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Why is this boring me?


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Murray Hamhandler
12:06 / 21.02.02
Hiya, folks.
So what's happened? I go to San Francisco for a little while, I come back, and the board is boring the hell out of me. It never used to be like this, even after only being away for a day. No one seems that into Barbelith anymore. I hope it's just a misconception on my part, but it's kind of sad if it isn't. What can we do to spice things up? Do I have to take over for Knowledge now that he's gone (what's the story on that, anyway)??? Just kidding. Keep your panties unbunched. But let's steer it up, pretty darlin's. I want to want to visit this site every day again. What can be done??? AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!
Arthur Sudnam
Kit-Cat Club
12:09 / 21.02.02
Think about what you liked about the site, and then start some threads about that.
pointless and uncalled for
12:12 / 21.02.02
It just seems like the posting rate has dropped off.

This is well evidenced by the fact that I keep getting all my work done on the day I am supposed to.
Haus about we all give each other a big lovely huggle?
12:14 / 21.02.02
It's because nobody cares about you anymore, Arthur. Knodger was your only friend, and we ate him. Now you are all alone and not even edible.
12:14 / 21.02.02
This is the most exciting Barbelith has ever been for me, largely because I'm in way over my head with all the different projects I'm juggling.

The board isn't the problem.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:28 / 21.02.02
There's a new "hide all the interesting bits from..." option, and we all ticked the box next to your name.

[ 21-02-2002: Message edited by: Mordant C@rnival ]
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:58 / 21.02.02
It's the work of the clique.

And the Masons.
13:15 / 21.02.02
dont forget the lizards... i think its just a little quiet thats all.. it's all the do with the cycles of the moon you see...
14:31 / 21.02.02
aww, man.... I wanna be down with the clique, too!!!!!!!!!!!!

barring that, I guess I'd like to be down the lizards....
Kit-Cat Club
14:33 / 21.02.02
You'd like to be down the lizards?

I'm sure that can be arranged.
15:08 / 21.02.02
Tom Coates
15:20 / 21.02.02
Jeez. Do we have t have this conversation AGAIN!? If you want to talk abotu something more interesting - start a more interesting conversation!
16:22 / 21.02.02
Yeah, stop being boring.
Captain Zoom
17:18 / 21.02.02
If I could just pipe in for a second, this is one of the more interesting days on Barbelith for me for the last few weeks. Maybe arthur needs to post something like this every day so some magickal kismit will get things rocking around here.

17:23 / 21.02.02
%Yeah, 'cause this sort of thread always encourages me to be more 'interesting'...%
Captain Zoom
17:25 / 21.02.02
Sounds like Ganesh has been taking those "Haus" lessons we got for him.

17:28 / 21.02.02
It's all Greco-Roman to me...
The Return Of Rothkoid
20:25 / 21.02.02
A wrestling reference?

The lessons work!
Murray Hamhandler
20:32 / 21.02.02
Sounds like Ganesh has been taking those "Haus" lessons we got for him.

Arthur Sudnam
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:38 / 21.02.02
What do people expect anyway? A murder? A shock takeover bid? A sordid love triangle? Yeesh.

Once more, with feeling: Barbelith is not the telly. There is no cabal of scriptwriters whose job it is to churn out ideas for your entertainment. You (and that is you, plural, not anyone specific) are just as much responsible for its content as every other sod on the board. I repeat: Barbelith is not the telly...
09:24 / 22.02.02
quote: Jeez. Do we have t have this conversation AGAIN!? If you want to talk abotu something more interesting - start a more interesting conversation!

I am just a "lil lurker" who appreciates underground barbelith allot and I was thinking the same thing when I read Tom's reply
...and as I said, I am only a "lil lurker"

[ 22-02-2002: Message edited by: liloudini ]
13:42 / 22.02.02
Pfft. If I was being truly 'Haus', I wouldn't be signalling my sarcasm quite as clearly...
14:38 / 22.02.02
quote:Originally posted by Mordant C@rnival:
Once more, with feeling: Barbelith is not the telly. There is no cabal of scriptwriters whose job it is to churn out ideas for your entertainment.

y-you mean I can't 'break in' and make a living this way? oh no, nooo....
14:39 / 22.02.02
this may call for a ritual sacrifice. the death of a fiction suit in return for the redemption of this board and the spirit thereof. and many sang praises across the land.

[ 22-02-2002: Message edited by: Ria ]
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:20 / 22.02.02
Okay, then. I nominate...

Nahh. That would be baaaad.
15:27 / 22.02.02
Ooh, you tease...
16:01 / 18.10.04
ibis the being
16:18 / 18.10.04
I like to think that it's not that Barbelith goes through periods of being boring, so much as it cycles through being more interesting to various people at various times. For instance, I'm loving the Switchboard lately....
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:36 / 19.10.04
Just remember, if Barbelith does die, it is now illegal in California to have sex with it.

However, if it is in a coma....
03:40 / 19.10.04
This board is a mirror. When Joe Schmoe looks in...

I go through cycles of being interested in barbelith and not interested in barbelith and it has nothing to do with the board, just where I am in my life at the time.

On the other hand, barbelith's attitude toward me has always remained consistent. I'm boring to the board. Although perhaps more so when bored of the board.
08:24 / 19.10.04
there's no fucking decent comics out, that's why barbelith smells a bit at the moment. over the next month there'll be a new trickle, which by march next year will be a raging torrent. til then, just amuse yourself with abuse (self+others) and whatnot.
8===>Q: alyn
15:15 / 19.10.04
Okay, seriously. My problems with Barbelith the past 8 months or so, the reasons I have been living under a bridge here in the Conversation ghetto, have been like this:

=> The various media fora involve discussion of products that I either A) don't care about, or B) have not consumed yet... but that's really my problem, not yours.

=> If there is a topic of interest to me, discussion tends to revolve around someone's ill-considered or -informed or generally stupid opinion, or even worse around someone's manners, rather than the merits of the product itself. Can't we just ignore stuff like that?

=> And anyway, what is there to say about it, really? As I attempt to illustrate here, one can either admit that the qualilty of cultural products is a subjective matter, in which case there's not much to say but "I like this", or one can take one's opinion as fact. Arbitrary assholery is only fun for a little while. The tone of critical discourse is very low in general.

=> In the theory fora and in Conversation, this board can be very conservative about subject matter and style, tending to ignore or deride attempts to do things differently. This isn't particularly offensive, but it's boring, and I'm not just talking about myself here. How many vocal n00bs in the last year have been called suits of one kind or another? Why do you care if they are suits?

=> There have been some anti-troll measures, such as the limits on name changes, that I find unnecessarily restrictive to the creative use of the board.

=> I miss the days when we were all Invisibles devoting to Fucking Shit Up.
Haus of Mystery
15:48 / 19.10.04
What shit did we fuck up, exactly?
8===>Q: alyn
16:06 / 19.10.04
We fucked up Barbelith pretty good.
16:41 / 19.10.04
=> The various media fora involve discussion of products that I either A) don't care about, or B) have not consumed yet... but that's really my problem, not yours.

Fair enough.

=> If there is a topic of interest to me, discussion tends to revolve around someone's ill-considered or -informed or generally stupid opinion, or even worse around someone's manners, rather than the merits of the product itself. Can't we just ignore stuff like that?

You'll have to give examples before I understand that. If you mean that people are criticised for trolling or launching personal attacks, then I admit that is irritating. As are trolling and personal attacks.

=> And anyway, what is there to say about it, really? As I attempt to illustrate here, one can either admit that the qualilty of cultural products is a subjective matter, in which case there's not much to say but "I like this", or one can take one's opinion as fact. Arbitrary assholery is only fun for a little while. The tone of critical discourse is very low in general.

Maybe. But if we look at your trolling of the China Mieville thread, I'd say you managed to come significantly under the level of discussion. I would say further that your analysis is simply wrong - you have identified two possible approaches to criticism, but have not identified all of them. In aesthetic terms, you've actually gone for two versions of the Strong Subjective, I think. If those are the only two options you're going for, and you assume further that in the second case your opinion is not subject to critique or discussion, then you're not likely to get much out of any discussion of media, because ultimately any discussion of anything resultant will be a discussion of you, as was also shown in your contribution to he China Mieville thread. So, no. I would love there to be a higher quality of discussion on Barbelith, but if by that you mean you saying "China Mieville is ass!" and somebody else going "No, China Mieville r0x0rs" - or somebody going "I like China Mieville" and somebody else saying "I also like China Mievile, but my liking cannot intereact with yours", I think we have different goals.

=> In the theory fora and in Conversation, this board can be very conservative about subject matter and style, tending to ignore or deride attempts to do things differently. This isn't particularly offensive, but it's boring, and I'm not just talking about myself here. How many vocal n00bs in the last year have been called suits of one kind or another? Why do you care if they are suits?

Actually, not many who have not been suits. In practical terms, if somebody has nothing to add, it doesn't particularly matter if they are a suit or not. Benfox may suddenly develop a mastery of high Heideggerean thought, in which case wahey. Otherwise, why not have a bit of fun while we're waiting? N00bs who are vocal and useful don't have this problem. Nor indeed do suits who are vocal and useful, if such things there be.

=> There have been some anti-troll measures, such as the limits on name changes, that I find unnecessarily restrictive to the creative use of the board.

Having Billy Corgan around was hilarious, as was Ho Garden et al, and I enjoyed having two suits for a while, but you said it yourself - anti-troll measures. They have stopped people enjoying liberties that can be abused by trolls. That's a shame, if those liberties were fun liberties, like being able to change your name every other day, or have a fictionsuit spare to ask whether Grant Morrison could beat Alan Moore in a fight. Other boards demand that you use your "real" name, or that you never change it. It's just one of those things. If better troll-handling measures exist, that's great - suggest them, Tom will implement them and we can get back to having fun in the sun. However, I have a feeling that your idea of the freedoms that would be good for the board, and the uses to which you would put them, are quite different to mine, and to those of many others.

=> I miss the days when we were all Invisibles devoting to Fucking Shit Up.

Fair dos. Why not start some threads in the Switchboard or Gathering about direct action?

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