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The Person Above


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16:24 / 07.02.04
OK so its like this. Someone posts and the person after posts something new.

'^' means the person above.
'<' means you.
'V' means the person below.

Got it? Lets go!

^ - No one there

< - Is bored

V - Wants to be next in line
16:34 / 07.02.04
Okay, ^, what are we supposed to be discussing though?
16:39 / 07.02.04
My big cock.
17:03 / 07.02.04
You seem to have confused this discussion board with a toilet cubicle wall, akira. No-one here's interested in your cock, big or otherwise.

Now is this some misguided attempt at humour, or are you deliberately trying to waste people's time? I've seen you post here before, and I find it hard to believe you could be quite as idiotic as that last post makes you sound.
17:08 / 07.02.04
< thinks ^ should remove whatever's lodged in his rectum
17:43 / 07.02.04
The rules of the game are clearly stated. You asked a stupid question and guess what... you got a stupid reply. Thread killa.

^ - whothehell@where? is spot on

< - Wonders why the fuck he got out of bed

V - Will probably have something lodged in his rectum
17:47 / 07.02.04
Well I won't be bothering you again akira, you can be sure of that.
17:52 / 07.02.04
No problem dude. Can we get back to talking about my big cock now then?
17:53 / 07.02.04
< hopes ^ will kiss and make up with Akira.

V - i'm not psychic, (yet) who are you?
17:55 / 07.02.04
^ me

< didn't post fast enough. (Akira kisses him/herself.)
17:56 / 07.02.04
^ is mildly annoyed

< is mildly confused

v will be shedding some light on this thread

< wonders if it is rude to be pointing at everyone?
18:01 / 07.02.04
^ has a good point about the pointing

< wonders who > is

v sodomizes elderly goats
18:07 / 07.02.04
< has been sussed by ^ the elephant shafter, (unless this post is too late again, my senses say yes.) and apologises to Akira. Really that was not meant to be sarcastic (the him/herself comment) i don't know what that was all about.
19:22 / 07.02.04
^ - Is mad

< - Decides its not rude to point if were all concenting adults

V - Is not an adult
20:00 / 07.02.04
^ is certainly mad, but is that a bad thing?

< isn't sure about all the ^V>-ing because it feels a bit rude and also she has to keep checking the first post to make sure she is making sense ^V>-ingly.

V is someone as yet unseen so < feels this person cannot be commented on or drawn into the discussion unknowingly.
20:06 / 07.02.04
And FYI ^ certainly isn't mad.


< has just realised she has become V fas far as the previous post is concerned and therefore is someone a/seen and b/therefore commented on and also drawn knowingly into the discussion.

Which is decidedly weird to say the least.
20:14 / 07.02.04
^ - Is off her tits mad mad mad

< - Is rolling a spliff

V - Will post after me and will check back on the thread later
20:21 / 07.02.04
^-thinks other people are mad

<-is about to drink low carb hot chocolate

V-thinks low carb hot chocolate can't taste as good as regular hot chocolate, but it does! It does!
20:22 / 07.02.04
^ Likes to comment about his dick, and is right, i am mad, well done.

< Is mad.

V - Has fantasies about teletubbies.
20:26 / 07.02.04
^ for the second time has been beaten to the post.

< bastard

V - Splodge
21:45 / 07.02.04
^ - Is too slow to type

< - Wonders what a splodge is

V - Probably wont be Eon
21:55 / 07.02.04
^ has every right to wonder what a splodge is because < does too.

V isn't.
22:19 / 07.02.04
^ Isn't going to find out what splodge is because i don't know what it is either.

< Wants to tell Akira that he's not too slow to type, it's Barbelith. When he clicks on 'post reply' it sometimes takes upto two minutes to send?!? (or maybe it's this damn computer, but if so, this is the only site that it occurs in.)

V - Hello there.
22:34 / 07.02.04
^ - Hello there

< - Agrees with ^ it takes a while on my comp too

V - Sucks monkey nuts
22:46 / 07.02.04
< Does not suck monkey nuts, because she doesn't know a/what monkey nuts are, or b/how you suck them.

< wants to tell ^ and ^^ that it doesn't take up to 2 minutes to post, it happens instantaneously. ^ and ^^ machines are clearly not registering it.

N.B. New code addition: ^^ means the person 2 posts above.
00:04 / 08.02.04
^ - Wants to know what monkey nuts are so she can sux on them

^^ - Is cool as fuck

< - Shit thats me

V - Wants to suck a scabby dead donkeys nuts
00:09 / 08.02.04
^ doesn't know how delicious scabby dead donkeys' nuts are

V does
00:17 / 08.02.04
No < doesn't.

Maybe V does.
00:19 / 08.02.04
^ - Has a good webshite I especialy like the phone pix bit

< - Tests all his nut related comments

V - Is always wrong no matter what
00:21 / 08.02.04
^ - posted to late

< - Is allways right

V - Smells of fish nuts
00:46 / 08.02.04
V > ^ Smells of fish nuts.

V > ^ means that the above comment aimed at me has been re-directed back to the sender.

< Is a smartass.

V Could be me if i've posted too late again.
10:23 / 08.02.04
^ is called Eon

< would like to apologise for his melodramatic behaviour and for disrputing the thread. However, < would still like to have the pleasure of killing this thread for real.

V, if he/she does post, will incur my wrath. I am the killer of this thread. I'm red handed baby.

There is to be no V, hussies.
14:34 / 08.02.04
^ is somewhat self dilusioned as to his importance and power. He's a mere thread poker.

V' s post will not be as blissfully brilliant as it should be. It will, however, greatly offend me and drive me to suicide.

< Wonders if there's really nothing better to do with his time. Oops, guess not.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
15:12 / 08.02.04
^ Has a nose that looks like a corn-on-the-cob and smells of wee. And sucks chaffinch nuts.

< Didn't mean any of that, he's just trying to drive ^ to suicide, as predicted.

V Lets chaffinches suck their nuts.
20:56 / 08.02.04
^ will get what's in store for him
< don't even know what a "chanchiunffe" is and had a hell of a hard time trying to figure out how to make the down-arrow... what a big idiot space consumer < is...
V won't add anything particularly useful to this thread.

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