Reading about Twin Peaks here inspired me to check out the FWWM deleted script portions again, which is really a must read if you're a fan of the show and film. Since it's not looking like we'll be able to see this scenes any time soon, it's really not spoiling anything to read them here.
The most notable thing for me is the last couple of scenes. Seeing what happened after Cooper hit the mirror is just very cool, though I can see why it was cut, since it's quite out of place within the film. The last scene as scripted completely changes the tone of the ending. However, the scene with Cooper and the MFAP would have worked very well to address some of the same issues, and should have been left in. As it is in the script, Laura and Cooper appear trapped forever in the black lodge. So, while shooting, Lynch completely changed the ending of the film, for the better IMO.
While I would like to see the little scenes with the main characters, I think cutting them out of the film was a good idea, since they would just take the focus off Laura Palmer's story. However, I'd really like to see them some day, just as the little stories that they are.
The scene that I think should most definitely have not been cut is Doc Hayward doing the magic trick. Not only would it have brought in some more people from the series, it would have provided a little light, and a great contrast to the Palmer family.
And on the deleted scenes in general, is anyone else surprised that these haven't been leaked to the fan community? Paris Hilton's private sex tape can get out, and we can't even see some legitimate footage? Where's the con bootleg, it's been 12 years, surely there has to have been a leak at some point. |