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Does The World Owe You A Living ?


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Alex's Grandma
10:34 / 22.02.04
Are you entitled to sit around complaining indefinitely, while making no real effort to do anything other than show up at the pub, or your job, just occasionally ? It's hard to get away from the idea that in fact, yeah you are.
Alex's Grandma
10:38 / 22.02.04
So, uh, discuss, I suppose
Queen Mob
11:31 / 22.02.04
i hope i udertood the text above right, English is my second language..

however, if you enjoy a life like that then i guess, you should do so.

if you hate your life like than the very only thing you can ever do is: do something against it. I am of the opinion that you should not complain about things without doing anything against it (of course, i do that too from time to time). Everybody is able to change her or his life in the direction he or she wants to. We all are a little bit like superheros. we have superpowers. we just have to activate them or need somebody to help help is all the inspiration i get from books, films, comics, and friends.

did i understand it right...uhh...i hope so, otherwise i made myself ridicolus....
Queen Mob
11:33 / 22.02.04
if not, please explain in clearer english what you want to say...
luke hugh
15:08 / 22.02.04
go live in the woods . you only need money if you use it, but I suppose the hermit life would be a huge struggle
lolita nation
22:40 / 23.02.04
of course they fucking do.
Nobody's girl
22:51 / 23.02.04
Fuck yeah.
23:43 / 23.02.04
00:25 / 24.02.04
Too fucking right, feck and all that.
Saint Keggers
00:30 / 24.02.04
Not the whole worldm just lower Botswana and portions of Norway
00:57 / 24.02.04
OF COURSE! My living owes me the world! Wait...that wasn't right...
07:02 / 24.02.04
...but undeniably more accurate...
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
16:33 / 24.02.04
Nope. I expect to work for all that I get; and so far, I haven't been wrong. It affords me great satisfaction to look at what I have and know that I have worked for it.
16:41 / 24.02.04
My life owes me an explanation!

Look at the spectacle! Oh fuck, here we go again........
16:54 / 24.02.04
Yes, it does. However, it does not owe any of you a living. Since y'all are part of the world, that means you need to get off your lazy asses and pick me some strawberries.
ibis the being
18:27 / 24.02.04
Blechh. I know everyone's just having a laugh about this, but just seeing the thread title irks me. The exact attitude that makes most people intolerable.
18:31 / 24.02.04
I know. And ask them why, and they'll spit in your eye.
Tryphena Absent
18:46 / 24.02.04
You pick me some screwing strawberries. The world owes me a living and an inheritance.
18:50 / 24.02.04
Agreed Ibis. The whole attitude is deplorable and demonstrates the maturity level of an infant.

Come here all you slacklustre, half-wits and suckle at the Teet of the World!!...You big babies. Awww, Da Man gonna make you do hard work?
20:03 / 24.02.04
When I finished University I went and got my first job and I was told "Just because you've been to University, you think the world owes you a living." But you know, back then I really thought it did. I thought that's what I went to University for.

Now I don't think the world owes me a living at all. But I'd really like it if it felt like giving me something.
20:22 / 24.02.04
It depends what you mean by "owes you a living". As an unemployed person desperately searching (and not finding) a job that won't abosolutely drain my soul from me I'm inclined to say yes, it fucking well does. Or at least my government owes me some fucking dole.
20:33 / 24.02.04
Slinkyvagabond. You know that working in Safeway would be uplifting and inspiring and pay a handsome salary. You know that the day to day conversation would be vital and vibrant. What do you mean you are not interested in helping old ladies add up 90p in 1 pence pieces over a period of 20 minutes (whilst in the meantime behind her the queue gets bigger and bigger and more full of sighs)?

You could do it but you just don't want to and therefore don't deserve any governmental assistance whatsoever.


These people who just won't help themselves.
William Sack
20:35 / 24.02.04
I'm disappointed to learn that all the world owes me is a living. I would have thought riches would not be too much to ask as a return for sitting around all day with my thumb up my arse.
William Sack
20:39 / 24.02.04
Hey, mine was the 10000 post in Conversation. Where do I collect my doubloons and love slave?
20:43 / 24.02.04
Maybe I misunderstood, but I took the question to mean that: the world owes you a living so you don't have to actually work for a living.

And to argue that point, perhaps the fact that the earth gives freely to us and then corporations come in and tell everyone they own that land and whatever is on it, and now you must pay for what was once freely given..well, maybe there is an argument in there for the slack.

The only problem being, without this system most likely we would not have civilzation and technological advancements. Then again, we wouldn't have much pollution either. However, one would still have to do work, even if it was just picking your lunch off the trees or weaving yourself a garment to protect from the elements.
20:49 / 24.02.04
Cash - You don't get a love slave unless you beg which kind of defeats the point and makes you a slave.

May - We were kind of being facetious. It's just what happens when you catch the eye of the idle unworking.

Obviously work is always there even if it's in an uncivilized society where we need to pick our lunch from trees. However, being outside in the natural world and working to survive (rather than to feed the pockets of the multinational conglomerates) is infinitely preferable to working at Safeway.
Alex's Grandma
22:47 / 24.02.04
" The exact attitude that makes most people intolerable. "

Well I don't know who you've been talking to, asylum seekers maybe, who've come over here to just sponge off of welfare ? Students, goddamit, who seem to think they're entitled to a liberal education, without necessarily going into x grand of debt ? All those dole types on fifty quid a week, whose idea of the good life is day time telly ?

All these people should get on their bikes and look for work.

I've heard collecting cockles, these days, is a pretty good gig.

Well yeah fair enough, I was/am clowning around, but I hope to God honestly, that you were too. Y'know Arbeit Macht Frei
23:08 / 24.02.04
I was clowing around myself too, then I got confused by some posts and thought I was not answering the question. But then, that actually made me think, so it wasn't all that bad. Seems I got the joke the first time though.

Well, I am off to the welfare office. No, they are not open, and I do have a job. However, I am going there to steal office supplies because they owe me dammit!
Alex's Grandma
23:30 / 24.02.04
They most coitainly do, May, they most coitainly do. All those pens, all those post-its, all those glorious envelopes, fragrant with gum and the scent of hot coffee... Enjoy.
William Sack
11:49 / 25.02.04
Olulabelle, begging is not part of the plan. Why are there so many obstacles in my path when I want to exploit?
12:15 / 25.02.04
You're not rich enough. Put the goddamn hours in, climb to the top of the tree, and you'll be able to exploit all you want.
12:22 / 25.02.04
I dunno about the World, but The Royal Bank of Scotland flipping does. With its 6 billion quid profit it could afford to pay me to do naff all for the next 300,000 years. Or it could pay 6,000 people to do naff all for the next 50 years*.

Well, what else are they going to spend it on? How much does a jar of bank polish cost these days, eh?

*that's assuming a not over-generous 20 grand a year
16:32 / 25.02.04
Now I really need to see a jar of bank polish. It sounds like a very dodgy thing to own.
8===>Q: alyn
17:29 / 25.02.04
The world owes me $3.79 for a pint of ice cream it ate without my permission.

I think probably anyone who lives in a part of the world where they have obligations to serve their government in particular ways--ie, I'm required to register for the draft and show up if called--is "owed"--in the sense of having tendered a portion of my own natural or capital goods--a "living"--eg, the means to outfit myself with a modicum of goods and comforts, yes. But, Jesus Christ, I don't believe in the friggin Easter Bunny, either.
22:20 / 26.02.04
By golly, Olulabelle, you're right! I've come to the realisation that while all this time I was sitting here bemoaning my fate (y'know, randomly blaming the capitalist machine and wildly misquoting Marx), I could've been "out there" being oh-so proactive. I LOVE old ladies and their penny-related shenanigans, I just never thought that that was an interest I could weave into the world of work. But your words have allowed me to see that if I can conceive it, I can achieve it! Now, if only we had Safeways in my country....

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