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Barbelith's 4000th member welcoming thread


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Eloi Tsabaoth
12:46 / 26.03.04
Well, pretty soon Barbelith's 4000th member will be coming through the door. I need people to put up bunting, make sandwiches, and make a decorative banner. The laurel and hardy handshake will of course be presented by Barbelith's 3000th member, Rhinoceros, who despite never posting will be glad to oblige. 4000 Candles are also required.
12:53 / 26.03.04
And any existing members who re-register will have their genitals dry-shaved and black Kiwi boot polish rubbed into the tender area with a Brillo pad.

And that's a threat, not an incentive, Rizla.
Grey Area
12:56 / 26.03.04
Are we talking eety-bitty birthday cake candles or big, fuck-off candles, illuminating cathedrals for the purpose of? And what colour bunting? Grey, orange, white and black? Or do we get Tom to give us a sneak preview of the site redesign so we can stay in theme? Do we need a reinforced stage to accommodate the weight of a rhino? Who's going to be assigned run-around-with-a-clipboard-barking-orders duty? Are we having a whip-around?

Oh, and can all (checks clock) 3995 members (count at 14:54 GMT) please indicate their dietary preference below. Failure to do so will result in you getting something you cannot tolerate for religious/digestive/aesthetic/personal background reasons.
Eloi Tsabaoth
13:03 / 26.03.04
BFC. Holographic 5th dimensional bunting. Stage to be reinforced for both Rhino and the concluding part where all 4000 members get on the stage and sing 'We are the world' with clever injokey new lyrics written by the Creation spods.
I'm allergic to neutrons and electrons. But not protons.
Spatula Clarke
13:17 / 26.03.04
Is this the point where I spoil the party by pointing out that Barbelith's 4000th member will actually be member #4147?
Eloi Tsabaoth
13:22 / 26.03.04
Shoots E.Randy then pushes his corpse behind a curtain with his foot.

Now, should the ice-sculpture be at the centre or next to the buffet table?
Grey Area
13:56 / 26.03.04
Next to the buffet. That way we can arrange for it to be shaped in the form of a troll, which will be gradually chipped away to nothing as the night wears on and people need ice for their drinks. Which is a good point: Drinks! Who's making the punch? And who's going to be in charge of spiking it? And with what?

And has it occurred to anyone that with the creation of this thread, there's probably a whole host of potential new members sitting in front of their screens with fingers poised over the 'register' link? Waiting for that counter to approach 3,999?
Whisky Priestess
14:01 / 26.03.04
4000 members! Gotta catch 'em all!

I will be on hand with cyber-punch and sophisticated cigarettes for all. I will also Max Clifford Member 4K if all the attention and the media frenzy gets too much for hir. I can do no more.
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:10 / 26.03.04
Yes, 4K must be treated with the utmost care and respect. It takes a very special kind of personal to coincidentally end up as the 4000th member. I'm actually planning to put all the other 3998 people on ignore, to properly bask in 4K's radioactive glow.
14:13 / 26.03.04
You know what usually happens in these cases, don't you?

This ish... Barbelith is attacked by a threat it had long thought dead!
Phex: Dorset Doom
14:21 / 26.03.04
Newcomers to social groups often feel isolated and alone amongst more experienced members, therefore it is important we expose them to paranoid delusion and paradoxical logic as soon as possible:

1) Member 4000 will be PM'd by every member of the board, something along the lines of 'I know what you did. That's a nice (insert name of item of clothing) you're wearing'. Chances are one of us will be right. Some members will be elected to PM them with 'You've got to get out of your house right now. You have to trust me. This is bigger than you can possibly imagine. It goes all the way to the TOP... the trilateral commision, the Illuminati, Atlantis... My god, I think they've found me----"

2) A new thread with Member 4000's name on it should be bought up immediately. Topics should include: 'I put it in hir drink', '(member name) surviellence report 27/03/04' 'I think he/she's seen me, require immediate extraction, Will no-one save the widow's son? Over'.

3) The Magick thread is to be devoted entirely to discussion of how best to manufacture voodoo dolls of member 4000, the Music thread to harsh elitist critiques of their record collection.

4) Background pics to be replaced by a flash animation of a shadowy figure smoking a cigarette.
14:57 / 26.03.04
Damn you Bizunth.. youve gone too far.. I was gonna make this thread.. oh well..
Tom Coates
15:04 / 26.03.04
I should also point out that the only thing we'd really be measuring is the number of users who didn't get their asses deleted since the last time the old version of the board went tits up and deleted everything. The board has been up to three and a half thousand members before!
15:07 / 26.03.04
at the party, i will be drinking whiskey on the rocks, wearing a red dress, smoking, sitting down cos the sexy shoes i'm wearing will be hurting my feet. by the time i get the guts to approach the new member to welcome hir, i'll be so inebriated that everything i say will sound like "hurghgh."
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
15:13 / 26.03.04
Oh, and can all (checks clock) 3995 members (count at 14:54 GMT) please indicate their dietary preference below. Failure to do so will result in you getting something you cannot tolerate for religious/digestive/aesthetic/personal background reasons.

That sounds like a challenge! Do your worst. There's nothing I won't try to eat. I'm like matter-eater lad, but I throw up a lot more.

Hey! We should make the 4000th member eat something strange. Like a boot or something. Tell him we all had to do it and see if he sucks up laces like spaghetti.
8===>Q: alyn
15:17 / 26.03.04
I'm going to show up all hopped up on goofballs and try to kick everyone's ass. I can't help it. I have a disease.
Eloi Tsabaoth
15:18 / 26.03.04
I should also point out that the only thing we'd really be measuring is the number of users who didn't get their asses deleted since the last time the old version of the board went tits up and deleted everything. The board has been up to three and a half thousand members before!

I won't shoot you Tom, but you can't have any of the cake.
15:26 / 26.03.04
But what about ladyfinesse of Arizona who is user 4000? Will she not have some part in welcoming her secret sharer?
8===>Q: alyn
15:27 / 26.03.04
I'll kick both their asses. It's a twofer!
Grey Area
15:38 / 26.03.04
Solution: Ladyfinesse rides in on Rhinoceros' back, both decked out to the nines in celebratory glittery gear, bearing the ceremonial Boot Of The Four Thousands, as well as a selection of condiments. The 4000th member will be presented with this initiation gift to the sound of all the other 3998 members playing 'Fanfare for the Common Man' on kazoos. Ze then eats it, using only a Dutch cheese slicer as a utensil.
Eloi Tsabaoth
15:41 / 26.03.04
Ah, as prophesyised in the Barbelith Old Testament Wiki. I'm getting very excited now.
Grey Area
15:48 / 26.03.04
Should we have some kind of condolence prize for members 3999 and 4001? Something to reflect that they shot for glory but missed so narrowly?
15:49 / 26.03.04
She's here!!!! Studygirltash!
15:50 / 26.03.04
Hmmm, well I am interested to see where this post goes now that the 4000 member is here...
15:51 / 26.03.04
and I want to hear this Fanfare For the Common Man that Grey Area espoused...
Grey Area
15:52 / 26.03.04
What? No! The marching band's not here yet! The kazoos aren't distributed, the ice sculpture consists of a square block with 'troll' scratched into the front and we haven't even started to bake a lucky, randomly chosen Barbeloid into a cake, jumping out of for the purposes of!!!
15:52 / 26.03.04
Welcome, Tash!!!

*cues dancing elephants*

But shouldn't you be studying?
15:52 / 26.03.04
oh, as usual, people will just start posting pictures of pie, i imagine.


8===>Q: alyn
15:52 / 26.03.04
Hey! I'm gonna kick your ass, Studygirltash!

Put up yer dukes!
Eloi Tsabaoth
15:57 / 26.03.04
Studygirltash! We await your opinions on robots, gorillas, Batman, and um, clones. The 'Return of the King' style crowning ceremony will follow, and then our guest speaker, Wolf from Gladiators.
Grey Area
16:02 / 26.03.04
Yes! Show yourself, so that we may hand you the Boot Of The Four Thousands, as well as this...err...hastily assembled Crown Of Office Supplies!
16:03 / 26.03.04
and.. Teletubbies VS Cute Puppies And A Cat! which side are you on?
16:06 / 26.03.04
Pass on the teletubbies...I get enough of those from the kids!

Bring it Qalyn!

Does the crown of office supplies include post-its?
16:07 / 26.03.04
And dont mind toksik, he`s a freaki`n tractor-pusher I tell ya! No x-ray beam included!
Saint Keggers
16:07 / 26.03.04
Well so far the 4000th memeber hasn't lived up to expectations.

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