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Twin Peaks anyone...? (Spoilers)


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02:40 / 16.02.04
Reading about Twin Peaks here inspired me to check out the FWWM deleted script portions again, which is really a must read if you're a fan of the show and film. Since it's not looking like we'll be able to see this scenes any time soon, it's really not spoiling anything to read them here.

The most notable thing for me is the last couple of scenes. Seeing what happened after Cooper hit the mirror is just very cool, though I can see why it was cut, since it's quite out of place within the film. The last scene as scripted completely changes the tone of the ending. However, the scene with Cooper and the MFAP would have worked very well to address some of the same issues, and should have been left in. As it is in the script, Laura and Cooper appear trapped forever in the black lodge. So, while shooting, Lynch completely changed the ending of the film, for the better IMO.

While I would like to see the little scenes with the main characters, I think cutting them out of the film was a good idea, since they would just take the focus off Laura Palmer's story. However, I'd really like to see them some day, just as the little stories that they are.

The scene that I think should most definitely have not been cut is Doc Hayward doing the magic trick. Not only would it have brought in some more people from the series, it would have provided a little light, and a great contrast to the Palmer family.

And on the deleted scenes in general, is anyone else surprised that these haven't been leaked to the fan community? Paris Hilton's private sex tape can get out, and we can't even see some legitimate footage? Where's the con bootleg, it's been 12 years, surely there has to have been a leak at some point.
06:30 / 16.02.04
MakingBombs, where's here, where you're giving the talk?

It's at the ACMI, the very snazzy Australian Centre for the Moving Image, on the 1st of April. Um... here's the details.

As for Lynch saying he never wanted to solve the murder, I find this a bit off. The reason for this is that he made an entire film exclusively about how the murder was done, and it was something that was clearly close to him.

I also seem to remember reading that the reason Mark Frost wasn't involved in FWWM is that he had no interest in doing something that didn't move the story forward, rather than just looking back...

Certainly if the Lynch quote about 'never wanting to reveal the killer' is true, he backflipped on it. The Bob/Leyland thing became much more overtly interesting in FWWM when it veered into more (ahem) 'realistic' child abuse/incest stuff instead of just demon possession, I think.

There is a genuine feeling of what-the-hell-are-we-going-to-do-now once the murder is solved, and it takes the show a good handful of episodes to pick itself up and start moving again. (Word was that they wanted to move into exploring an Agent Cooper/Audrey romance, but Kyle Maclachlan refused, saying he thought it was out of character.) That certainly didn't help keeping up interest levels for subplots once the murder was done...

Watching the series again at the moment, and my biggest realisation: how much James Hurley is like a little prototype Angel! So broody... that and how it's the sounds in TP that still give me immediate goosebumping. Spooky, spooky sounds.
22:43 / 16.02.04
Has anybody noticed and understood the horrible phrase in TP : "What if love is not enough ?"
For that scene only, it's one of my favourite series. The horror..that's what Lynch is all about.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:03 / 17.02.04
I once watched all of Twin Peaks (every episode, the pilot and FWWM) in one sitting. You don't walk away from something like that the same person, I can tell you. Brrrr

True. Is slightly less full-on with friends, coffee and donuts. Not much less scary, but a shared headspace is v.useful at times. brr indeed
23:53 / 21.02.04
Anyone know anything about the idea that Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks might be connected somehow? Don't remember where I heard it but seems interesting...
00:20 / 22.02.04
Anyone know anything about the idea that Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks might be connected somehow? Don't remember where I heard it but seems interesting...

I don't think they're connected in the sense of being in the same story universe. I think it's more that they're similar, in that both look at a small mining town, where evil lurks below the surface, and have that psuedo 50's look. Blue Velvet is a clear influence on Twin Peaks.

I did hear that Lynch claimed Lost Highway and Twin Peaks existed in the same universe. There's obvious connections, but less so than TP and BV or MD, so I'm a bit confused as to why Lynch would specifically reference TP and LH, as opposed to other works.

A couple of LH spoilers coming up...

I'm of the mind that none of LH takes place in the "real world," and the nightmare that he lives through is his version of the black lodge. Obviously, the Mystery Man is a similar figure to the MFAP, but I'm not sure exactly how it fits together. I think that was more a throwaway remark than hinting at some really deep connection.
21:21 / 22.02.04
Well the black lodge nightmare idea could be translated into MD aswell, what with the dreaming and the guy behind the container and all.

On another note, anyone know if there was any script being wrote for season three before it was cut? Would be very interesting stuff... I'm kinda dissapointed that the only closure we got was the small scene in the bed from FWWM.
01:25 / 23.02.04
On another note, anyone know if there was any script being wrote for season three before it was cut? Would be very interesting stuff... I'm kinda dissapointed that the only closure we got was the small scene in the bed from FWWM.

I believe some ideas were thrown around, but nothing concrete, and nothing written. One of the major things would be Major Briggs taking a larger role, to rescue Cooper from the black lodge.
The Photographer in Blowup
11:00 / 25.02.04
Hey Barbelith... spooky for this thread to appear. I'm actually giving a talk on Lynch and Twin Peaks here in a month or so, focusing on the idea of "mysteries" in the series, and the question - of course - "who killed Laura Palmer?" So my question to you learned people is... did you care? Did you turn off the series once that plot was resolved? Did you feel betrayed when it was said that Lynch had no interest in ever revealing who the killer was?

I've been watching Twin Peaks for the first time since it began again in November here in Portugal; by ep. #4 my English teacher had unwillingly spoiled Leland was the murderer while explaining me (or at least interpreting) the meaning of the show's title. Between that and a classmate telling me Leland died banging his head against the prison cell, and finding here the fate of Agent Cooper in the last episode, I think I pretty much know all the twists.

Having said that, yesterday I watched the episode where Leland is caught and dies, and it came as one of the most surprising moments in my entire life: nothing just happened the way I thought would happen. Only Lynch to turn all your expectations upside-down. The 'look into the light' speech was indeed beautiful - but didn't affect me so much as the Roadhouse scene in the ep. Maddy dies; that song by Julee Cruise is amazing, I'm listening to it right now.

I think this is a case where the journey is far more interesting than the destination.

Leland's death intrigued me though - did BOB still force him to bash his head against the door, or did Leland upon recovering the memory of his sick deeds after Bob left his body, killed himself because he couldn't live with the grief? I think it works splendidly either way.

Supposedly, this is the moment in the show things get crappy - but i'm in for more Black Lodge weirdness!!
Earlier than I thought
11:25 / 29.02.04
I can really see LH and TP taking place in the same shared reality. The Mystery Man's comments which run something like 'It is not my custom to go where I am not invited' seemed very BOB-like.
23:54 / 02.03.04
deus ex,
I do think BOB was still inhabiting Leland and forcing him to bash his head on the door. The end of the second season depicts Coop doing a very similar action. Hope that doesn't spoil anything for you! have you seen that yet? Clearly BOB finds glee in forcing his victims(?) to inflict pain not only on others but themselves as well.
14:25 / 25.03.04
just saw the pilot again last night, first viewing for me since the original airing on bbc2 about thirteen(?) years ago. really very good stuff indeed. it's all there from the very beginning - one of the first things that screechy mrs. p says is 'oh laura's with her father'.
gave me the creeps all over again. and the first glimpse of BOB in the next episode actually made me cry out like a wee babe. thought i'd got over my terror of that (probably very nice) chap, but i was wrong.
10:38 / 26.03.04
For those of us in DVD Region 2, or those of you elsewhere with multi-region DVD players, the season 1 set (INCLUDING pilot) is available at for a smidgin under eighteen of your earth pounds, which is quite the reduction.
Got mine the other day, and it's a nice package. And no, I'm not on a commission from them.
Peter Quantum
21:57 / 08.04.04

Is the second season EVER going to be released on DVD?!?
02:07 / 09.04.04
In the US, I believe Artisan's rights expire in September, 2005, at which point they revert to Paramount, who currently owns the films. So, hopefully shortly after that we'll see. It annoys to see shite like Gilligan's Island and Saved by the Bell hitting DVD, while some of the greatest television ever remains sidelined by rights issues, not to mention the issues holding up the FWWM deleted scenes.
Jack Vincennes
09:08 / 09.04.04
I'd heard that it was definitely going to be out in September in the UK, although I didn't know that there'd been any problems with its release in the first place... thought that they were just being slow.

I'm one episode away from finishing the first series on DVD -I was also wondering whether Bob was still inhabiting Leland throughout this, because the way he's acting seems to be far more remorseful than violent. Need to read more about it, though, as I feel like so much of it is lost on me right now (and I like the idea of watching it again, but the next time with more knowledge of what's going on...)
17:38 / 09.04.04
Did Catherine had any contact with the Lodges, after the mill fire? Remember the story she tells sheriff Thruman after her return? And the whole concept of Mr. Tajamura, she inhabited inside a character, just like BOB.
Don't know, just guessing.
Spatula Clarke
02:17 / 11.05.04
Just noticed that there's a Spanish DVD boxset containing both series and the pilot. It's only on four discs, so I'm guessing that quality isn't as good as the UK series 1 box, but at least it's an official release.
D Terminator XXXIII
13:08 / 11.05.04
I happened to catch the thirteenth (14th?) episode. You know, the one where Laura's cousin is murdered.


I had forgotten how perfectly calibrated the sequence was. The record player. How creepily, tautly edited it was. The hand (Sarah's) that slowly - verrrry slooowly - appears onscreen. The Butler from the Lodge dully announcing "it. is. hap-pening. again. it. is. hap-pening. again."

I want the entire series very much.
14:41 / 11.05.04
Second best episode ever, and you didn't even mention Julee Cruise. TP is the only series where if I throw an episode, just the first couple notes of the theme song and that bird completely transport me back to the world. Even in the worst days of season two, there was still something unique about the series that makes it so much better than anything else ever put on TV, some combination of the music, Kyle McLachlan and the settings. When I watch most shows, even great ones like Buffy, I'm usually attracted to the characters, but when I watch Twin Peaks, it's more like going to a place. To watch a Twin Peaks isn't the TV equivalent of talking to an old friend, it's more like going home.
16:32 / 12.05.04
E Randy, I think the Spanish DVD set is mastered (or whatever the technical term is) from video copies or the like; various reviews etc have said the quality's not up to much.
I understand that the R2 DVD release of S2 is supposed to happen in Autumn - two parts of 4 DVDs, and one nine-disc special edition with extra stuff. Allegedly.

Re when Bob was in control, I'm not sure, I think he flickers in and out - doesn't Leland say something like "And when he was gone, I couldn't remember?". Leland needs Ben to snap his fingers and bring him back to reality when he's 'absent-mindedly' taking a strand of fur from the stuffed animal in his office, which I interpreted as Bob taking over for an opportune moment and then fading out again. But that's just my reading of it.
Spatula Clarke
23:58 / 13.10.04
A month after it was supposed to come out and still no season 2 DVDs for the UK. Or anybody else, come to that. Lynchnet reports that Artisan have had a change of heart and decided that it's not worth the hassle, given that they lose the rights next year.

Which, at the end of the day, is a stupid thing to do. They've still got the rights at this moment in time, so they may as well have given us the second series and stolen a run on Paramount's planned US release. But no - now nobody gets it, probably for at least another year. I'm guessing that Paramount are going to want to put their own season 1 box out when they get the opportunity, which could well mean further delays.

Oh, and Dugpa reports that Lynch is somehow preventing the FWWM deleted scenes from being included on the new DVD release of that, but that the company producing it hope to have talked him round for the special edition release.

In late 2005. Again.
02:37 / 14.10.04
I think it's that Lynch wants money to finish the scenes, but they couldn't get a big enough budget for his time. If I was MK2, I'd try to get some kind of fan donation thing going, or maybe a presale on the DVDs, since I think there's enough support to maybe kick the DVD production budget up enough.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
17:52 / 16.10.04
No season 2 release here in the US that I can find. I have the whole thing on a VHS set that they released a year or two after it finished, but it doesn't have the pilot. Only the Foreign film release of the pilot was released on VHS at the time.
Cat Chant
07:51 / 21.10.04
[happy reminiscent face] When I was going through a bad period of anxiety, there were some days I could only get through by watching Twin Peaks... luckily I live near the best video rental place in the kingdom (not only the complete run of TP but also complete Blake's 7, Sapphire & Steel, and even - till a friend of mine bought them - Star Cops).

Anyway, I was rewatching them lately (to get me through the last stages of writing up my PhD thesis) and have been struck as never before by watching the lovely Sheriff swoon into the strong and manly arms of Coop: whoever directed it focalizes our crush on Cooper through Harry's eyes (lots of long shots of Coop in a tux, cutting back to Harry looking misty-eyed and soppy, and a careful avoidance of pronouns when Cooper talks about the "person" he used to be in love with)... anyone know of any decent slash?

Ooh, and also I rekindled my crush on Lucy, so I looked her up on imdb and it turns out she married someone, like, 20 years younger or something, who she met at a TP fan convention! So now I am even more in love with her because of that cool story.
06:29 / 17.08.05

New Twin Peaks TV Movies?
Agent Cooper may return for telefilms.
by IGN FilmForce

August 16, 2005 - A return to the Great Northern may not be in his future, but Agent Dale Cooper, Kyle MacLachlan's character from the popular David Lynch TV series Twin Peaks, may be returning to the small screen.

There are fresh rumors that Lynch, currently shooting a new film called Inland Empire, is considering doing a series of Twin Peaks-inspired TV movies. A tipster over at Dark Horizons recently completed two days of work on the picture and reportedly overheard some details of the project. "The [Director of Photography], who I'd met at lunch... talked to a group of us and said David and Kyle are thinking about doing some 'Dale Cooper' telemovies - the dude he played on TV. Nothing to do with Twin Peaks, I guess, just that character."

The 1990s TV series featured MacLachlan as FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper, a man investigating the death of a young girl named Laura Palmer in the small Washington town of Twin Peaks. As he delves deeper into her mysterious demise, Cooper begins to uncover the secrets of the town and realizes that something much more significant that a single murder has taken place.

Thanks to "Jessica S." for the heads-up. We'll be digging up more on the Agent Cooper TV movies, so keep your browser set to IGN FilmForce.

09:37 / 17.08.05
That could be interesting, though if they set it after the TV show with him roaming the country dishing out letters on torn bits of paper in the established fashion , it would probably prove unpopular ratings-wise.

Just picked up a copy of the new UK R2 release of TP:FWWM – I gather it’s a straight translation of the French MK2 version which came out a few months ago; this seems to extend to the ‘collector’s booklet’ which appears to have been done through Babelfish or similar… hmm. No chance to check the actual transfer of the film and all that yet, mind.

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