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Anal Sex Question


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Matthew Fluxington
20:47 / 29.12.03

Don't be such a prude, Qalyn.
Tryphena Absent
20:50 / 29.12.03
Eugh, they look like maggots. Little squirmy maggots.
Miss Kiss
20:55 / 29.12.03
I don't see what the big deal is all about. I like nuts!
Dances with Gophers
21:10 / 29.12.03
Personally I have no problem with it. I think its down to conditioning.
How ever I am no stuck with this image in my head!

...I'll get me coat!
Captain Zoom
21:12 / 29.12.03
Nuts are ugly.

That said, this book here is quite excellent for it's information on anal sex.

Captain Zoom
21:24 / 29.12.03
Could someone please fix my coding. And perhaps PM to let me know what I did wrong? Thanks.

21:47 / 29.12.03
Let me get one thing clear:
I hate this thread.
But think its quite amusing how it's blossomed.

I do not think, and have never stated, that I thought anal sex was ugly, but was referring to thinking that buttholes are ugly. Im very sorry, everybody, that I didnt preceed the sentence with "I think that", but I think that either a)I didnt think about the exact wording when posting it, or b)was pished when posting it. Also, nowhere have I said its sick, abnormal, unconventional, or anything else. In fact, I have not once said anything about anal sex in this thread which I havent followed with "my opinion" etc.

Yes mister disco, Im a touch defensive, but I have just got about 40 posts of how much of a dumbass bitch I am, so feel it just to defend myself and point out what I have said, and what people have said I said. Which appear to be very different.

But I wouldnt call myself old-school-barbelith. I've still got a candle up my anus.
Tryphena Absent
21:48 / 29.12.03
Look Miss Kiss I don't who you are or what you think you're doing here but you're just about the only person here who thinks nuts are pretty so perhaps you should just shut your mouth and think of England.
21:52 / 29.12.03
But chocolate spread is ummy.
21:54 / 29.12.03
I don't know who you think you are, Miss Sparks, but you should be the one shutting her trap methinks.

A question. Is gay sex common amongst any of the 'animal' kingdom?
Bed Head
22:05 / 29.12.03
Let me be the second to tell you to fuck off and die then, ‘Yuck’.

You’re well old-school, ‘Bop! You’re so utterly old-school, you’re not even ‘old-skool’.

Candles, well, we've all got those, dear
Baz Auckland
22:06 / 29.12.03
Well, my cat Boris does hump my other cat Seamus a lot, although we try to discourage him from doing so... two of my brother's male cats are gay lovers as well...
Miss Kiss
22:13 / 29.12.03
I don't get it, why are you mad at me, Tryphena Sparks? Are you just teasing me?

Who doesn't like nuts? Nuts are good for you. I don't think they are beautiful exactly, but they are kinda neat.
Jack Fear
22:20 / 29.12.03
Is gay sex common amongst any of the 'animal' kingdom?

(rising to the bait)

It's been noted in giraffes, swans, and baboons, to name three off the top of my head.
Bed Head
22:31 / 29.12.03
why are you mad at me, Tryphena Sparks?

That’s just Trypenia Sparks, I think: she’s, y’know, sparky? I like nuts too. But not in the context of this thread.

However, that is completely a personal opinion of mine, and in no way a judgement on the lifestyle choices of people who don’t like nuts.
The Falcon
22:32 / 29.12.03
Bonobo(e?)s have gay sex, too, I think. F/F though.
22:39 / 29.12.03
Some nuts are, of course, also a valuable source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Unlike anal sex.
Tryphena Absent
22:50 / 29.12.03
Yeah I heard that about anal sex, that it didn't provide any vitamins, minerals or essential oils.

And how about those animals that, you know, change sex? Are they permanently straight or permanently gay?

And yeah, that's me, a big ol' tease lookin' for a good time. Nuts- I can give or take 'em you know. It makes no odds lil' Miss Kiss, I'm easy.
22:56 / 29.12.03
Sorry, who said I was off-topic?

I think everyone's old school, that was there when you joined barbelith. Or so it seemed, anyway. Haus, Stoatie, Cholister and Rothkoid are proper old skool; Mordant, Lurdid, Our Lady, KitKat club and Anna DL (you'll never be ms sparks to me) being mid-old-skool.
23:26 / 29.12.03
"It's been noted in giraffes, swans, and baboons, to name three off the top of my head."

That's disgusting.
23:29 / 29.12.03
I think what you mean, is "I believe, that in my own personal opinion (and is not the view as Barbelith as a whole) that giraffe, swan, and baboon anal sex is disgusting."

My sisters boy-dog got raped twice on Christmas morning.
Ethan Hawke
23:33 / 29.12.03
gingerbop, just because certain giraffes, baboons and swans are homosexual doesn't mean they like to engage in anal sex. That's so offensive for you to assume.
23:40 / 29.12.03
I once had trouble fucking one ex because his nuts were so damned ugly. I mean, really, a super saggy baggy mess, they were. I didn't want those sloppy suckers slapping my backside, nosiree!
23:55 / 29.12.03
Bitchiekittie, I love you!
Tryphena Absent
00:11 / 30.12.03
Ah, cute online lesbian action. Doesn't femme-slash just write itself?
00:18 / 30.12.03
Nearly up to three pages, and no-one's noticed that the topic abstract for the anal sex thread is, ahem, "Fill me in."

Carry on.
Bed Head
00:25 / 30.12.03
Heck, if it comes to that the, er, ‘Arse-scratching’ thread has run to two pages already, apparently without anyone noticing that the topic abstract is ‘flithy habit’.
00:31 / 30.12.03
Maybe "flith" is the correct name for the stuff that accumulates under one's fingernails during arse-scratching.
00:37 / 30.12.03
tryphena sparks, you kids and your incessant need to label! don't put me in your narrow boxes, man!

...I prefer labially inclined, thank you.
00:40 / 30.12.03
Please, someone put me in their narrow boxes! Phwooar!
Bed Head
00:43 / 30.12.03
God, yes! Incessantly label me, Sparks!
Tryphena Absent
01:02 / 30.12.03
FINE. Bitchie and Bop labially inclined towards one another. Thus ladies of a finer inclination.

Count Adam- a detective with a strange and utterly insatiable need to guffaw. Not as cool as Miss Marple or Peter Wimsey but cooler than Poirot and Maigret.

BedHead- needs ass candling. Now. No questions, fanatical in his need for an ass candling. Has trouble pronouncing the word spittle. I have decided.
Bed Head
01:18 / 30.12.03
Not tonight, Josephine. Hey, I’m up for it, but unfortunately I’m booked to partner the Duchess of Kent in her tango lesson tomorrow, and if I’m going to lead this time I’ll need to be free of any impediment. Your initiation rituals are just going to have to wait. How does Friday night suit?
01:22 / 30.12.03
An arse-candle is essential if you really want to Tango properly. Where do you think those weird expressions on the faces of professional Tango-types come from?
02:06 / 30.12.03
Bonobo(e?)s have gay sex, too, I think. F/F though.

no, not only f/f. bonobos have m/m, f/f, and f/m pairings, and they do it a lot.

oh, and on the subject of books, Tristan Taormino's book is probably the best on the subject, especially if females are involved. her columns are good, too.

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