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14:12 / 11.03.04
I'm posting in the magic forum from now on, the only place where i can post without wanting to go insane. Or anywhere else that doesn't have the name conversation on it, i feel like i'm spending half the time mixing with some type of elite upper class or something.

I'll come back if something looks like too much to fun to avoid, or if some of the toffs in here pull their heads out of their asses, which is highly doubtfull.

Watch that mud, and the vulgar.
14:13 / 11.03.04
"B-but... hang on... I've just posted in the Conversation again! D'oh!"
14:16 / 11.03.04
I'll come back if something looks like too much to fun to avoid

oh goody. I'll wait here then. Off you plop Jack, close the door on your way out.
Spatula Clarke
14:33 / 11.03.04
You elitist wankers just don't understand my revolutionary comedy stylings. I'll be in the toilet, pulling one off from now on, unless you snobs suddenly realise you can't do without me and promise me a handjob or something if I come back.

Yeah! You fucking sheep!

It is to laugh.
14:43 / 11.03.04
Yeah, all you facists in here with your "jokes" and your so called "humour" and high browed "laughs" and exclusionary totalitairan "friends".

I'm holding my breath till we all start fighting the man. Wake up, sheeple! I'm turning blue here till someone else starts the revolution!!!

C'mon, Jack, aren't we gonna get yet another apology?

*sets watch*
15:43 / 11.03.04
How come this thread died so quickly? It's almost as if no one gives a shit.
8===>Q: alyn
15:47 / 11.03.04
Oops! I never saw it.

Don't let the doorknob hitcha where the good Lord splitcha!
8===>Q: alyn
15:48 / 11.03.04
Darn it, now I feel mean. J. Frost never did anything to me.
Spatula Clarke
15:49 / 11.03.04
He spat in your drink when you had your back turned. I saw it.
Bed Head
15:58 / 11.03.04
’aaaaaar, no! i've just shit meself and it's not even ten in the morning! muuuuuuum!’

I don’t think Je m'appelle Gambit got any plaudits for this high-quality slapdown at the time, but it still works just as well now, exactly one month later, so I re-present the moment for your comedy enjoyment.
8===>Q: alyn
16:01 / 11.03.04
Well, plaudits for for the X-man, then. Hey, JFrost said poo!
Tryphena Absent
18:19 / 11.03.04
I'm posting in the magic forum from now on, the only place where i can post without wanting to go insane. Or anywhere else that doesn't have the name conversation on it

Hangon, you're posting on the entire board except for conversation? So the point of this announcement is... that you don't like one forum? Thanks for that.
18:27 / 11.03.04
I am only going to post topics in the various forums EXCLUDING the policy from now on. Unless it's interesting. I will post freely everywhere else, but I am forbade (by myself) to post anything OTHER than topics in 3 out of 4 spectacle forums.

Let's start a thread to let everyone know exactly where and what we're going to post, at all times! These things need to be kept track of, you know.

Looking at the actual board doesn't cut it.
Spatula Clarke
18:35 / 11.03.04
I'm only going to post in this thread for the next couple of minutes. I might go back the rest of the board afterwards, but don't count on it.
Spatula Clarke
18:35 / 11.03.04
How did the job interview go, Johnny?
18:39 / 11.03.04
It was ok, it was the longest interview I've ever had, though. It was like a proper interview with all sorts of questions about "teams" and "targets" and I wanted to shout "BUT IT'S A SHITTY PART TIME DATA ENTRY JOB FOR £4.75 AN HOUR! JESUS!".

I just don't think it was really worth anyone's effort, y'know? I think it went ok, though. I did think afterwards when asked "what I would bring to the team" I should have answered "pure race hatred and foul language" but I don't think they would have been ready for that.

I did, however, point out that there would be a large supply of bitter sarcasm.
Spatula Clarke
18:43 / 11.03.04
Did they not test out yr mad data entry skillz while you were there?
8===>Q: alyn
18:45 / 11.03.04
Probably a mistake, JS.

It is crazy the contortions you're expected to make for the least desirable jobs, but they have to justify not hiring you somehow. And then there's makework. I have a friend who works for an upscale cosmetics store, one of those boutiquey kinds of places that prides itself on being too good for marketing... yet she still has to bother customers to get on the mailing list, etc, because idle counterpeople are somehow "unprofessional". Um, my profession is to stand behind this counter, and don't you see me doing it?

Uh, hello. This rambling aside brought to you by Qalyn's late-mid-afternoon sugar buzz. We now return you to the Bug Jack Frost Show, already in progress.
18:45 / 11.03.04
No, I've had about a million tests. Also - I did it for a full time job for about 3 months. (I want that time back, please).

I secretly hope I haven't got it, because I'm certain i could get something better. But I'm lazy.
18:50 / 11.03.04
Yeah. One of the requirements of these kind of jobs, I've discovered, is that you have to do whatever it is they ask you to do at any given time.

On my last job I was singled out for mail sorting three days on the trot. I don't mind the data entry, I'm comfortable and can listen to music all day. But I was sorting out all the mail that gets sent to readers fucking digest! I thought I was supposed to work for British Gas - but no. I have to do whatever my team manager person tells me, even if it's not what I'm supposed to do. You're not allowed to suggest that perhaps someone else could do it - and I was reprimanded for asking if I could do something else, or if someone else could do it. It was great! They told me they didn't have time to train anyone else on what I was doing. Which - let me point out again - was opening letters. Getting the letter out. Putting it in a compartment. Yes.

I might just run out in to the night.
18:51 / 11.03.04

Sorry Jack, do come back and moan about it. Oh, go on.
Spatula Clarke
18:53 / 11.03.04
No way. We now pwn this thread. Can a convo mod change the title for us? Maybe to something like "HUZZAH! The most interesting thread in the world!" or "Conversation! - the bestest forum in the whole wide world, motherfucker!" Something with lots of exclamation marks in it. Maybe just "!!!!!" would suffice.
18:54 / 11.03.04
I think you're right.
8===>Q: alyn
18:55 / 11.03.04
Did you ever read Bug Jack Baron by Norman Spinrad? It's totally good. I read it when I was about 17, and remember almsot everything about it. But I've tried to read it several times since then and just can't get into it. It's about a talk show host who runs for President.
18:57 / 11.03.04
I never read that book. Tell us more.
8===>Q: alyn
18:58 / 11.03.04
No, you have to go out and read it yourself, you semi-literate buffoon.

Wait. Buffoon? Bufoon? Baffoon? That's one of those words that just never looks right.
18:59 / 11.03.04
Buffoon, you dolt! Look at your illitracy.

ho ho. Clever, eh?
19:00 / 11.03.04
I'm not going to read books when you were a punk kid, anyway. I am way cleverer than you. Tell me what you read when you were 25. Don't insult my inteligents.
8===>Q: alyn
19:04 / 11.03.04
Hmm. When I was 25 I got into Borges, I think. Go read some Borges! He's awesome.

Anyway, about stupid shit that goes on at work. I'm working on a part-time/temp basis at this place, where I work several weeks on and several weeks off, which I'm pretty comfortable with, except that they kept having me come in for, like, 3 days. If I work 3 days, I lose the rest of the week--no one is going to hire a freelancer for 2 days. But, okay, you only have 3 days worth of work. So, I came in at 8am, worked through lunch, and stayed till 6, to get as close to a full week's pay as possible. As far as I'm concerned, that's just the way it's fucking done! I got called into "the office", but they didn't even have the stones to confront me about it, but very passive-aggressively asked me nicely to work 9-5. Can you believe that shizzle?
Spatula Clarke
19:06 / 11.03.04
Why would anybody want to bug Keith Barron? Duty Free is one of the UK's finest televisual sweetmeats.
19:09 / 11.03.04
I cannot believe that shizzle. That shizzle's mad!

I just don't get any of that shizzle. Why do these people care about their shizzle? I would feel sorry for them but I want to hate on them. And their shizzle.

I can't work out of I'm parodying something, or mot. I think I just need to be silly or I'll get mad about all the shizzle I've had. Mad shizzle!
19:14 / 11.03.04
What do you freelance, Q? Am I Just being silly?
8===>Q: alyn
19:15 / 11.03.04
E. Randy, do you know that I pronounce your name, in my head, as "Errrrr... Randy?"

It's hilarious.
8===>Q: alyn
19:16 / 11.03.04
It's a secret, Sueadehead!
19:16 / 11.03.04
Say my name! Say my name! You goon.

I want to know. I'm gonna find out.

Are you a secret agent spy ?

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