I'd like to stress that I'm not claiming any high ground here--I've been a jerk as often as not, and I don't espect everyone to pitch in and show me a good time. I'm only trying to explain, to myself as much as anyone else, the feelings of disgust and/or boredom that keep me from enjoying Barbelith as much as I used to.
You'll have to give examples before I understand that. If you mean that people are criticised for trolling or launching personal attacks, then I admit that is irritating. As are trolling and personal attacks.
I'm not really prepared to do that right now, Haus, though I do understand your point in this matter. My argument in general is the oft-voiced, seldom heeded one that trolls thrive on attention and if one ignores them they fuck off. It sucks to have to be disciplined and tolerant around irritating people, but it sucks more to have every discussion degrade into a group spanking session--or, as I believe has happened here, to lose the sense that anyone is welcome to contribute.
But if we look at your trolling of the China Mieville thread, I'd say you managed to come significantly under the level of discussion.
I was proving a point to myself here, Haus, and in order to prove it I couldn't state the premise. My initial posts used strong images to express a perfectly valid opinion about China Mieville. With one exception, other posters responded to the imagery, not the opinion, and I responded instinctively. It was unfair of me to misuse the thread, but I was trying to find something out.
I would say further that your analysis is simply wrong - you have identified two possible approaches to criticism, but have not identified all of them.
I think I've identified the only two we ever see around here.
=> How many vocal n00bs in the last year have been called suits of one kind or another? Why do you care if they are suits?
Actually, not many who have not been suits.
Okay, but did it matter that they were suits? Did we get anything out of calling troll? I mean, we've been over this.
Other boards demand that you use your "real" name, or that you never change it. It's just one of those things.
But I'm not talking about other boards, I'm talking about this one. The methods I'm talking about are not Tom's responsibility alone, and I'm not describing anything that hasn't been discussed a jillion times. Part of what I'm talking about is the way people point the Troll-stick at anyone who does anything unconventional. It happened with the Barbelith 500 threads (which I cannot seem to get over), and seems to happen whenever someone expresses an unpopular opinion. I have no new troll-handling methods to recommend. I am bitching because we are so afraid of trolls that we have chosen to be tiresome. |