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Fucking your clone..


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14:37 / 26.03.04
Stir a little bit of that near-telepathy that identical twins are supposed to have with an intimate knowledge of what feels good - we'd be spending more time in the bedroom than anywhere else for the first month or two!

So then, are you telling me that if you had a twin you would spend a lot of time fucking them?

Just out of curiosity, why does it matter if that (really fabulous) sex is "gay" or not?

Because if you're not gay the sex might not be so fantastic, perhaps?

Assuming that we're not talking about someone who is merely genetically identical with oneself, rather they are, quite simply, another you, could it be possible that the two of you would be incompatable. Imagine, if you will, that you are a sadist, you get your kicks from beating people's arses. Now imagine that you have no masochistic tendancies whatsoever. Are the two of you going to have a good time in bed?

Why am I being so serious?
14:49 / 26.03.04
I'm playing with the hack sf writer idea of sex with my clone. Since it's my clone, and I'm following the somewhat dubious convention of assuming that she'll have my dislikes and likes and basic personality (matching small streaks of sadism and slightly larger streaks of masochism, happy bisexual with a fondness for genderfuck), I'm concluding that she and I will get along pretty well in bed... and look wonderful if we go out together. We might have some discussions about whose turn it is to dress like the boy, though...
14:59 / 26.03.04
To continue with the seriousness.

I think the idea that we would necessarily get on with our SF clones is pretty dubious, let alone want to fuck them. Standing outside your own body you might find yourself hideously unattractive. What about all the things about yourself that only others know, or know better than you?

Also, who's to say that you wouldn'tt find your own likes and dislikes tedious and dull?

I am determined to kill this foul, perverted thread.
8===>Q: alyn
15:05 / 26.03.04
Lazlo Woodbine [some call me Laz]
15:11 / 26.03.04
15:15 / 26.03.04
Cool picture! Sex with robots in bondage!!
Ethan Hawke
15:15 / 26.03.04
Fritz Lang was such a perv.
15:16 / 26.03.04
veering off-topic: I remember spending some time, after seeing Strange Days, considering the concept of somehow hooking your brain into the brain of someone you're have sex with so that you can experience the sex act both from your POV and their's simultanesouly. (Actively attempting to block out the fact that in the movie, this was done as torture to aggravate an already brutal act of rape.)

I think this would be amazingly powerful for so many reasons. Beyond merely the obvious doubling of pleasure, both partners would know exactly the effect of every pleasurable thing they did and have incredibly heightened awareness of what their partner needed.

The level of intimacy would be off the charts, off the hook, and off the cross.
15:27 / 26.03.04
In "Oath of Fealty" by Larry Niven, There was some people linked via computer who had sex, much like the above post really. Now that would be interesting.
15:36 / 26.03.04
Pretty fucking unimaginable really. I mean what the fuck would it be like to experience two conciousnessess simultaneously. Seems logically impossible now that I think about it, unless you imagine a third, 'observer' position.
8===>Q: alyn
15:38 / 26.03.04
W00T! Telepathic 3way!
15:43 / 26.03.04
Course, being a twin, I could in fact have a telepathic two-way (twins are psychic*).

I wouldn't want to do that either.

*Twins are also accompanied everywhere by fairground music.
15:50 / 26.03.04
As I see it, you're asking which is worse - to bonk somebody who's the same gender as your (borrowed) body, or the same gender as your personality. How upset is the true "owner" of that borrowed body going to be if you've "popped her cherry" with another girl?

to be fair not very as she's bi - but I see what you mean. However I disagree iszabelle because I don't think bodies are gay or straight but thinking makes them so - to paraphrase the prince. If one did bonk someone of the same gender (body wise) the real person wouldn't know even after you gave their body back, and I really doubt that there would be any residual side effects left buzzing around for the owner to deal with (excpet maybe a bit of leakage - but that's gross).

... all rather academic anyway!
beelzebub jones
16:35 / 26.03.04
one gay experience does not make you gay. like the time i did the football team and three of the coaches. that was just one time tho. it was more like wanking since the whole time i was thinking about my clone.
16:42 / 26.03.04
If you would fuck your clone you need to consider what next?

I had totally forgotten, but the last time this topic came up on the filth-obsessed twincest-rummaging 'lith, I wrote a short story about precisely that. Like, what if one of you goes off the other? Wouldn't that be the saddest thing in the world? And who gets to keep the "real" you bits - the family, chums, any existing partners? And does the other one - who gets to start a whole new life - really get the best end of the deal? Or do you split up the goodies and timeshare?

I've seen a documentary in which Joanna Lumley met her own Tussuard's waxwork, and judging by how freaked out she was (and she's a cool lady), I think it would be too unsettling. Your would be perpetually "Oh. So that's what I look like from that angle."

(Does anyone else want to see Bobossboy and Bobosstwin making a hardhitting anti-clone-shagging public information advertisement - "Twincest. Put it out. Right out." - with fairground music?)
16:45 / 26.03.04
residual side effects left buzzing around for the owner to deal with (excpet maybe a bit of leakage - but that's gross)

Residual side effects like the memories of the other girl? "It's so nice to know that you had a really good time with me, but I have no idea what you're talking about..."

And if you're the kind of cad who doesn't clean up when you're finished, I really don't want to know about it!
16:45 / 26.03.04
NO WAY am I going to fuck me -

I'll just promise that I love me and wait till I'm asleep and nick all the booze and set the toilet on fire.

Fucking ASSHOLE.

Bloody MEN.
18:11 / 26.03.04
Shame on you, you sick, sick, people.

*troll, troll, troll.*
21:00 / 26.03.04
Residual side effects like the memories of the other girl? "It's so nice to know that you had a really good time with me, but I have no idea what you're talking about..."
Yes - I guess. Hadn't thought of that. doh. ...but after you'd swapped back it wouldn't really matter! - after all you don't know what they've been up to with yours... oh, that is quite a nasty thought. brrrr.

And if you're the kind of cad who doesn't clean up when you're finished, I really don't want to know about it!
The Prince of All Lies
21:58 / 26.03.04
I think that those of us who'd "make delicate romantic love" (so as to not offend any-1) to our clones are really perverts and those who wouldn't get in the sack with themselves are just repressed pervs..

Besides, shagging your twin isn't the same as your clone...when I opened this thread I meant "identical clone", not in a medical way but in a more Sci-Fi way. The ones who don't wanna do their twins is because Twincest, as someone aptly called it, is like any other kind of incest, whereas "making wet and beautiful love juices" with your clone (or your alternate self) would be like pleasuring yourself---with yourself...

I don't know, really, maybe when/if I met my clone I'd be too stunned..probably him/me wouldn't like being "penetrated where nature didn't foresee" or maybe he wouldn't go for it..I'm not THAT easy..
The Tower Always Falls
02:02 / 27.03.04
Yeah, the whole hetero/homo bi-polar disorder is a bit of a false dichotomy in my opinion- so the "are you gay" question with a clone is pretty moot.

Seriously, I honestly think that if it's EXACTLY the same person- then it falls more under the realm of masturbation than "sex". Now a twin is not a clone, in my mind. (And feel free to correct any erroneous assumptions Boss...) Now, yes, they are physical clones, but they were raised together AS siblings, and so treat each other as such. But say you just meet said clone randomly, with no previous familial bonds or anything. I think that's fair game. (Granted, we can start getting head-shoppy as we dicusss at what point out of the incubation chamber does the clone achieve "person-hood". Is it that instant of creation or doe he need a few minutes?)

Anyone else getting that Buffy flashback where the evil Willow from the vampire universe crossed over and licked good Willow's neck/cheek?
09:32 / 27.03.04
* tentpeg *

Oh... um. Sorry.

* desperately bashes offending Architectural Trouser Feature in the hope it will retract *
11:35 / 27.03.04
Yeah, the whole hetero/homo bi-polar disorder is a bit of a false dichotomy in my opinion- so the "are you gay" question with a clone is pretty moot.

Er, whole other topic, but, may I be the first to say, it sure doesn't feel like a false dichotomy to me.

You know, at first I brought up the twin issue just to rank people out, but it's got me thinking...

Equating having it off with your sf clone with masturbation seems a little spurious to me. We seem to be missing out the issue of otherness. The second another you comes into existence they are not you any more, they will make their own decisions, act on their own volition develop their own concerns, interests, hobbies, cares, beliefs, fascinations, friendships etc, bloody, etc...

The point is, their would be another person present. A person very similar to yourself but crucially not you. That would be a logical impossibility.

Also the idea that we possess complete self knowledge are therefore know that we would have a good time is patently false. To quote me earlier

I think the idea that we would necessarily get on with our SF clones is pretty dubious, let alone want to fuck them. Standing outside your own body you might find yourself hideously unattractive. What about all the things about yourself that only others know, or know better than you?

Perhaps you have bad breath. Perhaps you're boney in all the wrong places. Perhaps your desires require someone with quite different enthusiams; Earlier I used the example of sado-masochism to make this point, quite a heavy handed example, granted, but it should get us all thinking. What subtler dissonances might exist between you and your clone. Christ, you might find that people who breathe like you are irritating.
11:37 / 27.03.04
Uggh, typo attack.
13:19 / 27.03.04
To avoid any confusion, I'm not arguing that shagging your clone would necessarily be horrible, just that it might be. I'm trying to bring a little bit of unknowableness back into the discussion.
Char Aina
01:58 / 28.03.04
worried about your wanking?
11:03 / 28.03.04
Seriously, I honestly think that if it's EXACTLY the same person- then it falls more under the realm of masturbation than "sex".

If there is carnal knowledge then the act of love has been made - buggery can never be classified as masturbation (IMHO)

What I really want to know is when you both wake up in the morning, how do you decide which one of you goes to work and the other gets to kick back?

Then there's the problem that your clone might decide ze doesn't want to go to work anymore, then you're stuck going to work everyday and having to support 'yourselves' .. and .. err .. no, now my brain hurts .. it'll never work we're just too different ....I mean after all like bobossboy said if you are both identical at the moment your SF Clone appears, you are bound to diverge from that moment on and become individuals ... isn't that how it's supposed to work? or am I back to the nature/nurture argument AGAIN!

Twincest ... what an ace word!
20:38 / 28.03.04
Have any of you read The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger? Not only is it a really good book, but it has a sort of variation on this quandry. The main character time travels constantly, and often ends up meeting himself at various points. At one point his teenage self time travels a few days into the past/future and he ends up sleeping with his actual self (no need for clones or twins!). His (their?) father walks in on them and is utterly disgusted... But really what I am asking, is, is it any better if it's time travel?

I wouldn't sleep with my clone, I think... I don't know though... I have a feeling I wouldn't find myself attractive But then again, why not? I don't know if it is really any different than masturbation... I guess it depends if the clone has a life independant of you or not... Has my clone just been made for my sexual pleasure, or what? That would be weird.
21:57 / 28.03.04
The Man Who Folded Himself by David Gerrold has very similar stuff. He goes a bit further though. The protagonist can time travel, but he travels to alternate realities where he still exists, so he can meet up with himself each time. He ends up having sex with himself, more than once, and different hims set up a pool resort at the end (or beginning, I forget) of time where a lot of older versions perve over younger ones.

Gerrold is a terrible writer but he does have some interesting ideas.
00:49 / 29.03.04
Bobossboy has points.

I'd still do my clone. And we'd TEAR UP the dance floor.
14:58 / 29.03.04
I don't know if it is really any different than masturbation... I guess it depends if the clone has a life independant of you or not... Has my clone just been made for my sexual pleasure, or what?

Sorry Jester, I honestly don't understand what you mean by "I guess it depends if the clone has a life independent of you or not...". Surely a clone, if slaved to oneself, would possess no personality, and would, therefore, not be clone of the kind talked about. Surely what is craved by clone-shagging enthusiasts is the experience of fucking someone just like them, someone possessing identical desires, passions, kinks, someone who knows exactly what turns them on. What you seem to be proposing is a sex-robot.


I have a feeling I wouldn't find myself attractive But then again, why not?

Why not? Because of all the reasons I listed above. Maybe an anecdote will help illustrate my points.
When I was 16 my girlfriend explained that she often didn't enjoy sexual intercourse with me because my hip bones jutted out in all the wrong places. Now then, how do you know whether your body will be compatible with an identical body? Simple answer: you don't. Why not? Because this is the kind of information that others know about you - that can only be learnt by experiencing you as a seperate entity. And this is only one particularly crude example.
The Natural Way
17:12 / 29.03.04
The topic abstract's interesting, isn't it? Now I'm less inclined to take the piss out of my bro's be-bearded responses. Thraxx, you guys thought you were being serious, non? Serious AND meaningful....


I can only concur with Boboss - I have no interest whatsoever in sticking my mange in him. It would feel nothing like masturbation. That is horrible. You guys are rank. Narcissistic and rank.

And, Chesed, what's all this "tearing up the dancefloor" bollocks? Don't be sad.
17:31 / 29.03.04
It's always ALWAYS been about desire, Spal.

At the places I go, I engineer most of it myself, but times two? Lawd ha' mercy. I'm far from sad, darlin.
18:27 / 29.03.04
Sorry Jester, I honestly don't understand what you mean by "I guess it depends if the clone has a life independent of you or not...". Surely a clone, if slaved to oneself, would possess no personality, and would, therefore, not be clone of the kind talked about. Surely what is craved by clone-shagging enthusiasts is the experience of fucking someone just like them, someone possessing identical desires, passions, kinks, someone who knows exactly what turns them on. What you seem to be proposing is a sex-robot.

Well, I don't know, people seem to be suggesting a variety of different types of clones... From the more realistic kind that start out as babies to ones that seem to be the same age as you... As the whole propersition only seems to be about the sex you may or may not want to have with your clone, rather than the other miriad things that might be interesting/disturbing about being cloned. Although I was.. you know, half joking or whatever. I don't see why a clone that had been created for just the purpose of sex wouldn't necessarily 'possess identical desires, passions, kinks, and know exactly what turns you on'.

Why not? Because of all the reasons I listed above. Maybe an anecdote will help illustrate my points.
When I was 16 my girlfriend explained that she often didn't enjoy sexual intercourse with me because my hip bones jutted out in all the wrong places. Now then, how do you know whether your body will be compatible with an identical body? Simple answer: you don't. Why not? Because this is the kind of information that others know about you - that can only be learnt by experiencing you as a seperate entity. And this is only one particularly crude example.

I think the self loathing that would ensue (for ME at any rate) would be much worse than any physical mismatching. But, just like with ordinary people, how would you know if you matched up with an identical person or not, any more than your 16 year old girl friend knew before she slept with you?

Anyway, I don't mean to be particularly defending the idea of having sex with your own clone... I still wouldn't really want to...
The Natural Way
22:08 / 29.03.04
Not Spalliance. Boboss.

God, I really am getting a little carried away with this thread.

Well, I don't know, people seem to be suggesting a variety of different types of clones...

Hmm, not sure about this, but to save time wasting I am going to define terms. I was specifically responding to the sf clone, or, in layman's terms, someone utterly identical to oneself.
Why was I responding to that definition of clone specifically? Well, firstly, because a number of people expousing the "I'd like to fuck my clone" line made it quite clear that this was the kind of clone they were talking about. Secondly, because many other posters had expressed the notion that having sex with your clone would be like masturbation. Now, whilst I disagree strongly with that description, the only way I know to make sense of it is to assume that people are talking about making it with someone identical to themselves - in every sense. Why? Because masturbation is, by definition, to gratify oneself sexually.
Lastly, intuitively I feel that this is the most sexually appealing (or at least intruiging) proposition. What would it be like to have sex with me? Not me ten years ago. Not me in the future. Not a genetically identical clone possessing none of my desires, experiences etc... Not my twin. No, I'm talking about having it off with myself. Surely that's what all the fuss is about?

I have to say, however, your time travel example does spice up the argument.

I don't see why a clone that had been created for just the purpose of sex wouldn't necessarily 'possess identical desires, passions, kinks, and know exactly what turns you on'.

I didn't argue that they wouldn't. I was merely responding to "I guess it depends if the clone has a life independent of you or not..." in the paragraph quoted. To reiterate, it they don't possess "life independent of you" then I would ask how it is possible for them to possess their own desires etc...? Unless, as I have stated, we are talking about some kind of simulcrum.

And then we get into all kinds of debates about androids and robots and identity theory and... let's not go there.

I think the self loathing that would ensue (for ME at any rate) would be much worse than any physical mismatching.

Yep, I said it was crude example, but the principle has much subtler applications.
I have also argued elsewhere, that your desires may exclude another you. See my posts regarding S&M and homosexuality.

But, just like with ordinary people, how would you know if you matched up with an identical person or not, any more than your 16 year old girl friend knew before she slept with you?

I never said you would. In fact you have simply rephrased my original point. I have only ever argued that doin' your clone might be a little more complicated than some have allowed for.

End of essay

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