Jesus. Everyone, step. Away. From. The. Thread.
Please, this thread (sincere or not) was done and dusted in the first two posts, everything after that was surely just so much fluffy Conversation free-for-all nonsense. As a subject, a thread in Head Shop or Laboratory would get very different responses. Gingerbop’s post was what it was, big drama queen she is and all, but was surely allowed to stand because you all know her. Even as a relative newbie, I see E Randy and G/Bop as proper old school Barbelith stalwarts. If some unknown user had popped up with GB’s post, it would surely have been excised, and perhaps rightly so. The fact that she is known to all and sundry means she has been allowed some leeway, but also means that you could have sorted out these differences between yourselves, right? You’re all right. Now please leave it alone, it's getting silly. |