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16:12 / 31.03.04
Asked a question about gnosticism on another board and was referred to this one by Margin Walker, who no longer posts here. Read Barbequotes, developed e-crush on Haus (!) which mercifully faded. When other board sank, came here as refugee. Never quite got comfortable but still hang around.
pachinko droog
16:25 / 31.03.04
I followed a link from The Bomb via article on "The Invisibles" after reading a GM interview there. Started lurking, read The Invisibles, and now my gray matter is warped beyond all recognition. I tried to remember that it was only a game, really I did...
Saint Keggers
16:34 / 31.03.04
It was a prize in a Crackerjacks box. I went the old Nexus way.
Gypsy Lantern
17:00 / 31.03.04
I used to post on the old Invisibles egroups list, way back in 1998, I sort of gravitated to the Nexus when it started up so I could have similar types of discussion without filling up my work's email account with it all. This place has changed and grown and developed around me since then, and has been consistantly brilliant. Bloody hell, can't believe it's been six years.
Char Aina
17:02 / 31.03.04
it hasnt.
17:15 / 31.03.04
I was not having an on-line affair with Ganesh. Bastard wouldn't have anything to do with me.

I can't remember how I got here. Googling Ragged Robin+naked+custard, I think. Arrived sometime after the eclipse in 1999, I think. Thought I was smart and called myself Citizen Smith, but no-one got it. Miss the Supercontext or whatever we called that forum where only special people could go.
I, Libertine
20:31 / 31.03.04

Sifted in from the Bomb during Invisibles, am only now realizing how long ago that was. My, my.
21:22 / 31.03.04
I found it witty and informative

[saw the GM Disinfonation]
21:36 / 31.03.04
I found this place via the Bomb, back when i gave a shit about The Invisibles, but only joined recently. I'm a coward.
Murray Hamhandler
23:21 / 31.03.04
Like Gypsy Lantern, I've been around off and on since '98 and the early days of the Invisibles list. Took me a while to migrate over here, but I eventually made it.

How many of us Oldie Oldsons are still around, do you reckon?
23:50 / 31.03.04
Was horny one night and was googling for things to do with Jane Fonda. In a drunken haze, I spelt "Barbarella" wrong and ended up here.
William Sack
06:44 / 01.04.04
Stuck my head up my own backside one day, and there it was.
06:58 / 01.04.04
So we are all inside of you? jeezezz..
09:28 / 01.04.04
I ordered a scale - model replica of Ernest Borgnine in German Uniform from Dusseldorf, and got this instead.

Where are the valets, by the way?
Brigade du jour
14:29 / 01.04.04
Stoatie kept saying the word 'barbelith' and I kept thinking I was going deaf so asked him what the fuck he was talking about, please.
15:45 / 01.04.04
While bouncing back and forward through time I passed through the web server and thought I'd come back.
No, strangely I think I was looking for info on DARE a few years ago, and came across The Bomb. I remembered it after I revisited The Invisibles when Anarchy for the Masses came out.
I just stayed. Look, my slippers are over there, and my tankard is over the bar. My candles, too.
16:39 / 01.04.04
I stumbled upon it via the Invisibles back when it was the Nexus. I had a fictionsuit that was liquidated in one of the purges. Much later I got a job with internet access and now I'm back (at least until my boss finds out how much time I spend here). That, my friends, is how I come to be here.
luke hugh
18:30 / 01.04.04
I read the invisibles then kept on reading the invisibles. My brother and roomate had the whole series at their apartment. I found the site after searching barbelith looking for more answers and things by grant morrison. ( found both)
luke hugh
18:34 / 01.04.04
Uh is it just me or are there not a lot of people who read the invisibles on this site. Just curious.
topical b
21:02 / 01.04.04
when the first issue of the invisible came out i was on a shoplifting spree in media-play. i crammed it down my pant on impulse. the story was great so i eventually started spending money on it. while in class one day i typed barbelith into a not forgotten search engine and found this site. i kept coming back for the weird science discussions.
21:14 / 01.04.04
Very pleasant, thanks for asking.

btw, "Don't gay" is perhaps the greatest riposte ever.
16:50 / 02.04.04
one day i put 'chaos magick' into google and barbelith came up.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:45 / 03.04.04
luke hugh Uh is it just me or are there not a lot of people who read the invisibles on this site. Just curious.

Not any more it ain't. Which is kind of cool. There is little that is sadder than newsgroups for shows that aren't being made any more. You should go look. And weep. And plant flowers for them. There was an influx of Tom's blogging buddies as well which helped spread appeal.

As for me, I found Jay Babcock's original annotations site, followed it when Tom took it over. I lost interest and din't post that much on the first iteration of the board until I changed jobs and found i could surf the net at my new place of work. It all got out of hand from then.

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