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Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
04:32 / 30.03.04
I am one of the Old Ones, who came here back when I was looking for more information on The Invisibles, and discovered that people were talking about everything here.

With all the new people, I'm just interested in how they found the place and why they join up.
05:22 / 30.03.04
I was looking for "The Invisibles" resources on the web a few years back and this came up pretty high on Google.
Dan Fish - @Fish1k
06:35 / 30.03.04
I used to get the Invisibles E-Group mailing, I think I saw it mentioned there.
06:36 / 30.03.04
I was incredibly bored one night and typing various comicbook related words into the address bar to see what the web came up with. Imagine my surprise...

It was the best find of the night easy.
06:57 / 30.03.04
I thought about making a topic like this but then I realised.. I cant remember how I found this place.. Oh well..
07:00 / 30.03.04
I worked with sleazenation and meme buggerer. I had no hope of escape.
Perfect Tommy
07:03 / 30.03.04
I needed an Invisibles quote while working on an RPG character at work, and I found The Bomb, and from there The Nexus. It was grey at the time, and it's grey now, leading me to believe the intervening years were only a dream.
Grey Area
07:39 / 30.03.04
Heard loud noise, looked up.

...I mean, I did a search for interpretations of The Invisibles and landed here. That was almost two years ago, in the middle of an ancient crisis which will not be mentioned again. I got stuck, and noe the pretty colours won't let me go!
Cat Chant
08:30 / 30.03.04
Someone sent me a link to an article an ex of mine had written on a webzine. Followed link to said ex's blog. Followed various links from said ex's blog, ended up via a more-or-less circuitous path on, started reading it regularly, ended up on barbelith. See? Stalking can be productive!
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
08:31 / 30.03.04
I had a dream one night three years ago where a clown kicked me in the testicles and told me I would find relief here. My balls still hurt, but it was an even trade just the same.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
08:31 / 30.03.04
Actually, I saw it on one of those awful ITV shows b/cast at about 3 am which attempt to fuse TV magazine style reviews and features with content about the web.

Shit idea, didn't work, hence the stupid morning slot.

But, they reviewed Barbelith, and it sounded like my cup of scorpion venom, so I lurked, then joined and here I am.

foot long subbacultcha
10:35 / 30.03.04
I'm new, and will be for a few more years I reckon. I first came to Barbelith for Invisibles commentary ages ago, but a strange loneliness prompted me to sign up.

Strange because the normal loneliness doesn't prompt me to do anything at all.
Bed Head
11:21 / 30.03.04
Hah! I must be a beautiful and unique snowflake, because I found the site by googleing for “Mirkin the Mystic”. Which is apparently the *most* obscure comic in history, because one of only two mentions of it google could find anywhere occurred halfway through Yawn’s interview with GM. From which I found a link to the board proper. And at about the same time I starting working from home and owning my own computer, so I spent a couple of months lurking and sniggering at Barbequotes over my elevensies; then there was a nasty shitstorm and the board shut to non-members, and so then I joined at the next available opportunity. Presto.
hanabius yamamura
12:00 / 30.03.04
... Xoc n' Ganesh, long-term chums, told me many many moons ago ... and here i am
D Terminator XXXIII
12:05 / 30.03.04
...Because traffic was a bitch.

How it truly was.
Tryphena Absent
12:06 / 30.03.04
A link on a friend's ex-boyfriend's blog.
12:22 / 30.03.04
I was looking for Morrison-related stuff...

but so far, this thread seems to be mostly established posters, most of whom have already asked/answered this question.

I dunno what the original intention of the thread was, but I;d find it interesting if some of our many new members piled in and told us what bizarre shenanigans it was they were attempting when they landed up here...
12:30 / 30.03.04
Yeah, I've also been here for awhile... damn, remember when this place was called the Nexus?
14:29 / 30.03.04
I found the Invisibles at my local comic book store, went online, googled for "The Invisibles" with yahoo, found the Bomb. Kept coming back to the Bomb and, when the Nexus opened its halls I joined. That's pretty much it.
14:40 / 30.03.04
Sttab always linked me to things.
When he posted a topic about me and my hats, I had to join.
16:04 / 30.03.04
i think it was through Rage. we already knew each other on Livejournal.
16:42 / 30.03.04
Looked over Spallirunce's shoulder.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:46 / 30.03.04
Lurid's comic collection => The Invisibles => Grant Morrison's website => Barbelith.
Mourne Kransky
17:05 / 30.03.04
My boyfriend was having an online affair with Sax and I tracked them both down to here. Now I just stay around to stalk Sax.

I think it was just after 9/11 that I braved my first post, finding the discussion of same here a welcome relief to that elsewhere.

I read my first Invisibles comic about a month ago.
17:24 / 30.03.04
Hey Mordant i was just gonna do that!

For Kit-Kat Club : *************!!!

Mine was : Dinsinfo book > Search for Invisibles on the net > Grant Morrison Interview > Barbelith > No access because site was closed to new members > 2 Months or so > Check on Barbelith > WOOOO! I can register!!!!
18:11 / 30.03.04
Here's a post from a relative noob:
About two months ago I was scouting the web for DoomPatrol scans to replace my Man Ray desktop when I stumbled here via the annotated DoomPatrol page or some other such page. It was immediately apparent that the lot of you were touched in the head so I joined.
19:40 / 30.03.04
Met Seth at Elseware's birthday party, starting talking about magick, he pointed me this way, then the ass candling etc.
Oh, the regrets....
beelzebub jones
19:44 / 30.03.04
i was searching abrahamic monotheism and either google or wikipedia linked me to barbelith. the range of topics piqued my curiosity, the input of the members brought me back.
Foust is SO authentic
19:47 / 30.03.04
I found it through I think it was Fridge or Ganesh that did the introductions.
20:28 / 30.03.04
i think it was linked somehow, somewhere, on something, having to do with, i think, cat and girl. ( or maybe scary go round. ( clicky clicky, follow the linx, you know, whiling away hours on the internet at work. and i needed a new message board cos the one i used to post on was wayyy too "you are teh gay," "your [sic] gay," and, my personal fave, "don't gay." not to mention the incessant online-meets-IRL-back-to-online drama that was always about. some of which i was involved in. bleck. so i was glad to find a place where people were smart, hip, funny, or some combination thereof, and etc. barbe-huggles to ya.
incidentally it's been just over a year now since i joined!
21:01 / 30.03.04
Searching Google for Ferret info... "this" came up
Char Aina
21:12 / 30.03.04
i didnt find barbelith, it was made by my searching for it.
barbelith didnt exist before i got here, and you are a liar if you say it did.

karen eliot
02:26 / 31.03.04
I stumbled across the forum just yesterday while Googling for references to Michael Bertiaux. I'm still only vaguely aware of who this Morrison guy is (not being much into comics). From what I've seen here it sounds like something I'll have to investigate further.
the Fool
05:22 / 31.03.04
I had a crush on Tom and thought this would be a way to get to know him better. lol! How wrong was I... oh and I read the invisibles'n stuff...
Bastard Tweed
06:41 / 31.03.04

The Warren Ellis Forum.


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