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Lateawwwwwwpooo.. Some SQL errors are tasy. We need a life!


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23:28 / 21.01.04
Me, an unhealthy combination of latent alcoholism and Railroad Tycoon obsession. The idea that connecting to the 'lith is somehow a valid human interaction. I need help.
23:33 / 21.01.04
I think it is a valid human interaction. And therefore I need help too.

But sort of
Bed Head
20:54 / 23.01.04
Lateshift: Yes! Back from the dead!

So, how was your week? ‘Reviving this incarnation of the lateshift cos the old one is all used up and worn out, awww. Also in the hope that Cube might turn up at some point and explain what ‘tasy’ means: is it supposed to be ‘tasty’ or ‘easy’? I’ll try to be both until I know better. In fact, I think I might just make that my new new years’ resolution.

Also, because otherwise I’d be vaguely inclined to dig up last years ‘Barbecrush 2003' thread, even though it’s woefully overstuffed and out of date. Just because Sax’s steely calmness in the face of disaster, and Tom’s dashing heroism in saving the day made me feel all funny inside my tummy. If this was a movie, I think perhaps Gregory Peck and Peter O’Toole might be perfect casting. Our heroes!

Nothing wrong with loving an internet message board. And nothing wrong with crushing on the guys who put it back together. No way.
21:23 / 23.01.04
Ahhh... the sweet taste of lateshift.

Tomorrow my shop shuts forever. I feel redunded. I've made bisuity things for everyone, and Im wearing my damsel-in-distress silly customised dress, and and we're all going to the pub in our breaks, and closing an hour early for some wine, then having a big muckle free party in a nice hotel. Free alcohol + some emotion = manymany tears. And with 138 women to 5 men, I can forsee either a bout of mass lesbianism or the barmen getting a good night.

Also tomorrow my guy of much oldness comes back from england, and will no doubt continue to stalk me and be slightly creepy and irritating. But then after tomorrow, he wont know where to find me anymore.

So much excitement in one day. I need to sleep, but I need to lateshift more.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
22:05 / 23.01.04
Yes, we truly are a sad bunch.

Look here:

This is my PINT of gin and tonic, which I am using as a surfing companion whilst my wife and son are away for a few days.

Is there any hope for us?
Bed Head
22:05 / 23.01.04
So, one question: what's a 'muckle'?

And, hey, I thought you didn't like your job anyway. Isn't this a really good thing? Redundancy sure as hell beats being fired.
22:07 / 23.01.04
Oh huggles for Ging. I missed you all so. I do need a life, but tonight I'm getting one, at a wine and cheese party!

I have a couple different semi-soft cheeses that will hopefully be delish, and a super-dry 2001 rosé. The man at the shop recommended two different rosés, and I had to go with the one called Reynard, complete with a fox on the bottle.

So, I'll probably be posting tipsy later, for the first time I think. : )
Bed Head
22:08 / 23.01.04
oohhh, mister dubplate, I like your black keyboard. Is that, like, real leather?

Reminds me a bit of the groovy black TARDIS the Master had.
22:22 / 23.01.04
No, actually I love my job. I just bitch about my manager for accusing me twice yesterday of stealing. First instance- "my PURSE has gone missing- and its SOME member of staff" *makes vicious eyes at me. Second instance, I was trying on a catsuit I've taken the piss out of for months, tried it on, and loved it. I'd gone to the locker rooms, saw in the mirror I still had the tags on. I took them off and half-put them in my locker. In the search for her wallet, she'd found the tags and told me I'd better be buying it, "cause you know what that looks like you're doing... DONT YOU?" Argh.

But my jobs great- I can wander off, nobody knows nor cares where I am and what Im doing, I have shitloads of clothes for £2, and I can dander off on a break when I like. And most of the people are lovely.

And big muckle party = big huge *huzzah* party.

Right my loves, Im off to get some brie and Carrs melts biscuits. My new favourites- nice and wheaty, but crisp and melty. Yummy! Have fun maz, and enjoy you're view of the black keyboard bedhead. x
Spatula Clarke
22:55 / 23.01.04
Surely a muckle is a collection of mickles? Many mickles.
23:22 / 23.01.04
Many mickles may constitute a muckle, but it does not follow that a mickle will eventually contitute a muckle.
Yes, I meant TASY! I didn't make a typo, I meant that SQl errors were a bit like being hit by a taser. We all had big jiggly neurone reactions and fell down for a while. Honest.
Hell, I'll say what I like. It's my birthday.
23:26 / 23.01.04
Ah, fugsh shoo! Yah fuggin muckle!

I lovsh you.
Bed Head
23:37 / 23.01.04
Hey, happy birthday cube! Gather some mickles together and have yourself a muckle. It’s quite the done thing, apparently - I wonder how Maz is getting on at her ‘wine and cheese muckle’. It’s a good word to use if there’s going to be any drunken slurring or talking around food.

But I prefer my definitions of ‘tasy’ to yours.
00:15 / 24.01.04
I am here you know! In a somewhat lesser state of mind than perhaps normal, but I don't think I'm known for my intelligence, so all is well.

Just having a celebratory drink for managing all the work I'm giving myself - which I grant you might not seem much to anyone other than me, but I've decided to be proud nonetheless!

I just found out I can drink normally too, having had to drink out of a straw for the better part of this week, following a weekend "accident". (This involved someone throwing a glass in my face, or hitting me, or something. It was all very odd, and thankfully now, quite funny. It also involved me going to hospital to get a stitch, and asking them for morphine. Maybe I can tell my kids about it on day.) I looked like a batched plastic surgery accident, I wish I'd taken a picture.

So how are you? Anyone?
Bed Head
00:33 / 24.01.04
Yee-ouch! Are you okay, Suede? No scars or anything? -like the Comedian, dude.

Was this actually some horrific accident, or just common or garden thuggery? Glad you’re feeling better, anyway.

Have yourself another celebratory drink, just for being so cheery. And also for being arty. How many pages have you completed now?
00:45 / 24.01.04
Aye, I'm fine - was more a misunderstanding. Odd all round, really. I was annoyed, but I try to laugh, and then realise it's pretty funny! Best forgotten, unless for a joke. It adds to my rep...ur... collection of stories. I can't be bothered to spell some words! But I'm fine, so it doesn't matter - although I would like to point out I am super nice, and that I had my stitch without anisthetic. Yeah. I'm tough!

To be honest, I'm not sure I need another celebratory drink! But I do enjoy it, it feels hard earned. I've done... 11 or 12 pages, I work pretty slow, but I did 3 this week (although one may or may not be one of the worst pages ever, I haven't decided yet) and about 8 to go, with little other bits and pieces. I'm enjoying it a lot, but I keep wavering between thinking it's greta and just awful, so I just persist, really. It's all learning, whatever the outcome.
Saint Keggers
02:09 / 24.01.04
"Heeeeey Everyboooodyyyyy!" (to be read in a Fozzie the Bear voice)

man its soo smashing to have the barb back in action!
I missed my latehift crew (yes, you are MY lateshift crew!

Hi Ginger,BH, Suede and all!!!
02:29 / 24.01.04
I'm drunk. Trying to sober up before falling asleep. And yet I speak more clearly, trip less, and notice my spelling errors before I hit post. Or at least, I think I do.
Saint Keggers
02:42 / 24.01.04
Oh ofcourse you do Maz, although I too have been enjoying the ol alkyhol!
08:59 / 24.01.04
Oh look. I'm sober again. Yippee. Given that it only takes a glass and a half of wine to get me on the far side of buzzed and the near side of merry drunk, it would be so easy to stay drunk most of the time, but I don't think anyone around would appreciate it.

I hope I wasn't talking too loudly last night.

Shame about Captain Kangaroo.
01:44 / 25.01.04
I finally got kittens, and they're beautiful. That is all.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
07:49 / 25.01.04
It's a kid I never much cared for Captain Kangaroo. I woudl rather watch cartoons or other things, and his style of humor never gelled with me. Even as an adult, I think of him as a very nice man who did a very nice job for a bunch of people who were very different than me.

Then again, I can't think of a single "live action" kids show I liked as a kid. I always thought of them as filling time until the cartoons were on, and it didn't matter HOW shitty the cartoons were, I'd always pick them over a real human.
14:59 / 25.01.04
I havent been as drunk as I was yesterday for a loong time. Which was fun. Started drinking at lunch in Wetherspoons at 12, back to "work" at 2, drank wine til 3, closed shop, drank wine til half 4, went out, drank more, managed to get to my hotel and changed, went downstairs and got another 7 free drink tokens. And I had already walked into a door by the time I got out from lunch. I went to pay for my room this morning; wondered where half my money had gone, having no idea that I'd already paid for it.

Fucking interesting day.
You dont know anyone, until you've seen them dance pissed.

What else was great, was that everyone was sent a notification of our redundancy yesterday. In which they so kindly included a Fraser-Card application. Before you start- you must be able to answer "yes" to these questions. 1) You are in permenant employment of 16 hrs per week or more. You gotta love them.
18:36 / 25.01.04
Gingerbop, that is *fantastic*. You should send it to or similar.

I've been working so damnably hard this week that I've hardly noticed Barbelith being down, although it was very nice to see it back up on Saturday when I logged in quickly. The next stage in my journey, I think, is to be nice to everybody, which may require forcibly rewriting some people's HEADS.

That, and meditation. Primarily meditation on hedgehogs.

So tiny!

So cute!

So obviously plotting the downfall of his decadent human masters!
20:11 / 25.01.04
They really are tiny and cute, thought the first ones I find weird to look at. I think I prefer opaque skin.

Mazarine: I shall shortly be living with a cat! Hurrah! She is my landlord's cat, and is very friendly one. The current residents call her a lap whore because she likes sitting on people so much.
22:17 / 25.01.04
Oh, my kittens are adorable. Even when they were waking us up at four in the morning because they were hungry. (Their foster mom worked nights. This may be quite an unusual transition.) Right now they're just such babies, playing and chasing each other like crazy, then settling down for a meal, and then sleeping so hard!

They're both smoke gray, my fiance's has medium short hair, mine, Odille, has medium long, and they're both incredibly soft. They're examining my laptop now, sniffling around it and being mischievous. In fact, I have to shut down now so that no one gets elecrocuted, or before the post is lost, since their favorite key is backspace. : )
22:33 / 28.01.04
Evening everybody.
How are you feeling?

Im not quite feeling real just now. I've spent the majority of this week drunk, and I feel quite left behind. Now I just want some noodle soup in a warm kitchen with my brother and some friends. And I've just quit smoking, which was a long, erm, 5 day habit. And Im redundant. I've seen a job as a barber. Will they take me untrained and unreleased on anyones head but those in my imaginary soup-gathering? Also applied for a live-in job in... erm... surrey? sussex? I forget.
Evening all.
22:37 / 28.01.04
Good eeeevening. I'm still trying to readjust to being back at work after a holiday, and also the fact that I lost my anti-depressants a few days ago (my new prescription wont come through until Saturday morning, but I've fortunately got over the "arguing with everyone" stage by now!), and I've been seriously cutting back on the booze, which just feels weird at the moment. But it FUCKING SNOWED! And I was awake for it and everything! It was lovely; snow rocks.
Saint Keggers
23:01 / 28.01.04
Hello fellow lateshiftees!
Got a suprise night off tonight. Yay me! But plans that I could have attended to didnt happen anyway. Oh well, Ces't la vie!
I have a sinkfull of dishes that are screaming to get done so thats the glamourous life I have for tonight! I shall be checking in from time to time..just cause I have a suprised night off and am nt used to having a life without preplanning.

And How are you tonight?
23:06 / 28.01.04
The bastards turned our sledge-run into a quad racing track. We have memories of it, and they go and ruin it. Like a certain accident prone person making a ramp, going down on the sledge and over the jump whilst standing up- all on the first day of the summer holidays in gorgeous sunshine, breaking his wrist, and not getting the cast off til the last day of the holidays. If only there'd been snow then!

I now, however, have an opportunity for nocturnalism. Lateshifting will be forced upon me by my screwed up bodily clock.

Last night, I told my "friend" it wasnt happening again. He was so nice about it, it made me feel extra guilty.
23:10 / 28.01.04
Hooray for nocturnalism!
11:25 / 29.01.04
Someone was silly enough to use the words "cute" and "kitten" and I have one that's both, and here's the pic to prove it...

*being the proud dad*
18:48 / 29.01.04
That's not a cat!!!!
23:28 / 29.01.04
I have a roll of my babies who are kittens just waiting to be developed. Of course, they're so exhausting that instead of running my errands like I ought I just curl up with them and sleep. I really need to do laundry. Anyone up?
23:36 / 29.01.04
Im alive. Last night I did fall asleep just after saying I was turning nocturnal.

My nephew (who's two) fucking rocks. Tonight, he was trying to copy me ballet dancing. My sister later asked him to show us how Papou (his grandpa) walks. He went along, bent knees and hunched back, swinging his arms. I nearly wet myself. Later my mum was singing in a doo-de-doo-be-doo kind of way, and he started copying her too. He's well trained in piss-taking.

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