This reminds me of walking past one of those horrible sports stores that are always full of overfed sporty types, and seeing a shiny pound coin on the floor and trying to pick it up without breaking stride, because I was feeling cooool; only to find it was actually superglued to the pavement and ending up tripping over in the street. At which point a pack of bemuscled sporty types waiting in the store window started laughing their heads off like it was the funniest practical joke *ever* in the history of the universe and I was the biggest chump they’d caught all day. Which I probably was, to be perfectly honest.
Bastards. Also, I think that the second before I fell over, I’d looked really, really pleased to have found a pound coin. That’s just so not the way to be cool. But at least I learnt my lesson. I’m not going to be duped by this thread. |