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The Magick's a TEMPLE!!!!!


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21:36 / 31.03.04
As above, I have certain associative blocks concerning the word. G'waaan Barb... Help me reclaim lost terms!

Lol... Ghetto! Seems the name has stuck whether officially or not. Every town gotta getta ghetto. GO!
gotham island fae
23:50 / 31.03.04
And what a better place than a ghetto for a temple?

I like it and I'm ain't tellin' why.
06:30 / 01.04.04
Well, being ancient, the first thing it reminded me of was...

*pulls out antique Madacasgaran Wand-Hookah and chuffs on some Hi-Grade*, what day is it? Where was ... ah yes, The Temple ov Psychick Yoof. I've got my clothes off, who's got the razors and lubricant?

No, I don't mind it, it's cool enough, I suppose. I'm gonna try and lend people money and see if the Messiah throws me out. I just hope it's not Zen Memetic.
08:09 / 01.04.04
Mornington Crescent!

Now THAT's magick.
Shanghai Quasar
09:06 / 01.04.04
Temple? Doesn't strike me as a grand ole name, seems rather dull and stodgy. Something like "Supramundane" or "Abstraction Shop" might be better, but, whatever."Transcendant Concepts".

I'll go back to the ghetto now.
13:06 / 01.04.04
*throws fit*

*overturns Illmatic's table*

*palms his cronic*
Tryphena Absent
13:07 / 01.04.04
Oooohhh things aint what they used to be-ee-eeee.
13:13 / 01.04.04
*staggers off floor, checks for wallet*

Not sure if I know what "cronic" is? Do you mean "chronic" a la Dr Dre?
13:19 / 01.04.04
I believe that palming one's cronic means furtively concealing the ways in which one is like a crone.
13:25 / 01.04.04
It probably involves botox and wearing lots of leather...
13:30 / 01.04.04
I was always brought up to believe that palming one's cronic was a sure-fire way to become blind...

*polishes glasses*
luke hugh
18:50 / 01.04.04
I think cocksuckers and mindlovers should have been an option. this site needs some spicing up. all in favor say fuck. but seriously most posts lack some sort of individualism and even at barbelith of all places conformity still rules.
20:13 / 01.04.04
He's absolutely right, you know. I bet the Grant Morrison is terribly disappointed with all of us. Except for me and Luke Hugh. Us he likes. We might hang out. We sent him a film, you know.
21:35 / 01.04.04
It works for me. Now let's start tearing people's hearts our bare-handed and lowering their dying bodies into lava.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:38 / 01.04.04
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:25 / 02.04.04
You people just haven't got a clue, have you? Obviously, this is just the beginning of the Gothing of Barbelith. Next week, or next month, but soon, the name will not just be the Temple... but The Temple of Love.

Let the flanging commence!
19:51 / 02.04.04
Hey now. Hey now now.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:08 / 02.04.04
See? Cusm is ours already.

Ours. Our FLANGE.
12:54 / 13.04.04
I was all set to suggest the Grotto and got gazumped. Ah well, it will always be the Magick in my heart, and the Ghetto in my head.
I miss all you people by the way, sacrifice to the god of the internet for me to enable my onlininess.
BTW isn't it the Temple of Gloves (hey now hey now now)? I'm off to post about the new tenth planet in the Mornington.. I mean the Mag.. I mean the Ghett..Grott.. thatplacewherethefreaksdon'tlaughatmymutterings.
yours grumpily ('we fear change')
13:06 / 13.04.04
Quantum is back!! Yay!

*rolls out banners, knight in armour start trumpeting , chorus of dancing girls in sequined leotards run outstage and start high kicking*
Tryphena Absent
14:17 / 13.04.04
What Illmatic said!
Char Aina
16:23 / 13.04.04
so does 'my body's a temple'='my body's dull and stodgy', then?

i think temple is a good name. perhaps the loss of a magickal bias is a positive step, seeing as there is nowhere else on the lith for anyone to discuss interacting with their faith/belief system.
not everyone spells it magick, either.
temple seems to be a good leveller of a name, which obvously means no more special note for that specific sector of spirituality.

i think thats a good thing, even as a khaos kid. maybe that's especially as a khaos kid, i dunno.

i suppose its all about how you see the forum.
i dont post there often, but i do like it. i like to think that we are open to all sorts of belief systems, and that we would be seeking to encourage them to join in.

i realise no fundamentalist christians are going to leap at the chance to learn about A.O.S or kabalah, and i know that many of the discussions would be meaningless to someone without a semi-working knowledge of the principles in use. i reckon some people might come closer if they think there is a chance their input would be welcome, and that would mean the board being open to the idea that magicians are not the only active spiritualists.
Char Aina
16:26 / 13.04.04
okay, so there's a page two...

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