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Sex And The City


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Jack Vincennes
08:23 / 26.03.04
However, I found to my chagrin that there are lots of very funny episodes.

This is always the problem I have... that whilst much of the time I find the characters frustrating and annoying, it will occasionally be genuinely amusing. ("You know that Charlotte really likes someone when she uses their surname, because it means she is imagining the monogrammed bath towels") As with many others in this thread, it's the fact that it's not marketed as 'just sometimes-funny show' that insprires the occasional bile-filled attack.

Incidentally, for anyone else who both reads X-Statix and watches SATC -did you notice that Carrie in the penultimate episode was dressed as "Surrender Monkey"? That was amusing, too...
Liger Null
22:47 / 31.03.04
Has anyone read the book? The girls smoke pot, snort coke, attend orgies and experiment with lesbianism. Much funnier, much more subversive, and MUCH more interesting than the series.
08:53 / 23.06.04
Okay. About Samantha's cancer and the way she got herself an appointment with a specialist. I'm not saying it was right, but how would you feel if it was you? There are certain circumstances that make you go against your morals because of the severity of the situation. Plus, although she queue-jumped, she got the nun in too. So there.

Re: Miranda, the back washing scene was beautiful. Married life is not a bed of roses but her character changed from being pretty selfish in early eps, to being utterly selfless because of the love she feels for Steve.

And finally the affection I have for the show is often because it portrays women who are stylish, successful and bright who fuck up constantly. They're not perfect or even particularly likeable, but they give this ex-geeky-teen hope.

One particular event I recall: I was working at a very upmarket car showroom as a receptionist (it stocked Ferraris and Lotus) and had had a Pret noodle thingy for lunch. It was full of sesame seeds. An absolutely gorgeous bloke came in looking for a car and I flirted outrageously with him for a good 10 mins. I went to the loo. I looked in the mirror. There were about 4 sesame seeds stuck to my face. They had been there the entire time I'd been trying to act cool and sophisticated. I DIDN'T CARE! IT WAS FUNNY! One reason I didn't completely freak out about this and saw the funny side was because we've all been treated to watching Carrie get humiliated infront of her dream men.
D Terminator XXXIII
23:08 / 26.06.04
I'm a woman. Is it OK if I say that women are all obsessed with clothes, getting a man, cosmo love quizzes and babies? Well, no it's not.

Yes it is. 'Though not Cosmo love quizzes, in my opinion, 'cos it's not available the world over. I can (or can't) just imagine a poor black, legless woman trying to make sense of the darn, indecipherable English, while her starving children vye for her attention.

Having finally seen some of the latter episodes, my hunch was satisfied with what I saw: the show was too wildly succesful and 'IT' for a couple of seasons to be as interesting as the original reason why it became succesful.

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