Yeah, because your initial post was so fucking practical it hurt (see, I can swear too!).
It isn't about swearing and you know that. I just swear when i'm angry. I'm not perfect, read between the lines.
Jack, you're far from being the first person to turn up on Barbelith and tell us we're not being revolutionary enough, but that rather than engaging in political activism or discussion or anything boring like that, we need to follow your vague instructions (saying "wake up!" over and over again does not make it any more meaningful).
Yeah and i hope i'm not the last! And come on, as if i'm trying to dissuade you from activism so you can read my shit! I just figure that seeing as your here a reminder might be handy? Look, i know i'm not perfect. I'm a mess. Don't for GODS SAKE follow me, just try and work out how you would go about waking up if you really had to. Check out Gnosticism, Chan Buddhism, Shamanism, Crowley, Meditation techniques, go through the Magic forum and have a good look. Spend an hour here, and click on whatever draws your attention. Don't forget about it just because you've maybe spent a few hours there in the past, if you have been there, you won't need me to tell you that it could take MONTHS to get through that lot. That site is brilliant because it's so interconnected, you end up all over the place and then you get interested in things you've never even heard of before. Look up Douglass Rushkoff, Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, Jake Horsley, Jason Wynd, Terence Mckenna, whoever you want. Don't and i repeat DONT think i have the answers though, you can only do it yourself. I'm just trying to wind you people up so maybe one or two of you search around for some cool stuff that just might be life changing, then you can tell us about it when you get back.
I don't know.
Nor are you the first person outraged by the fact that the board ceased long ago to revolve solely around The Invisibles. I'm sure you won't be the last, either.
I hope i'm not Flyboy, i really hope i'm not. Thanks, that was constructive. |