Fabulous- this soup, i think, has some garlic in it. Even with no garlic, my miging infectioned throat smells, so doesnt make much difference.
I cant actually get the worms in the worm soup down the phone-line though. Fry half an onion or so in a bit of butter for a minute, chuck in veggie stock, a wee finger-to-thumb bunch of spaghetti, broken up, a handful of rice,parsley, and maybe some garlic, for 20 mins. Or call someone and get them to do it for you.
I'll see you then, Baz. Though Im more a fan of white or pale-pink roses than carnations. I'll also be wearing a Bombay Dreams costume, a tiara and a black wig, pretending to be Rani. And when we're in NY, we're going to see it on Broadway, after we have brunch. |