At 19 I met my first girlfriend, dropped out of school, didn't take a lot of drugs but did try everything once (except mushrooms, crack, and ketamine). The important thing about that age was that I lived at home. I was too depressed to support myself though I did work. Living with my family probably extended my depression but it enabled me to spend almost all of my time chasing girls, reading, going to museums, seeing films, listening to music.
I'm 32 now and the primary difference is that I'm not depressed anymore, have a better-paying (but still boring) job which supports my hobbies (themselves just more expensive versions of my youthful hobbies -- wine instead of beer, 1st eds. instead of paperbacks, etc.), and am more interested in relationships than in just getting laid, to the delight of my family who are pressuring me constantly to get married and have a baby before I become any more of an old maid.
My advice is:
learn the difference between infatuation and love,
cultivate compassion for yourself and others,
save money from every paycheck in an interest-bearing account and roll it over into a tax-sheltered CD,
protect your credit rating like it's your baby,
finish school because it's difficult to find the money and time to go back when you're older,
given the choice between sleep and a concert, always choose the concert,
and never destroy photos after a breakup, you will regret it.
Have a wonderful birthday. |