Certainly, there is a view that acts of this kind are a necessary evil
Yep. Sharon's inclination has always been to a militaristic view, in which your own casualities are an unfortunate neccessity,
Well, i'm convinced: I know those wheelchair-bound pensioners can be a real hazard to military helicopters....
Well, it's a show of force, isn't it, perhaps to pave the way for honourable withdrawal, as opposed to what Sharon sees as the 'disgraceful' Israeli 'surrender' of the Lebanon.
And to be honest, all this 'frail old man' business, (it's been all over the media) is bollocks. I'm in no way an Isreali apologist, but Yassin was one of the powers behind Hamas, who are unapologetic about their dseire to eradicate Israel. We're not talking about a harmless Chelsea pensioner here.
IMO, Sharon's got what he wanted all along. As have Hamas. And peace is nowhere. |