Right that's it, i'm ripping out Jay Kay's eyes & giving them to Stevie Wonder so he can stick em up his arse & fire them at a wall. Dooodendatderdodatderdodatderdoda, doesn't make me think wow this guy sounds like Stevie Wonder. Anyway, give a fuck I wanted a reason to spare his life, not a reason to hate him more.
I have added all your requests to my list & am currently making a hybrid with the parts of all the vermin thet have been removed from the world of pop. So look out for the dead eyed, big titted, up it's arse, ginger, geordie, who's gonna fall from the fucking stars straight in to my arms, ready to be fucked in the arse with Moloko's dead corpse.
I will be doing this to the soundtrack of 'Back To Mine' by Nightmares On Wax.
Chilled Beatz
Fresh Up. Pick Up The Pieces |