police, innit.
I dunno, I have nothing against total inanity, I only object when I don't find it funny. To be inane is not a crime. To be boring is much worse. But humour is a subjective judgement, after all. Put it this way, there are a lot of things in the Lime Shower Gel thread which made me piss myself and want to Barbquote. Other ongoing inanity, less so. I just think, fucking boring.
People often talk about the Conversation as if it's the Barbleith poor relation, and it is in a sense, in relation to some of the best threads in the Magic, a lot of the Headshop stuff, the Swithboard, the level of analysis sometimes shown in Books, Music etc. But I think it's absolutely key to Barbelith and there's so much great spur of the moment stuff, as well as the just hanging out human interaction. Which brings me great happy happy joy joy. There a lot of talented writers on Babelith and it comes out in the bizarre stuff in Convo. Qalyn, Saveloy. Von Kobra in particular wins the Iron Cross (and me, as a flushing, blushing bride) for pretty much all of his posts. |