Niiiice. Since I heard about this film, I've been indignant, worried, relieved and now I'm pant-wettingly excited. I read the book quite recently, and loved it more than I thought I would. It's easily PKD's most human work that I've read. Almost all the characters (bar Barris) are sympathetic, rounded people, and the plot is typical PKD head-spinny horribleness.
From what we've seen in the new trailer, this film is incredibly faithful to the text, I couldn't believe it. Whole bits, lifted straight from the book. Barris' silencer, Jerry Fabin's bugs and suicide attempt (with Ayn Rand!), the scramble suits and Bob's speech about the scanner... fuck yes. The only troublesome elements were the text saying that "Everyone will be watched" (which is not really true, as Bob and co were under surveillance becuase they were heads, not just as a matter of course), and the insinuation from the trailer that Bob and Fred could be seperate from the start of the film, which would ruin a lot of the "oh shit" points in the story. But that could just be from the way the trailer was edited, and to get across a feeling of the movie in just a couple of minutes.
Can't wait though. |