I have gone through my posts again to see where people are losing me, I feel like people are missing my points, and I don't want to keep repeating them. Also people are nit picking through semantics with what I am saying. Some people seem to be saying that politics 'is important' to spirituality, without any reasons. That the fighting that causes denominational breakdowns is a spiritual activity. Sad.
grant: thank you for the links, I will read up. And yes I know there is different interpretation of who Jesus was (a large basis for denominational differences). But it's all interpretations of JESUS. and it shouldn't be about the interpretations, it should be about the teachings.
Grey area: I want insight from this forum. I have never really discussed by views like this before and I feel a lot of hostility towards them, only because other people also hold strong views as well, whether it's the view of a particular religion, or the view that one must be sensitive towards all views which seems to be the most popular because you can hold that view and be religious, atheist or agnostic.
Starskey: (creative name, I want to see that movie) Maybe if I knew everything that would be enough? Certainly there are holes in my knowledge of Christianity and Religion (no one knows it all) Also I plan to improve my knowledge of these things through time as knowledge is a life long process (is there any end to the accumulation of knowledge?). But to be honest, religious doctrines and rituals bore me to tears (just me). Also I like the way you worded the question (you've done this before). I would like to have seen where this thread would have gone if I didn't post anything (probably along the lines of religious politics and such)
Baz: I certainly could have. Religions aren't spiritual, people are.
Information: Thanks for all the info on the books, ("Book 4" By Aleister Crowley, "The Meaning of Christ for Our Age" By F. Aster - www.alibris.com. )
Mindless memorization of prayers seems dare I say, hollow, just as it is in the self-hypnosis of chant meditation. I've had to memorize lots of prayers as a member of the Catholic Church and in my attendance at Anglican Church services. I agree, meditation is very hard, but well worth the effort.
Oh, and I have also said the rosary many times, and my rosary was made out of rosemary 
Ex: You have an individual view of spirituality it appears, just as I do. Yours is that it is some sort of chameleon that changes with a person’s belief. We could also have many views, say, on the shape of the earth, one says it's flat, the other round. No need to cause hostility and say who's right, right. Maybe its a cube, why limit ourselves. My point is the nature of spirit might have only one nature. The nature of gravity doesn't work differently for different people.
(*side note - are you a musician? I am a classical/jazz musician - John Coltrane is God 
I would say Christianity is popular because of tradition and the way it has been thrust upon people throughout history, and the way parents thrust it upon their children. People love to love their own culture.
Flyboy: Sorry, no more trying to be clever for me. I still state that denominational differences are superficial because they are only political/interpretational differences. When I said 'everyone has to swear the same creed' I meant in a single church not all Christians. I know there are different denominations with different views. I am going to say that for 'most' churches, if you want to be a member of the church (want to get married their, whatever) you usually have to be baptized or swear something or generally agree with the churches ideologies. Maybe I'm not always clear when I write. I assume when you say you 'attending churches' you meant becoming a member, because that is what I am talking about. Also I agree that religious people (and spiritual people) are often made fun of in film and media. Why? Because the artist has different views on the subject which causes hostility between him and others. So what's the answer? Tolerance of everyone’s views? Impossible. Even if this is your view then you are in contradiction when my view of having no views is put forth, or if someone’s view is intolerant. You can't reconcile that. Not everyone’s views are right, that's a fact.
Seth: anything? How about nothing except the truth, the spirit. Accept life you say. How defeatist. I will not accept life as it is, it must be improved. A very Christian sentiment. Christ suffered on the cross and now we all must suffer, we can't escape it. Life sucks, live with it. Thanks.
lllmatic: If someone says their Christian, then that defines them and you understand what they mean is my point. Jesus is the truth for Christians, no matter how they 'choose' to define him.
Like you said, you've only been to church a few times, you didn't become a member, did you? All that chanting and singing they do is a reinforcement of their beliefs.
Sometimes the more information you have the more confused you can be. Read the article about choice in the new edition of Scientific American. Too much choice can cause confusion and depression. Most knowledge is unimportant anyway (unless you want to win on Jeopardy). Doctrinal differences are the politics of religion. I haven't changed my view, but hopefully have made it clearer.
Stoatie: "tell me one ideology or belief that doesn't have problems." I can't, they all have problems, which is the very problem with society. We divide ourselves through belief and ideology.
(www.jiddukrishnamurti.info) or read the wisdom of Einstein or Gandhi. No one is better. You are the only one. Agnostics are just as bad, yes. Thanks, I will try to 'deal with it' instead of trying to end conflict.
Anna: Holy-nitpicking. OK, yes they define Jesus differently, but it's still Jesus. "When you say Jesus is truth you appear to be claiming that Jesus is the same truth for every Christian but he's not". No this is not what I am saying, but nice try.
"ajm, your idea doesn't work and your discussion is failing because you're wilfully ignoring what spirituality is. " No one here is even trying to discuss spirituality, mostly semantics.
grants: I've never heard of Copts, I will check it out. I'm sure I'm not the only one ignorant of this group.
Jack: great post. Like I said, I'm going to check that out.
One more rant.
Socrates was right in saying that the only thing you can be 'certain' of is your own ignorance. You can't approach truth/God intellectually; it is only experienced, felt, understood not through words (beliefs/ideas/opinions) but through intuition. This is hard to grasp and many of you don't (which is fine). People find truth through learning about political/doctrinal differences and accepting a belief? I would say I doubt it, but I know this is not the case. I can 'know' its raining if I go outside, but if I stay indoors I have to form a belief (which is completely influenced by superficial cultural beliefs). We must kill the mundane self to understand who we really are. We must be whole, not fragmented humans, holding on to our beliefs, which are created by the mind. Jesus said "BEHOLD the kingdom of God is WITHIN you", not in the church or up in the sky or even in me.
Encyclopedic knowledge also won't get you closer to the truth, sure its fun to debate and flex the old head muscle, but 'truth' won't come to us no matter how much knowledge of pop culture, religion or the history of the world we have. Wisdom and insight is what we need, and you don't need any knowledge to have it. It is possible to have all the knowledge of all the great minds and still not 'understand' a word. One can spend a lifetime just trying to understand one of them (ie. Einstein, Teilhard de Chardin, Buddha, Jesus, Krishnamurti, Socrates, Coltrane to name a few)
I feel like people are still just reading my words and not trying to understand them. But it's hard to understand when people have strong beliefs. If no one responds to me again I promise I won't post anymore. I am more of a reader anyway.
I appreciate everyone’s opinions. Thanks.
"The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. The religion which based on experience, which refuses the dogmatic." - Einstein
"In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves." - Siddhartha Buddha
"Truth is eternal, knowledge is changeable. It is disastrous to confuse them." -Anonymous |