And if you don’t start posting after a certain time your suit expires
This seems like a good idea, but you might just wind up with people posting any kind of crap just to keep their login active.
No, I meant in my initial post that you gotta remember you registered in the first place. There’s a post in the Headshop, obviously just some kid who was goolging for his homework, who registered and said something dumb. I’m actually quite glad he did, because he revived a thread I hadn’t read before and it’s really interesting. But anyway, it seems there’s a certain type of user who figure, why not register a suit anyway, just for a momentary laugh. There was one in the Magic forum last night, who was quite aggrieved that nobody replied to his dumbass comment. Nothing’s been heard from him since, I doubt he even remembers what he said, or where he said it, or what his password is. But more people are online and running searches all the time, this is a situation that's only going to get worse.
I know it’s complex, and almost certainly impracticable; but just say, if you could register but not post for seven days, but then if in the four-week window after that you didn’t say *anything* at all, the suit evaporates and you gotta start over. It would involve a certain degree of lurking so as not to miss your window, maybe also guard against the registration of slews of sock-puppets (and I know there’s supposed to be IP blocking going on, but it doesn’t seem particularly effective in the case of Everyone’s Favourite Welshman, thus far). Weeding out casual I’ll-forget-about-barbelith-the-instant-I-turn-my-computer-off google-trolls from the real, committed, obsessive-sad-fuckwit-I-have-no-life trolls would be useful in itself. I mean, a committed troll is easy enough to spot, it doesn’t necessarily call for immediate deletion, because the opinion of the community can be seen to be expressed, as others have said. But this place *is* different from other places on the internet. It’s easier for everyone to focus on a problem user who puts some effort in themselves, rather than all these bits of litter blowing all over the board. Leave the door open, but at least make it so they have to concentrate to get through it. It’ll be just like in real life for a lot of the recent arrivals, I think.
We are elitist, aren't we? Like, in a meritocracy-type elitist way? I like that about Barbelith.
Oh, me too, actually. |