Hello, moi droogs.
I know I've been neglecting you guys somewhat lately, but that's because I've been busily preparing my suprise bid for the Oval Office. That's right! I'm running for President of the United States as a Democrat, and, because my birthday is on "Super" Tuesday, Mar 2, when the Democratic candidate will chosen, I expect to win it. I will stand on my Gulf War service, my reputation as a crimefighter (due largely to my pivotal role in foiling the takeover of Barbelith by gangsters in #500), my history of triumph as a mockster of the rational and irrational alike, and my undeniable sex appeal. I'll be a combination of Jesse Ventura and that porn actress who served in the Italian parliament.
It remains for me to select my cabinet, and I propose to form my government entirely out of Barbelith posters. Please make your nominations here, as I will be busy campaigning aboard the "Goddamn Vagina", my campaign tour bus. (NOTE: Stoat has already accepted a position as Secretary of Badgers.) |