BARBELITH underground

Subcultural engagement for the 21st Century...
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14:05 / 11.03.04
My, aren't your standards high?
Tryphena Absent
14:08 / 11.03.04
You can't be picky when you want a harem boyo, there just aren't that many people on this earth.
14:09 / 11.03.04
Why didn't you say you wanted a harem boyo?

**inserts leek in arse crack and parades up and down Anna's street, singing Men of Harlech**
14:13 / 11.03.04
Hold on! I didn't know I was getting into a harem deal! If you think me, Gray Area and Sax are gonna hang around in silk pajamas all day, peeling grapes and fending off advances from the palace guard, you can forget it!
Cat Chant
14:23 / 11.03.04
Honestly. I can't believe I am the only one upholding the standards of Barbelith. This place has gone all to pot and is probably dying.

I'll be counting on you two to toss me

Toss! Hahahahahahaha!!

There. Was that so hard?
Grey Area
14:28 / 11.03.04
...but I wouldn't mind spending all day in silk pajamas, peeling grapes and fending off the advances of the palace guard. In fact, compared to what I do all day right now that sounds like an idyllic existence. Not sure about the leek in my arse crack though. That would be taking it a bit too far.
Tryphena Absent
14:28 / 11.03.04
Dammit, my master plan is dying before my very eyes but wait... you'll never have to work again and I'll give you gifts, yes, many gifts and cake everyday for the rest of your lives.

Though I'm not sure I want Sax anymore, unless the rest of you suppress him adequately. I shall only allow him access to my humble, supreme being every third month. I hate leeks.
14:32 / 11.03.04
*looks around office*

... yeah, GA, you've got a point. I'm in! Anna! I'll cut you a deal - we'll only do it if we get a palanquin. Whatcha reckon?
Baz Auckland
16:09 / 11.03.04
I'll join the harem! Now... we just need to get a house to fit the 932 of us with 10 posts or more...
Grey Area
16:20 / 11.03.04
I second the call for a palanquin. Except that I request that it be one (1) palanquin per person. No offense Ill, but I can see times when you and I want to go different directions, and having only one palanquin would cause friction.

Housing 900+ people: I think Canary Wharf is still up for grabs?
22:25 / 11.03.04
Deva: Honestly. I can't believe I am the only one upholding the standards of Barbelith. This place has gone all to pot and is probably dying.

What you need is some posters, obviously (the cardboard kind you write on, rather than the cardboard kind that write on here). And some clever slogans. THEN we'll see the throngs of agitators rally 'round you!

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