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Do you pick your arse?


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Saint Keggers
21:57 / 20.12.03
(Then I guess its a good thing i didnt mention the gerbils...)
Brigade du jour
08:38 / 24.12.03
I pick my nose and ears. With different fingers. And then wash them, certainly before touching food or anybody else. I mean it's just manners innit?

Oh, nerd alert though, I'm keeping a mental list of other chaps I work with who don't wash their hands after weeing, so I can remember not to shake hands with them.
09:43 / 24.12.03
Not washing your hands after weeing is perfectly acceptable so long as the shaft of your knob's clean and you don't piss on your hands, shurely?
09:50 / 24.12.03
Right. I mean, you keep your todger in your pants all day - no? It's probably the cleanest part of you. Your hands, meanwhile, are out and about and coming into contact with all sorts of contaminates. Really, after urinating, you should be washing your cock.
Linus Dunce
15:13 / 24.12.03
Speaking of washing, surely if your arse itches enough for you to think of scratching it ...
Brigade du jour
16:14 / 24.12.03
Fair point about the clean willy thing. Hadn't thought of that. Maybe it's just subconscious fear of my own latent homosexuality. Or summat.
eye landed
10:39 / 26.12.03
The warm, dark pubic area is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Due to thin skin down there, bacteria and viri can move in and out quite easily (in fact, this is one way STDs can be transmitted without any kind of penetration). Your cock may not be as dirty as the rest of you, but it's plenty unsanitary.

Urine, on the other hand, is quite sterile.

Moral: be careful to piss all over yourself, or else wash your hands.
14:45 / 26.12.03
People don't actually pick their own arses, do they? ugh. not true.
17:29 / 26.12.03
The other point is that in men's toilets the facilities for washing your hands tend to be even less sterile than the urinal...
11:14 / 27.12.03
I think we need to get a definition here; are we talking scratching through your pants or full contact?
If your ass itches, what are you gonna do? It's just not practical to take a shower all the time.

And while urine is sterile, it quickly becomes contaminated, so pissing on your hands doesn't qualify as washing them, sorry.
13:06 / 29.12.03
Well, if we're going to talk about relative cleanliness, there are more nasty bacteria in your mouth than there are in your arse. I'm sure some doctor or someone told me that.

So logically if you pick your teeth and then stick your finger up your arse, that's actually worse for you than picking your arse and licking your fingers. Or something.

I think the only people who don't pick their arses, realistically, are those with miniature carry-everywhere bidets. You can get them at Selfridges. They're powered by CO2 and work a bit like a Sodastream.
11:53 / 30.12.03
After a hard scratch through your pants, you fingers still smell. I've done it with jeans on. I tend to wipe my hands on my top, you know, because the smell is 'stuck' to my fingers. Then I forget about it. Cos I'm dead Buddha like that. Nothin gets to me.
12:46 / 30.12.03
Top Tip: If you mentally read these posts in northern accents, it's just like reading Viz!
kid entropy
11:32 / 06.01.04
which animal?i'd fuck a lion.sun beating down,zebras peeping from behind the bushes,delirious with jealousy.and yes,i know there might be a slight chance that the undisputed king of the forest might take issue with a drunkboy in highheels hammering his regal arse...i'd just drug his food good and proper before making a yawning drowsy submissive beehuhyatch out of him.leo you so tight.mmmmmmm.let me hold onto your fiery mane it's getting bumpy.

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