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Lateshift: For old-skool and becandled alike.


Page: 12(3)456

23:04 / 31.12.03
Ditto with happiness. Though it's been the dullest new year since '99. Lots of pretending to listen to my neighbours blethering and watching middle aged women fuss over a spilled glass of white wine. Im guessing the only way for this year to go is up. Have a good un. x
23:10 / 31.12.03
Duuuudes I have no idea what's going on....

My Daddy was a bank robber!! No honestly its true....
23:12 / 31.12.03
Little under four hours to go here, watching the King of Iron Chef marathon from '99 on Food Network.
23:28 / 31.12.03
Whoah Maz, you seem to have the BEST FUCKING TELLY where you are!

This is fun... the level of background chatter in the office is gradually getting louder and louder as everyone gets more and more drunk... I've already been told I don't have to check my minions' work, cos I'll be too pissed. (Last year I wasn't allowed to read the late editions.) And in the morning I'l have London to myself cos no-one else will be getting out of bed for AGES. Life is good.
uncle retrospective
23:38 / 31.12.03
That sound great Stoatie, I'm now off looking for beer, drugs and women! So it'll probably standing in a pub then. Have a good one folks and it's good night from him.
Good night.
And it's good night from me.
Good night.

Good night.
uncle retrospective
23:40 / 31.12.03
Wow, I seemed to get so excited I lost the use of english.
Bed Head
23:42 / 31.12.03
Good eeevening. And - yeah!!!! Happy new year! That’s right, isn’t it? Have I actually got the right night this time?

Stoatie - did you by any chance hear the Today Programme yesterday morning? All the presenters in the newsroom seemed to get, if not pissed, then at least loud and merry and raucous, following an in-depth article about the art of cocktail-mixing. And Thom Yorke was the ‘guest editor’ for the day. Bloody strange, it was, even by Radio 4 standards. I thought I was having one of those weirdy dreams.
23:54 / 31.12.03
Just a little more than an hour to go, and I am free of my corporate masters, free to lay waste to the unsuspecting heads of the party to come... MUHAHAHAHA!

I just keep getting more excited, I've been looking forward to this for days. Its been the only thing to get me through the hell of xmas, holidayshifts, and family functions.

And its so quiet in here you can hear the dead fart. There's only one other guy on shift with me, to mind the occasional paniced beepings of servers needing a reboot, or answer support mails from people who really ought to be out doing something other than breaking the mysql on their websites at this hour.
23:54 / 31.12.03
Faster than a cannon ball...there are people whitie-ing all over the shop.....

Rock with the power of 2004

uncle retrospective
Bed Head......
23:55 / 31.12.03
23:58 / 31.12.03
I didn't hear it today, BH... but one of my friends was just commenting on how shitfaced everyone sounded!

HNY, bear!

AND I've just learned that the statue of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square had to be altered... BECAUSE IT LOOKED TOO MUCH LIKE MUSSOLINI! Isn't that ace?
Bed Head
00:12 / 01.01.04
Hey Cusm, classic fucking prog for your party: Stone Roses, Second Coming. Noisier than God and goes a treat with every drug around. Play a track for me, dude.

And Bear, you sound like you’re rockin’ already, man.

And, theres something’s fundamentally fucking wrong with statues in this country. Statues should be, like, Michelangelo’s David, or the Three Graces, and stuff. Only beautiful people, and definitely not ugly wee baldie fat men.
Bed Head
00:54 / 01.01.04
Blimey, where’d everybody go? Was it something I said?

Ah, I’m off to bed anyway. Blowing a kiss to all of you with a party still to go to, have a bloody good one: see you - and your hangovers - in rocking ‘04.
00:56 / 01.01.04
Woot! Time to head. Happy new year all!
03:57 / 01.01.04
I've eaten ten fun sized almond joys today. I didn't mean to, but there was a big glass of milk and the bag was right there. So I'm not getting to bed any time soon.
The Return Of Rothkoid
20:53 / 01.01.04
Well, I haven't had anything disgustingly edible yet today. But there's the remnants of two pizzas in the fridge.

They are calling.
20:54 / 01.01.04
I don't remember leaving work this morning...
The Return Of Rothkoid
20:57 / 01.01.04
You are, and always will be, my hero.

Today, I have no work. I spurn work. Instead, I embrace gin.

21:30 / 01.01.04
I want everyone to know that last nite I drove off a cliff, and now having survived that experience I am imbued with a new-found respect for a life, and a wish to teach you all to seize the day, as I have learned to. Join me, people, in staring wide-eyed at every new experience, nodding a lot and sounding a bit wispy, and far away.
Saint Keggers
22:19 / 01.01.04
Hey all!

Congrats to Pin for foilling gravities deadly plan! I've oft thought about seizing the day but instead have decided to build my forces and wait to seize the fortnight.
Spent a while with a fellow lither and a future lither. A weird carnival that was...but I think I liked it. Yes. Im quite sure. It was the roller coaster that got me hooked.

How have all you beautiful people been??? HOW??? Im in barbwithdrawl...
22:31 / 01.01.04
God, food - too horrifying. After the five course meal over New Year's - *five courses* - culminating in gilded chocolate cake (which I still find utterly ludicrous as a concept) I can't even imagine it. Have spent today practising not drinking and not smoking - we'll see how that goes...

Evening, all. How goes it? And pin - tell us more. Did Claire drive drunk?
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:51 / 01.01.04
I'm starting the New Year (well, the second day of it) with the ingestion of tiny packages of corpulence. To wit, strawberries coated in chocolate.

White chocolate.
Bed Head
23:00 / 01.01.04
White chocolate is the devils work. It makes no sense to me. Chocolate is brown, man. It’s meant to be brown. White chocolate makes about as much sense as brown cheese would.

Ahem. Hello, you lateshifters! After all that hazy confusion I saw in the new year stone cold sober, just for, you know, the novelty of it. I think I might see how far into the year this wagon will take me, before I leap off and tear the place up with nary a backward glace.
23:10 / 01.01.04
White chocolate's ACE. Yeah, I know it's bizarre, but so what? It rocks hard.

Do tell us more, pin...
Tryphena Absent
23:30 / 01.01.04
Hiya! I'm watching Breakfast Club for the hundreth time, bloody marvellous!
Saint Keggers
23:34 / 01.01.04
Ah...the breakfast club...damn I'm feelin old.
White chocolate makes as much sense as vegetarian steak. Its just spp wrong.
Bed Head
23:40 / 01.01.04
Evening Keggers, Sparks.

It’s great feeling old. I like liking stuff that ‘the kids’ hate, like The Breakfast Club. Bloody young people are the new parents. They’re, like, so unfair.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:40 / 01.01.04
You, zir, are a fool and a charlatan. White chocolate is ace.

Right. I'm off to read tarot cards and watch The Usual Suspects, although not at the same time.
Bed Head
23:51 / 01.01.04
Okay, so that makes it two votes apiece in the ‘white chocolate is ace/the devil’s work’ ultimate decider. Anyone care to cast the final vote?

‘Next person who says it’s ace has to explain what the buggery blazes it actually is, by the way.
00:00 / 02.01.04
Yeah, BH. Bloody young people. Most of 'em haven't even seen Footloose.
Bed Head
00:16 / 02.01.04
Yeah, that might explain why all these ‘young people’ are, er, so rubbish at dancing. If they would only prise their eyes away from that Timberlake chap and watch Kevin Bacon for a second, they’d see how one is supposed to cut a rug. Or is that Flashdance?

Stoatie, you can’t be at work again, surely! What the devil are these people going to do without you when you’re away?
00:30 / 02.01.04
Kevin Bacon is indeed in Footloose. I think Flashdance was Jennifer Beals.
And yes, I am at work. But what with yesterday being New Year and all, it seems the global population were to busy being hungover to do anything newsworthy, so I'm having a really easy night. Which isjust as well, cos I feel terrible, having single-handledly polished off a bottle of Jack Daniel's on NYE.
Bed Head
01:03 / 02.01.04
Aha. That would be it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Flashdance. Or Footloose, actually, come to that. Or Dirty Dancing. I learnt to dance from the pictures in comic books, which explains a lot about my particular dance ‘style’.

Must sleep. Don’t work too hard Stoatie, and I hope you feel better soon.
01:30 / 02.01.04
'night, BH. Anyone else still awake?
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:34 / 02.01.04
Yep. Just watched the filmmakers' documentary on my new copy of The Boys. Hunt that film down.

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