I'll also add to my blather that there is an alarming development that has taken hold in the last four years. I was working as a PR guy during the last election. When George W was elected, the papers were full first of stories of foul play, tales of blacks in Florida being obstructed from voting, etc, then the papers began to self-criticize, referring to certain news sources as being 'liberal,' which came to mean pinko commie baby eating bastard.
This tendancy carried over in the next few years to the point where reporters were told to stay away from criticizing the President or his family and any that did were labeled as 'Unamerican,' and their credibility was lost as journalists.
After the World Trade Center disaster, I saw fewer and fewer people speak their minds. This is the situation as it stands: most Americans accept that the last election was rigged. Turnouts of voters have become lower and lower over the years due to the fact that the candidates have become lapdogs to big corporations and private concerns. The fixing of the last election merely proved that those who didn't vote were right in staying home as it has been revealed that America is NOT a democracy in the truest sense. Most liberal-minded people I know have walked around with their tales between their legs since the last election, watching funding move away from Right to Choose organizations, education, the National Endowment for the Arts, and other fringe organizations in favor of Religious Right groups, defense contracts and well, the former head of Halliburton is the VP fercrissakes.
I have seen and heard of several record breaking demonstrations not just in the States, but world wide, yet on the TV news (where most Americans get their news), these demonstrations are continually described as being a 'tribute to the 60's.' In fact, one 'news' piece followed the anti-war movement to its source, saying that two California professors were behind it, manipulating students with false facts. No shit.
To be honest in the eyes of the average American we have been attacked. And we have bad dad Rummsfeld squinting like a bully on the news discounting any information that does not say 'kill Arabs.' People are scared and they'll direct their fear into hatred toward whoever the news tells us to hate. Otherwise, what are they to do?
These are not articulate, complicated people. They have not travelled outside of the country unless it's a tropical resort, view foreigners are rivals for their jobs, don't know classical music outside of what's in the movies, they don't know a book unless it's a film, they don't know history unless its referenced on the news or... again in a movie. To them, that's their lives.
They don't really think too much outside of their small lives. Given that is the case, they have two options: look outside their lives to see they are living a lie, grasp the reigns of their freedom and DO something about it, or just continue to accept the safe opinion accepted by most.
The result is a terrifying with us or against us schoolyard mentality. This is not a mistake, it is not typical of the average American, but it is very easy to manipulate.
So, if you want to take arms and try to change things, what do you do? Take part in a demonstration? Why bother, it gets little attention by the media, no reaction by the President, and could very easily get you identified as a subversive. The Patriot Act really put the fear into a lot of people who used to think they lived in a free country. The Nation has really turned into a monster and I honestly believe that it will not last. I have to, otherwise what's the point, right? I have no reason to think it will change, but I have to believe that it will.
I want to add that these words are based entirely on my personal experience. Please feel free to disagree, whatever, but as someone living here all of my life, this is what it seems like. And I do hate it. |