Banshee: (yes, this is thread rot, but it keeps getting mentioned, here and elsewhere)
Programming? Art? Design? For the first two, you usually want a proper four-year degree with specialisation in CG stuff from either side. You want to latch onto an underpaid internship and prove you're worth keeping around. You want little shiny demo things. You want to be willing to move to some rather unexpected places. And you want to check Gamasutra.com and places like it often. Design and production, I haven't a clue besides knowing there are some places that get designers out of their own mod communities from previous games.
I'm a game programmer, and while I haven't been doing it long, I've been watching the hiring process here and talking to coworkers imported from other companies about how it is elsewhere, as I've a few friends trying to luck out like I did and break into it. The pay is crappy considering what programmers can get for ungodly boring soul-sucking jobs, but it pays the bills and I keep my soul. 
Oh, and my favourite video game character? I'm not really sure.. I agree with the commentary that NPCs and side characters often make better Characters, because they're not made to be transparent background for the player's actions. There are characters that serve as both PCs and NPCs throughout game series, and they tend to be some of my favourites, no matter how cheesy they are, because they have personality from their NPC days, and they get the mental screen-time by being able to play as them. I'm a bit obsessive over Alucard... mmm, my thing for pretty goth boys and tortured heroes. Yeah. There are far better characters out there, but I'm biased. |