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Good news for terrorists? (Spanish Election Results)


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12:56 / 17.03.04
Yes, you wrong. I was looking at 'regime change messages' in general.
ibis the being
14:45 / 17.03.04
"The plain fact is that the Spanish electorate displayed craven cowardice by electing the Socialists" (New York Post)

The New York Post is a blatantly conservative, Bush admin cheerleader rag. I'm not saying that to excuse or dismiss your quote, only to qualify it for those who don't know. In Boston we have the very similar Herald. The NY Times and Boston Globe are usually recognized as the slightly better, or at least less sensational, major US newspapers. (Though hardcore Republicans would call them tools of the "liberal media.")
pachinko droog
17:44 / 17.03.04
Getting back to the topic abstract, I think ultimately it depends on where you're talking about. Also, don't forget that one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter (As in Palestine, N.Ireland, S.Africa, Colombia, etc.)

Maybe Spain was poised all along for a tip towards electing a socialist PM, and the attack simply catalyzed a future eventuality?

The problem with the "War on (Some) Terror" is that it has caused us (ie. the US) to view the world with blinders on. There are more power blocs out there than pro- and anti-US, after all. Its a simplistic division (like pro- and anti-communist) that hides more complex problems emerging in different parts of the world. Our inability to aprehend that complexity has only served to back us into an ideological corner (ie. the neocon/PNAC weltanschaung), one that is becoming increasingly difficult to extract ourselves from. (We're going to be militarily involved for years in Iraq and Afghanistan, after all, and there are signs on the event horizon that Syria and other nations may not be far behind.) Its also an ideological black hole that serves as both self-fullfilling prophecy and as an inadvertent means to isolate ourselves further from the world much support does the US really have now for what it is doing, not only in Iraq but elsewhere?

Perhaps that is what the bombings in Spain helped illustrate more than anything else. Whereas various governments may pledge support for the US campaign against Al-Qada, the populace under those govts. may hold views completely in opposition to such involvement. (One need only look at Turkey, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia to see how dangerous this is becoming).
17:50 / 17.03.04
that term has me in stitches "liberal media"

I have no figures to hand but over here in the UK, on the right we have

The Sun (R Murdoch)

The Daily Mail (Right wing Little Englander nonsense,we still have an Empire)

The Telegraph (Right Wing but well written)

The Times (again Mr Murdoch)

The Star (rag mag full of tits that wishes it had the circulation of the Sun....still full of "FUCK jOHNNY fOreigner stupidity")

The Express (which claims to be owned by a liberal left winger but in actual faxt is the most xenophobic and right wing next to the Daily Mail)

In the middle we have "the Independant" ....pretty unbiased either way but low circulation

then more left wing we have the Mirror and the Guardian

So it is plain to see that the vast majority of Brits are getting their daily diet of news from Right wing leaning papers

Shit Even Tony Blair had to become a Right Wing stooge to get elected.

As for the issue in hand, I (like cusm) believe that polls are a sham and are used to shape public opinion more than display it. A lot of people on here are interested in magick and it is no secret that if you can control the unconscious processes of masses of people, there is likely to be an effect.

The war in Iraq was unpopular in Spain (as it was in Britain) prior to the war commencing. When a war starts, often swing voters will forget their objections and just hope their own boys come home alive. This can account for polls (if you believe them!) showing an upsurge when the war actually begins

Aznar was unpopular before the war for agreeing to go along with it. Most Spaniards recognised (just MY opinion) that this war had nothing to do with Al Queda......Saddam had reason to fear Fundamentalists as much as we in the West. The Spanish people I believe recognised that instead of fighting terrorism, this war was likely to build resentment in the Muslim world and add to the recruits joining Fundamentalist organisations.

He may have been blamed for politicising the tragedy and trying to blame ETA but he might also be receiving residual resentment for what the Spanish people might quite rightly see, as creating a quagmire that their troops should never have gotten involved in (all just my opinion again)

As somebody said in a post above, unfortunately we in Britain have no such option, the only other electable party being Pro War also.
Spain's result was actually quite cheering for me

It Disproved my long held suspicion that democracy is dead. For example in the upcoming US debacle, we have the choice between George Bush or John Kerry

WOW! Two Skull and Bones men

Kerry to me is the lesser of two evils but I doubt that the average hard working American joe will see any difference as Kerry will support the same policies that are allowing millions of jobs to go to call centres and sweatshops in Asia.

At least Spain (on the surface .....only time will tell) seems to have proved that despite the pressure that the CIA and who knows what other shadowy foreign powers bring to bare.......a sovereign state can stand up to pressure from the worlds' only superpower

I am Not Anti American.....far from it. But to the rest of the world, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the US is being run by a gang of corrupt bastards with nothing but their own profit being their concern...they hold all the cards, put up all the candidates and sadly for the rest of us, we here in Europe are racing headlong to emulate you!!!!!! Our own elections are often between two candidates who if you trace them back are funded by the same people or organisations.

I voted for Blair and I now hate him with a vengance. Sadly I hate Michael Howard his opposition even more as when he was last in Government he was shown to be a thoroughly amoral man who bent the law to aid his family members evade drug charges.
ibis the being
18:27 / 17.03.04
Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and the Netherlands may pull out of Iraq as well.

But hey, at least we've still got South Korea on our side.
19:09 / 17.03.04
Hey ibis

I was laughing at the term "Liberal media"

NOT your use of it. Sorry the way it looked in my last response, it seemed like I wwas taking offence when I read it back and I wasn't. It just makes me laugh when the Republicans cry foul when it is obvious most of the US news outlets are basically in league with the Government, most of the time. It amazes me as an outsider to see the lack of actual debate that goes on in the US media......quite extraordinary.....Sadly we are following suite here......our own news is little more than rapid soundbytes these days

Even the once proud BBC is starting to emulate 'fox' Sky news right down to the vacuous and ill informed newsreaders (presenters)
22:19 / 17.03.04
Even the once proud BBC is starting to emulate 'fox' Sky news right down to the vacuous and ill informed newsreaders (presenters)

Even when that's not a problem, the Beeb's got its tail seriously between its legs. It makes me sick when I hear Humphrys going out of his way on "Today" to make sure that he's not legally gonna be liable for saying anything inflammatory, or being seen (heard) to be encouraging others to do the same. (Not that I'm blaming Humphrys- his ass is one of those on the line after the Kelly farrago; guilt by association. And he's still one of the best broadcasters we've got.)
ibis the being
12:42 / 18.03.04
That's all right Joe, I understood that.
Likewise, due to sloppy reading, I didn't realize at first that Haus had already named the Post among the ranks of yellow journalism, sorry for repeating him.
Baz Auckland
15:45 / 18.03.04
Poland may withdraw its 2,400 soldiers early...
09:34 / 19.03.04
So hang on... the majority of the troops are coming home... and, if I read the tabloids right, the majority of the indigenous population are coming here to steal our jobs/women/donkeys...

Who's gonna be left?

Oh... I see...

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