Decloaking briefly to say WOW! And WOW! Most excellent! Had they played Return to Oz, I could have died happy on the way home down Whitehall. Magfuckingnificent!
OK, enough exclamation marks. Lovely to see so many Barbeloids communing. Strange how, in a crowd of thousands of people wearing red, I still happened across the lovely Our Lady and supporting cast of Barbeloids, fresh from encountering Elene and Mistofflelees in another place.
Misty's red shirts came in handy when we had to cajole sleazenation into getting into party mood and reddening up in his bright red Barbelith t-shirt.
And then we did go to Duckie and exult feverishly till our joie de vivre was depleted, just about!
In the half light of Trafalgar Square as dusk fell, Babydaddy was godlike and Flyboy was a classy honey kissy huggy lovey dovey ghetto princess. Hope to see you all on the C4 coverage, you lovely people.
Kylie! Fountains full of wet, sexy, dancing men! And Hello Anna, sorry I was caught up in another drama. Happy happy, joy joy...
*reverts to sabbatical mode* |