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Ever feel like you're the troll


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gotham island fae
03:32 / 07.02.04
I will admit to thinkin that all ov these barbe-friendz are The One I'll not Speak of:

may tricks

To each and every one of you, I apologize for mere thoughtz.

And I'm not *that* Andrew, either.

Saint Keggers
03:49 / 07.02.04
Yay! Its not me!!
(goes back to cleaning his rifle in the clock tower)
03:51 / 07.02.04

Maybe a topic abstract would clarify the intent of this thread.
03:59 / 07.02.04
BTW, I have met bitchiekittie. She's not a troll.

To clarify, I know about the persistent troll here (I've been here longer than you probably think, I was mistaken for the troll once, and he also joined fadetoblack but barely raised an eyebrow there), but I don't see the point of Fae Mage's post.
gotham island fae
04:02 / 07.02.04
Blah. Intents are for Orderinarians. We non-erisians seek only chaorder.

I'd prefer to never have a point, but thankz for sayin' hey, auz.

hence my trolling instinct
Saint Keggers
04:12 / 07.02.04
Stop with the damn "Z instead of S" (thats my wee bit of advice!)
gotham island fae
04:33 / 07.02.04
Thanks, Kegs.
04:37 / 07.02.04
Intents are for Orderinarians. We non-erisians seek only chaorder.

I'd prefer to never have a point (blah blah fishcakes)

That's crap and you know it.
11:08 / 07.02.04
Bitchiekittie? Gingerbop? As if.

Have you gone completely mad?
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
11:29 / 07.02.04
Fae Mage are you one of these people who're like faeries in real life. If you know what I mean.

An answer I can understand would be greatly appreciated.
Jack Fear
11:30 / 07.02.04
Intents are for Orderinarians. We non-erisians seek only chaorder.

Wow. Overweening pretension and an inability to express yourself clearly. You must be a big hit with the ladies.
Jack Fear
11:33 / 07.02.04
Oh, and Aus:

...[the troll] also joined fadetoblack but barely raised an eyebrow there)...

"A cow is a very good animal in the field, but we turn her out of the garden."

Dr. Johnson, of course.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
12:29 / 07.02.04
Wow. Overweening pretension and an inability to express yourself clearly. You must be a big hit with the ladies.

Aww, come on, be fair, Jack Fear.

Clarity is for Conventionites. We non-lucidians seek only abject tripe.
12:45 / 07.02.04
Olulabelle is right, I've met Jupiters Child and Gingerbop, neither of them are trolls.
12:59 / 07.02.04
Using the term 'Troll' in a negative context? What about Troll rights?

Intergalactic council of Trolls to be summoned on the matter of negative associations directed at the name 'Troll' in the Earth sphere?

13:11 / 07.02.04
I heart Olulabelle.

When I clicked on this, I thought, yes, sometimes I feel like Im a troll, when I see the vast quantities of posts I make with absolutely no meaning whatsoever. But I dont think I've ever been Andrew, and I certainly dont mean to sound trollish.

And I second Jupiters Child just being a little strange.
gotham island fae
14:15 / 07.02.04
Wow. I was drunk and prolific, last night.

And sometimes the babble is considered cute. Sometimes just weird. My ass usually makes up for it.

And I should clarify: the ones I listed are the people I felt guilty speculating about afterwards. None of them were considered in this manner recently.

Order and Disorder do-se-do in the Chao.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
14:23 / 07.02.04
I'd just like to point out that if you were to replace the word 'troll' with 'arab' in this thread, it would clearly be completely unacceptable and therefore move to impose martial law and shoot-to-kill policy across the entire board.
gotham island fae
14:34 / 07.02.04
I wash my hands of this board's blood.

[JEE-zuz! This shit doesn't come off!]
Jack Fear
14:49 / 07.02.04
And sometimes the babble is considered cute.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha no.
15:03 / 07.02.04
Ha unacceptable ha babble ha erm.... ha incoming ha message ha from ha intergalactic ha order ha oftrolls ha defending ha troll ha ..... ha ...... ha rights ha barbelith? ha jibberish ha humans? ha chaos ha mortals ha answer ha forget ha it..... ha fadetoblack ha must ha be ha contacted ha allegations ha oftrolling ha shit ha f, d9jd, doijew, faulty ha comms port ha blah ha BARBELITH?!?

15:20 / 07.02.04
I will admit to thinkin that all ov these barbe-friendz are The One I'll not Speak of:

may tricks

OK. You think I am a troll? Or, you don't think I am a troll? Is this the troll list or not? I mean, BK and Flowers....NICK! as trolls? I think NOT. I cannot make out what you are talking about Fae. Could you clarify?

( live under a bridge for a few days back in the early '90's and you are labelled for life! Yeesh!)
Saint Keggers
15:26 / 07.02.04
( live under a bridge for a few days back in the early '90's and you are labelled for life! Yeesh!)

So May, does this make you ,like, the Maxx or sumthin??
Cat Chant
15:27 / 07.02.04
As far as I can work out, May, Fae is confessing that at some earlier and paranoid point in hir life, ze thought that our troll had hijacked (or just owned) the suits of the posters ze lists. Not that he has any grounds for thinking the suits in the list are now or ever have been... etc.
15:32 / 07.02.04
Oh, and Aus:

...[the troll] also joined fadetoblack but barely raised an eyebrow there)...

"A cow is a very good animal in the field, but we turn her out of the garden."

You're saying the troll is a cow? And 'lithers are all pretty little flowers (except for those who are weeds, of course)? Who would you designate as the garden snail?

I don't think your metaphor is apt. The troll wasn't a very good animal, merely an inconsequential, worthless animal. Cows are valuable.
15:34 / 07.02.04
Ooh, thanks Deva.

No, not that I know of. My suit has never been hijacked. I take full resposibility for all my suit's barbe-foolery.

Of course....the threads in my head are almost always better!

*reaches for lampshade*
Saint Keggers
15:36 / 07.02.04

"Ive been posting out loud again!"
15:42 / 07.02.04
*rushes to elucidate*

Not that all trolls are inconsequential or worthless, or even that any other trolls can necessarily be described in that way. Only one specific troll. And even this particular troll might possibly be consequential or worthy in some other circumstance or situation, just not (that I have seen) on Internet messageboards.
Bed Head
15:49 / 07.02.04
Well, it is a pretty weird list, as lists of suspected trolls go. I mean, there are plenty of big beasts patrolling Barbelith, ready to deliver a superpowered slapdown to the stupid and/or unwary, yet the posters Fae lists are, like, some of the nicest people around, so it seems. Oh, what do you mean, everyone else has already said that?’s a new kind of trollistic tactic that’s just too fiendishly subtle for me, ie being secretly nasty while only appearing to be nice.

Cows are valuable., hey, not if you’re a vegan: a cow’s worth the same as any other animal to vegans. In fact they could be considered a waste of grass. Just saying.
16:26 / 07.02.04’s a new kind of trollistic tactic that’s just too fiendishly subtle for me, ie being secretly nasty while only appearing to be nice.

Damn! My feindish plot, foiled again!...Must devise new plan!

*shakes fist at BedHead*
16:41 / 07.02.04
I've already done a 'should you post while drunk?' thread. Perhaps Eon should consider starting a 'should you post while high?' thread. Just a thought.
gotham island fae
17:20 / 07.02.04
Deva your name does fit. Your description of what I intended with this non-sensical fairly pointless admission is fairly dead on.

Realize also that the turn around from "Ah! How could that be?" to "Idiot. No." was around fifteen minutes each instance. Some more in the range of seconds.

I also like these posters listed greatly. Which is why they were particular shocks to my system when I experienced these paranoid Barb-illusions.

And Jack Fear I could kiss you.
17:37 / 07.02.04
Perhaps Eon should consider starting a 'should you post while high?' thread. Just a thought.


I did type something witty but i deleted it in favour of saying that i simply felt that it was time to let the inner chaos take over and see where it went. I'm gonna summon a troll when i get some of this magic thing sussed, i'm sure Cthulhu will be proud if he ever sees it. Actually no, i'm not going to summon a troll, that does not sound like a good thing to have go out of control in my bedroom.
20:26 / 07.02.04
Go on, summon a troll. I like trolls. They make me say funny things that I laugh at.

"Cows are valuable.", hey, not if you’re a vegan: a cow’s worth the same as any other animal to vegans. In fact they could be considered a waste of grass. Just saying.

But the fact is that most people aren't vegans, so cows continue to have economic value.

Imagine if everyone became vegans, though. We could probably buy cows real cheap and ride them across the country... or at least to work/school/whatever. That would be so cool.
gotham island fae
20:36 / 07.02.04
I grew up on a dairy (NOT beef thankyouverymuch) farm and cows are great.

I don't know about the riding them everywhere, though. Do you have any idea how much cows poo? Manure's not fun so much. Take it from one who accidentally fell up to his five year old chest in the shit once.

But it was kinda fun to grab a cow tail and ride around, skiing on the crap that collected in the milking barn stable.

And btw, cow-tipping is impossible for a number of reasons. Anyone who claims to have done it, I challenge for proof.

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