BARBELITH underground

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New people... Assemble!


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09:41 / 10.03.04
The board is open to new members and the worry that there are Barbe-barians at the gates is back.

I know that the board has been stung in the past by unruly new members and that everyone gets paranoid about the place getting crammed with an evil new generation of posters who are hell bent of destruction and chaos, so hopefully this thread will stand as a testament to the fact that us freshies are not all bad.

I've been lurking around here for years and have seen the board open to new members in the past without the board descending into anarchy so I'm confident that we can all get along.

I'm not sure whether I can contribute anything to the board beyond this post, but I'm definitely not here to cause a ruckuss.

So if any other new members want to help make our case for the defence, here's your chance...
12:24 / 10.03.04
So it looks like it's just you then Ringo!
8===>Q: alyn
12:40 / 10.03.04
Welcome, Ringo! You are my favorite Beatle. Get yo ass in this tub!
Miss Lucifer
13:07 / 10.03.04
Good idea Ringo.

I think, like you, this may be a very rare posting from me. I’ve been lurking for a couple of months and have managed to post once before but killed that thread dead, damn. Let’s see if I can do it twice!?
The thought of posting here is really quite intimidating, as everyone seems soooo clued up on what they’re talking about.

I’ve been reading the board pretty much every day at work and it’s kept me sane/insane in my inanely boring call centre job. So many interesting thoughts & new things brought to my attention, not to mention discovering a few new bands. I’ve smiled, laughed and grimaced at some of the things I’ve read here. I think I got my new girlfriend through sigil magic too, possibly!?

However, I’ve just read the ‘New Members’ thread & I have to say that I found a few of the comments really offensive, for people I believed were open minded they appeared anything but. Some of it reads like kids in the playground deciding who should be in there gang.

I know Barbelith has built itself into an outstanding community of freethinkers, but rather than hiding away you should be letting people into your amazing world and spreading your messages. I know you will get some chaff in your wheat, but I've seen the way trolls are dealt with and I know you can handle it. Just give the moderators the power to remove users if they cause any trouble.

Oh and I came to Barbeltith though The Invisibles and The Bomb and not from Google.

All I really wanted to say is that I come in peace!

Oooo, oooo, could we have avitars and signitures on the postings as well, pleeeeeeze (Joking!)
Spatula Clarke
13:19 / 10.03.04
Oo. Hello, new people.

Miss Lucifer> The stuff in that thread has come about more because of two potentially board-killing problems in the past than anything else. I think everybody is more than happy about having new posters here again, but after previously teetering on the brink of destruction because of the actions of one or two people, that enthusiasm is tempered by a tendency to be overly cautious.

Anyway, I probably shouldn't be posting in the new people thread. Hello, new people.
13:24 / 10.03.04
Hi there Miss L,

I know what you mean about some of the comments in t'other thread, but a lot of that is down to wanting to avoid the sheer agony of determined sociopathic posters. It's such a pain if someone's persistent, at one stage, just before I joined in fact, Tom was going to shut the board down.

Anyway, welcome aboard, please get stuck in and contribute, don't worry about killing threads dead, I do it all the time. I feel intimidated posting in some threads esp. Headshop - well, not intimidated as such, just aware that someone's going to come along and say what I'm trying to incoherently shoehorn together a lot more eloquently. Don't be put off is all I'm trying to say.

Miss Lucifer
13:51 / 10.03.04
Hello and thanks guys. I'll do my best...
14:38 / 10.03.04
Damn. I wanna be a freshie. It sounds so young and vigorous.

*puts his teeth in and pouts*
14:41 / 10.03.04
Here. You'll need this.

*passes corset to DM*
15:12 / 10.03.04
I'm all for opening things up, but after three days of posting I'm already getting worried by the growth rate I see up there in the left-hand corner. Perhaps the qualification for membership should be an irrational fear of new members?
Nobody's girl
15:57 / 10.03.04
Hello neophobes, I'm not a scary person here to fuck up the boards.

Don't really know what else to say...

16:12 / 10.03.04
Hey, I'm new.

16:25 / 10.03.04
*screams like the paranoid whites in the Bowling for Columbine cartoon*
Jack Denfeld
17:35 / 10.03.04
I fucking Rock!!!!!! Yeahhhhh! Woohoo! Asscandles!!!
8===>Q: alyn
17:37 / 10.03.04
I'm going to invent an solar powered automatic asscandler so I don't have to see that stupid joke any more.
17:54 / 10.03.04
just what are we assembling?

(sorry, had to )

So hi.

I was introduced to this place by the guy who ran my comic store, but the most Grant Morrison I've read is Kill Your Boyfriend.
I've lurked for what must be a good long time because I'm a student and so have lots of 'free' time to do so.
I've never posted, well , because eveything i could say, usually is and in a far better way than I could manage.

I too, have no desire to harm Barbelith, only to watch it bloom and grow...
Tryphena Absent
18:23 / 10.03.04
Well fluent Grant Morrison is hardly a requirement around here. When I started posting here I didn't know who he was.
22:24 / 10.03.04
hmmmmm. i come in peace to. cant say i was impressed with the thread about what to do with all us newbies. it's been intimidating enough just joining this site (which i didnt mind so much, i like elitism), but to have a thread which looks at the 'problem' of new members, felt almost threatening. "Your fear serves only yourself".
Saint Keggers
22:26 / 10.03.04
Wait until we start talking about the ritual ass-candleling of the newbies, which we always do.
01:59 / 11.03.04
I swear by the All-Seeing Eye of Eris that I shall avoid turnig the furums into some kind of UseNet-style troll haven. I joined 'Lith because there seemed to be a refreshing lack of L337, and I have no intrest in that changing.
07:32 / 11.03.04
This site is intimidating, but at least the grammar is decent.

I think so far that's the most refreshing thing.
Mourne Kransky
08:50 / 11.03.04
All this shiny, yielding, corruptible young flesh. *slurp* Welcome boys and girls. And play nice. Or Stoatie will unleash his trained badger squadron all over your sorry asses.
Cat Chant
09:32 / 11.03.04
cant say i was impressed with the thread about what to do with all us newbies

Well, if there's only one thread that hasn't impressed you, you're doing pretty well! Welcome to the 'lith, kids, and remember that just as not all new members should be lumped together into a "threat", so not all old members should be castigated for being cantankerous, elitist and neophobic. (I probably should be, but a lot of us shouldn't.)
A fall of geckos
11:55 / 11.03.04
Hi all - I'm another (relatively) new member. Signed up just after the site was opened again, and only posted a couple of times.

Been lurking though.
11:57 / 11.03.04
Hi Gekko. Feel free to de-lurke in full and get stuck in.
Pan Paniscus
13:32 / 11.03.04
Evenin' all. I too am new, and hereby pledge not to ruin barbelith for everyone else. What's all this about 'asscandles'? Is that part of the big membership drive, like a free gift? If so, where do we go to collect them?
Mr Tricks
15:55 / 11.03.04
I won't even mention where one collect's ass candles

But take heart, not everyone's as worried about new folks as some other threads may imply. Just make yourselves at home, kick off your shoes, have a cookie.... the green one's are s p e c i a l.
22:33 / 11.03.04
I'm new. Won't you be my friend?
Dr. Kenneth Noisewater
15:39 / 28.03.04
Um, I'm new as well. But I DID come here to petrol bomb your beloved Barbelith into oblivion. I had a whole villainous scheme worked out. A scheme! I would have turned Barbelith into a kingdom of evil where we would discuss celebrity romance! Moo-hoo-ha-ha! But after reading this thread, I've reconsidered and decided to change my evil ways. Or something.
23:33 / 28.03.04
I've been lurking on and off here for years but haven't posted more than once or twice. The size of this place can be overwhelming at times. I'm going to make a point of trying to keep up, though. Nice to meet all of you. I'll try to keep the firebombs to myself.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:45 / 29.03.04
Dear new people.

You all owe me a pie. And any of you who look good in corsets, fishnet and tophats are to come to my room so that I can teach you how best to use the board.

Oh yeah.
03:56 / 29.03.04

Fresh Fish...
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
05:35 / 29.03.04
Hello new people!

(picks up tray with a boot on a plate)

Hungry? Cmon, we all had to do it....
06:10 / 29.03.04
Is that what they told you Johnny? Youre not alone.. Sometimes.. I wake up screaming..
08:27 / 29.03.04
I started posting around the begining of the year, but then left for what feels like ages. But now I'm back.

Do I count as new?

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