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Haus, I'm calling you out...


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18:36 / 10.03.04
For example, the “Fade to Black” thread allowed members of Fade to Black to talk about poo

I searched the thread and there are zero mentions of poo. In fact, the letters "poo" only appear in sequence once, and that is in the phrase "poor boys psyches."

Note: new topic created to avoid threadrot.
18:48 / 10.03.04
Was it metaphorical poo?
18:55 / 10.03.04
Do you poo metaphorically? I don't. However, I didn't want this to be a discussion of how fridgemagnet poos, so please don't answer this question.

Perhaps Haus meant the term metaphorically, but not many people would take it that way. It seems to me that the comment was at least misleading, probably insulting and possibly defamatory.
19:07 / 10.03.04
Well, I produce metaphorical poo, so I must presumably be pooing metaphorically somewhere along the line.

Or must I? Do you have to poo to produce poo, if it's metaphorical poo and metaphorical pooing? I'm not convinced. I think once you enter the realms of metaphor, cause and effect don't necessarily apply. "You're just pissing about with that shit."
19:21 / 10.03.04
when i poo, i feel its more of a simile

unless i've got the beer shits, then it feels more like flaming, chili spouting hell than anything else

and is feeding your dog technically producing poo without pooing?
19:24 / 10.03.04
As I said, perhaps Haus meant the term metaphorically, but people are very likely to assume it was literal. It wasn't placed in a metaphorical context and there was no clear implication that he was resorting to metaphor.

He wrote that we talked about poo, which I find offensive. Why use the word "poo" rather than something we actually talked about (e.g., David Hasselhoff)?
19:28 / 10.03.04
whothehell@where, we cross-posted. Please don't start literally talking about poo here. It defeats the purpose.

NB: whothehell@where is not representative of all members of Fade to Black. Whether he is an individual who enjoys discussing poo is not at issue here.
19:31 / 10.03.04
I do not see the F2B-David Hasselhoff connection, unless it has something to do with Turk. We can be associated with POOP, however. POOP and F2B have a long history together, and we're damn proud of it.
19:34 / 10.03.04
Please don't assume to speak for all of us, Sugarimp.

Regardless, the thread mentioned by Haus contained no mention of poo or poop.
19:43 / 10.03.04
Perhaps someone went through
and cleaned up all the poo
it would be the thing to do
if there had been a slue
19:45 / 10.03.04
do you think dr. seuss wrote verses while baking bread?
8===>Q: alyn
19:50 / 10.03.04
I'm bored. Someone dare me to eat this lemon.
19:52 / 10.03.04
Lemon? I dare you to eat your POOP.
Mourne Kransky
19:53 / 10.03.04
Calling him out? Where's the fun in that. He's a champion fencer for crying out loud.

Now, asking Haus out. That would be a treat. Think of the rebarbative tongue tustle that would constitute dinner table conversation in a swanky London eatery and one can only surmise the depths of Wildean salaciousness to which the evening might later sink. Oh yes.
19:56 / 10.03.04
Sure, you never read "The Sot on the Pot" ???

Here's a sample:

"The sot ripped a sheet
and applied it to his seat
but by some blasted luck
the blasted thing got stuck!
He ripped another sheet
to try and do things neat
hoping not to repeat
the sticking to his seat!
But by his blasted luck
the second sheet got stuck
and by more blasted luck
his butt started to suck!
Each ripped sheet
applied to seat
went into his butt
til they were up to his gut!"

I won't quote anymore just because I'm afraid it might sound like we're talking about poo again.
20:01 / 10.03.04
What's wrong with talking about poo? It's natural... we all do it, even board moderators.
20:05 / 10.03.04
yeah, but they do it into each other's mouths
8===>Q: alyn
20:06 / 10.03.04
No one said there was anything wrong with it. You're projecting.
Murray Hamhandler
20:11 / 10.03.04
Projecting poo, even. With sphincter muscles of steel.
8===>Q: alyn
20:15 / 10.03.04
(shhh! I'm trying to get them to switch to vomit)
20:15 / 10.03.04
I can project poo better than any of you anal retentive bastards.
20:22 / 10.03.04
As Massykr 2004! (prev. qal*yn (n) a fresh feeling) said, nobody said there was anything wrong with it. That's not the point. The point is that is not what was discussed.

About a third of it was about David Hasselhoff and related issues, like Knight Rider. Some of it was housekeeping, like saying F2B was down, F2B back online again, and formulating a Topic Abstract. The remainder was too scattered to reasonably state a topic.
20:24 / 10.03.04
but if you had to pick a topic for the rest?

i'd go with minimalism
20:26 / 10.03.04
20:27 / 10.03.04
20:32 / 10.03.04
20:32 / 10.03.04
Minimalism would be OK, if preferred to David Haselhoff.

To keep this as simple as possible and avoid further threadrot, I'm going to propose two possible resolutions:

1. Haus edits his post to replace the word poo with David Hasselhoff.

2. Haus edits his post to replace the word poo with minimalism.

Let's get a quick show of hands and finish this up. Thereafter, it will be up to Haus to respond.
20:35 / 10.03.04
i vote: NO!

wait, repeat the options
20:37 / 10.03.04
You can vote "1" or vote "2". That is all.
20:39 / 10.03.04
Vote for Manimal!!!!

A vote for Manimal is a vote for all MAN and for ANIMALS!
20:40 / 10.03.04
i'm not some aboriginese to be pushed around by your overbearing australian ass!

i vote for bric-a-brac!
20:42 / 10.03.04
You can vote "1" (David Hasselhoff) or vote "2" (minimalism). That is all.

I'll take a vote for Manimal as a vote for minimalism because that makes sense in the context of the thread.

1 (David Hasselhoff): 0 votes
2 (minimalism): 1 vote
20:44 / 10.03.04

i demand a recount, my lawyers are in route to the couthouse as we speak
20:45 / 10.03.04
What's wrong with david hasselhoff? He had a talking car, fercrissakes.
20:48 / 10.03.04
he sings to germans

need i say more?

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