BARBELITH underground

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New people... Assemble!


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08:41 / 29.03.04
Right then...

I'm new here. I find this place HUGE really, and extremely interesting. I hope to expand my horizons a bit really. And you're UK based, which I like better than all the American boards I've been part of. Something about yer sense of humour I understand. I'm from New Zealand, I'm a Chef by trade. But I live in Arsetralia at the moment (sorry Gingerbob). I didn't even know this place had anything to do with Grant Morrison. My friend Toksik invited me to check this place out. I LUUUUURVE The Invisibles...and I'd been checking out Morrison's homepage quite a bit a few months ago...what a strange coincedence. OR IS IT.

By the way, I'm a little funny in the head.

In that I'm convinced I am actually a German U-Boat Captain.

If you can come to terms with this, I'm sure we'll get along JUST FINE.

Thank you for having me (not in the biblical sense but I hope to make some CLOSE friends here).
08:51 / 29.03.04
CLOSE you say..?, VERY CLOSE?
Grey Area
09:45 / 29.03.04
Or close as in "Err, it's getting a bit close in 'ere Capt'n sir..."
Prego the Werlf
10:11 / 29.03.04
Forgive me... I am not only new to the site, but also new to using computers and am only just getting used to the blinding head aches and night sweats that seem to come with staring into a screen for too long.
What an incredible device this thing really is, I have spent the last few years trying to find people to talk about some of this stuff with, and then four thousand come along at once. (busses are rubbish in comparrison.)However, while I am enjoying avoiding responsibillytiz while reading some of this, I do wonder why people are worried about 'newbies'. Surely the ideal number of members would be six billion and rising... NOOOOOO! The sad truth is that we have all learned that absolutely everybody else in the entire world is stupid and dangerous and not to be trusted. But then being new to the whole internet thing I have been thouroughly dissapointed with the lack of shit I've been getting. Where are George Bush's "Dark dungeons of the internet"? I have yet to be groomed once. Maybe I have but I dont understand the jargon enough to realize it. In closing, FEAR THE OTHER, and don't trust anything with more than two eyes/I's.
10:49 / 29.03.04
Well hi, I am yet another newbie. Yes, it is a bit daunting posting here as the intellectual level seems to be relatively high. May I just point out though that just because we are new does not necessarily we are all young. I, for one, am no longer. Young that is.
04:06 / 30.03.04
I'm not part of the evil new generation resistance.


I might be evil, and I might be new, but I try not to resist anything that comes in rainbow colours.

Other information = I followed a link on, this place looked spanky, I take too many breaks whilst in front of this thing. I've not looked at anything else yet (I always check out an introductiony place first) but this looks more than adequate for me to write quirky words and run around like a loon.

Oh. And I am not a techie but I know what Linux is.
04:07 / 30.03.04
And goddamit. I hate getting the top of the page post.
beelzebub jones
19:53 / 30.03.04
caution with strangers is healthy and change is inevitable. is that reassuring enough?
Char Aina
21:16 / 30.03.04
consider me cautiously reassured.
18:54 / 02.04.04

(for the newbies)
Mourne Kransky
19:30 / 02.04.04
Yeah, newbies, declare yourselves. All these other cuddly noobs have said Hi, i'm here, be nice to me, and that is a very good tactic. Make us want to be your friends and we'll roll over and let you tickle our tummies.

My tummy is eminently ticklable...
Saint Keggers
19:40 / 02.04.04
I like "New people...Assemble!".
Im expecting an "Old people...Transform and roll out!" thread.
Spatula Clarke
23:29 / 02.04.04
Shouldn't that be "Old people... disassemble!"?

(Note my embarrassment at not knowing how to punctuate that properly.)
00:19 / 03.04.04
I love how everyone has their balls out for examination here.
00:28 / 03.04.04
I think it's strange how loads of newbies keep arriving and hardly any of them post in this thread.
Bastard Tweed
04:01 / 03.04.04
Y'know I didn't think I came here to drive the poor board into oblivion but after the surprising amount of threads I've killed in a mere thirty three posts is beginning to make me wonder. In a sick way I kind of hope this continues; all throughout the land people will sing ballads and shout "Huzzah! Three cheers for threadkiller! Three cheers for thread killer!"

I'll sidle up into my favourite bar and people will whisper amongst themselves, "You see him?" "Yeah, what about him?" "That's the fellow that killed Barbelith. In less than eight months he swept from thread to thread and everywhere they lost their will to post. I understand the switchboard was the last to go." "My god. Him? But he looks so unassuming!" "Just keep your distance. When he's drunk enough we'll lure him under this precariously balanced anvil. . ."

(While I came in some months before the recent influx, I think my newbie status is abundantly apparent)
05:38 / 03.04.04
Hmmm... not sure what you'd consider "new", but I'm of a relative "newness"... either way, ya... love tha newbies... BOoYa, kids
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:00 / 03.04.04
Hello newbies. Would you like to see my kittens?
08:17 / 03.04.04
You dare call yourself new, Mike-O?!? Why, I'm almost twice as new as you are! I'm nearly NRFB! Near-Mint!
18:44 / 03.04.04
So new you're almost virginal, in fact... But you know the 'Lithers like it rough, so that won't last long... :P
12:07 / 04.04.04
Yes, I am one of that controversial species, the newbie. I joined after reading through a bunch of threads and deciding I wanted to play with the cool kids - I don't recall how I got here, though, it must have been one of those late night link-following rambles. The site just showed up in my bookmarks.

So, hello.
12:12 / 04.04.04
I think it's strange how loads of newbies keep arriving and hardly any of them post in this thread.

Oh Crap! Roll-call was it?

*rubs sleep from eyes*

"Ai-yup, Headmaster. Present, sir. Sine, that is, present."

*cough* *cough*

Better late than never, neh? Glad to be aboard...
eddie thirteen
04:42 / 05.04.04
Like, I *was* pretty new, but then there were about 1200 people after me. Now I feel kinda...old.
lonely as a cloud...
07:26 / 05.04.04
I'm also a newbie.
Please be gentle with me.
17:09 / 05.04.04
hello Im newbii too I had no idea that there wasa problem whith people gatecrashing this party. I have looked on the outside of this place once and a while and was very much impressed with the stuff I could see from out there but I took my time to open the door to the place. Sorry for the incoherence im tired and will go home soon, nice to be here anyway, and I most definitely promise not te be a bad person hmm.. a rule breaker hhmmm.. do open or covert evil deeds in writing with the aim of destroying this fine community. Promise.
Celeriac Is Ugly Vegetable
17:31 / 05.04.04
Evening to you and you. I am new, have never lurked here before and was directed here during a search for underground rivers. I guess I'll just go with the flow.

Give me a chance and I'll be your pal and favourite vegetable. Boil me with potatoes for say, 20 mins and add a big knob of butter and some pepper. Mash real good and serve with smile on face.

Incidentally, have just jumped ship from rapidly sinking and once-well-respected forum. It's been ruined by trolls and the like and the Moderators just cannot see what's happened. Would hate to see that happen to any site, so rest assured - I am here for the good of humanity.

Also pleasantly comforted to see there's Grant Morrison afficianados here.

Anyway, enough about me. What do you do?
17:36 / 05.04.04
have just jumped ship from rapidly sinking and once-well-respected forum

Which forum may that be? Welcome btw
Celeriac Is Ugly Vegetable
17:44 / 05.04.04
Hey, Adrian. Is one allowed mensh other sites?

It's a current-affairs forum, based in Ireland and it's gone tits-up in the last 18 months or so. Get's worse every day. I still go there 'cos I like to see what's happening back home but the paranoia and trolling there has reached er, a zenith.

All very boring to people who don't subscribe to that kinda thing but sad to see people sabotaging a once decent site.

Good to be here.
19:35 / 05.04.04
hello all
newbie introduction here... fairly new to barbelith in its current incarnation but spent many a night here in its previous life as the Bomb.
looking forward to interacting with the lot of you...

very curious to see what kind of energy you all are creating together on this site!
Jack Denfeld
20:33 / 05.04.04
Hello Barbelith. I'm Mike Robot. And I have little pieces of paper towel in my nostrils because snot keeps dripping out.
00:21 / 06.04.04
hi, newbie number somesuch or other... so very nice to see i'm not reassuringly told i am the zillion and thirty fourth to join this place....

just found this monolith, err barbelith yesterday - the threads as i have perused look stimulating and posted by thinkers. i like that.

i am from canberra australia, but don't hold that against me. any other aussies here?

and i intend not to be a threat - australia is a land of few natural predators (ok, a few snakes'll kill ya soon as wink at ya, or a shark or two make swimming problematic... oh, did i mention the spiders?) so we tend to identify with koalas and such that sit back and relax, don't sweat. sleep on it...

what's a petrol bomb?
Disco is My Class War
05:46 / 06.04.04
I live in Melbourne, but I am not an 'Aussie'. And I don't identify with furry animals, also. I'm one of the old-timers, have seen Barbelith go through a million troll-related crises, but it's resilient and tough, and it always bounces back.

On the other hand, I am taken aback by the sudden appearance of, like, 2000 new people. Yikes. Anyhow, the best strategy around here is to act like you know it all already. When you do know, you inspire confidence, and when you don't, the fireworks are that much more brilliant.
12:10 / 06.04.04
Yeah, I'm living in Perth.

Um, when I say living...that's a BROAD term for what people actually do in Perth.

*watches paint dry*
14:11 / 06.04.04
Hello... stumbled across your lovely stomping grounds in a search for more information on Mr. Morrison, whose work I was introduced to a couple of weeks back. It's been keeping me busy, and keeping Amazon very happy to boot...

Will try not to start any unwanted fires. Thanks for your hospitality.
16:37 / 07.04.04
Can anyone tell me why 2000 people just turned up, was there a change in routines or something?

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