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The Magick's a TEMPLE!!!!!


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15:04 / 30.03.04
Robert Temple?

aka : The Sirius Mystery?!?

He's just bought the site and changed the name of the magick forum?!
15:20 / 30.03.04
Ooh, I really like it!
15:38 / 30.03.04
Like it alot!
Gypsy Lantern
16:06 / 30.03.04
It's spot on I think. Significantly widens the scope of what can and can't be discussed in this forum, and will hopefully help this place to become a little less ghettoised. In terms of consistancy, I think it sits much better alongside the laboratory, the switchboard, etc.
17:48 / 30.03.04
There's a club in London called the Temple isn't there? It's quite dangerous for rookies, I'm told. But I quite like that association for the forum - a place where you need to know how to handle yourself!
17:51 / 30.03.04
Yeah i think it's cool too, and i'm starting to get used to this new design.
Multiple Man
19:11 / 30.03.04
I like it, on the 4th definition of a Temple is;

4. A building reserved for a highly valued function: the library, a temple of learning.

Very appropriate.
19:36 / 30.03.04
The Magick is gone from Barbelith. Nuff Said. No wait, not enough said, I liked the magick, and as far as I'm concerned magick and religion are fairly different (even as far as one faction burning another) and I for one don't feel comfortable in a temple.
Will there be throwing out of moneylenders or Barmitzvahs or whatever, and fights to the death between Wiccans and Xians?
I don't like it. Is it just me?
21:18 / 30.03.04
Er, I liked it until you pointed out the magick/religion divide.

Hmm...I guess it does fit better with the new look. We'll just have to make more of an effort to keep the magick side of it going.
Char Aina
21:24 / 30.03.04
i like it a lot, and i especially love the way it brings to mind quite individually different connotations.

i do think you guys are seperating the magick out artificially, too.
one is your's and real, the other is not?
21:39 / 30.03.04
The Magick is gone from Barbelith.

Have you been looking in the right forum?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
22:13 / 30.03.04
I am not quiet comforatable with the name.
I don't go to temples. Temples are place of worship.
I don't worship I practice, I experiment.

It does however motivate me to start thinking of better names.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
22:33 / 30.03.04
Tom thinks magick and religeon are hocus. Lets just call it the ghetto and get it over with.
the Fool
22:52 / 30.03.04
I actually quite like it. I think it broadens the scope of the forum in a appropriate way, adding more of the spiritual angle. I also think it sets off a very nice mental image. I keep imagining this wonderful building, part library, part magical laboratory, part cosy place to chat. I can actually see the architecture. There are lots of trees...
22:58 / 30.03.04
temple? hmm. dunno if I like it, but since I wander in there maybe twice yearly and post never, I doubt if my opinion should matter at all.
Perfect Tommy
23:04 / 30.03.04
I originally didn't like it for much the reasons Nietschze mentioned. But both religion and magick deal with questions about the unseeable and the unprovable; the difference is whether we're talking spirituality vs. applied spirituality. Topically, I think those belong together.

For the other thing, I'd just love to see more people in there in general, not just us occult engineering geeks in the labcoats with our real-time gnosisscoscopes and mantra loops.
23:14 / 30.03.04
sacellum = \Sa*cel"lum\, n.; pl. Sacella. [L., dim. of sacrum a sacred place.] (a) (Rom. Antiq.) An unroofed space consecrated to a divinity.
23:24 / 30.03.04
Now this is just me and my current experience... I have this friend of mine who's Jewish times twenty thousand. He's all Ariel Sharon this, and sanction that, and achat and frustrations. He's like the guy who's "Jewish" on TV. It's a damn shame when ethnic stereotypes actually pale in comparison.

I now have to go to "The Temple" to speak to people. May I never tell him... he'll probably want to circumcise me.

Regardless of that, I like the change. Magick and Spirituality and Religion SHOULD be bled together. But I would've named it The Altar.
01:28 / 31.03.04
Well, some esoteric term might suit it better, but to fit in with the rest of the forums it should really be a relatively common English word.

I think "Temple" isn't bad for what it's supposed to be about. Maybe it gives a certain authoritarian feel to it... but maybe not. I'm sure people will continue to refer to it as "the magick", as in "go post that on the magick, maybe you'll get a response"....
06:04 / 31.03.04
As a very occasional contributor to the Magick/Temple, my view on this is largely on how it fits with the rest of the board... by which criterion the new name seems perfect.

Gives more of a "town" sort of feel to the place... You know... "Over there's the Laboratory, there's the Head Shop"... maybe "Books" should be "The Library", etc...

Dunno. That's my initial response, anyway.
08:03 / 31.03.04
[Nelson from The Simpsons] ha-ha! [/Nelson from the Simpsons]

Gypsy Lantern
10:50 / 31.03.04
The 'town'' feel is what I thought. Also, a 'temple' doesn't necessarily have to denote a temple in the sense of organised religion, and the word 'religion' doesn't necessarily imply spirituality without practical application. If the Temple gets less emphasis on chaos magic and a wider emphasis on spirituality in general, that would be a very good thing as far as I'm concerned. Time for this shit to evolve beyond late-80s buzzwords and make something new.
11:02 / 31.03.04
Note to self: always confer with Gypsy Lantern before posting. SHe'll say it much better.
12:40 / 31.03.04
Fractal magick?
12:44 / 31.03.04
AstralElementalCyberZenTaoSpiralMultiColouredMadProfessorAllDimensionsAtOnceGoGoGo Magick!
Gypsy Lantern
16:07 / 31.03.04
16:15 / 31.03.04
I like the sound of Astral Magic, Elemental Magic, and Essence Magic.
16:17 / 31.03.04
Yeah i think i'm gonna use one of those names and form a cult of meaningless babble.

Only theorists allowed!
17:03 / 31.03.04
I also don't like the new name. "Temple", to me, makes visions of ceremonial magick arise out of my head and thus making me feel like the name is restricting in its suggestion of subject matter. I propose that the name either be changed back to "The Magick" (short and simple) or "The Grotto" (cause I like how it sounds.)

Also, shouldn't this thread be moved to the Policy?
17:37 / 31.03.04
Think if it this way. A Temple is also a place cultists gather to practice dark and spooky magicks. A place dedicated to Cha0s Mag1ck would also be considered a Temple. Also, Religions perform rituals. Rituals are magick. Ta, its all the same, Christians, Buddhists, Witches, and Thelemites all eating at the same table. How CM is that? Pass the eye of newt.
Gypsy Lantern
18:38 / 31.03.04
Damn right. Your temple might be an elaborately furnished affair, or a plank of wood balanced on two bricks, or the contents of a stylish 1950s vintage handbag, or it might exist entirely in your imagination. A temple is a place where magic happens.
19:29 / 31.03.04
I'm picturing a stone type temple with an open roof, a Greek type of design.

Oh yeah, before anyone sees it and starts playing up, i was the one that sprayed Chaos on the side of one of the walls at the back.
Eloi Tsabaoth
19:32 / 31.03.04
This is just part of Barbelith Underground's transformation into London Underground. First the colour coding, then 'Temple'... Before you know it you're knee deep in odiferous businessmen and giant backpacks wearing tourists on their fronts.
Gypsy Lantern
19:36 / 31.03.04
I'm off to start a new thread in 'Holborn', sorry, I mean 'Gathering'.
20:07 / 31.03.04
Before you know it you're knee deep in odiferous businessmen and giant backpacks wearing tourists on their fronts.

That would make for some interesting flamewars.........

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