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All I want on my tombstone is:


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Saint Keggers
02:34 / 01.12.03
Ok so you're dead. What do you want generations to read when they look at where you're laid to rest.

Mine will be:


the coffee was good
02:39 / 01.12.03
Okay, the first thing that comes to mind is:

"Mazarine. 1980 - 2078(?)

Off to go and pick a fight with Bert Brecht, Kostya Stanislavski, and a bunch of other dead Scandinavians, Russians, and assorted Europeans. Look for me in my latest reincarnation in about six months. Oh, and no plastic flowers, please. It's 2078, we should have something better."

Okay, so I'm gonna need a monument.
03:19 / 01.12.03

"He fucked up, but everything ended up well"
Tryphena Absent
08:35 / 01.12.03
Tryphena Sparks
(1981 - 2081)

Better, brighter, quicker and more agile than you. Really.
09:30 / 01.12.03

"living and learning"
10:28 / 01.12.03
'Did not go gently into that good night,
Fought against the dying of the light'
Beloved by all our great Emperor is missed,
Died as he had lived- pissed.

Although of course 1,150 years is a conservative estimate for my age at death
10:35 / 01.12.03
beloved Son, Husband and Father
if this tombstone's rockin', don't come knockin'
10:37 / 01.12.03
Pop up Corpse on a Stick
Insert £1 coin and press button to activate
Parental Discretion advised
11:30 / 01.12.03
Not Dead, Just Sleeping

Smoothly Weaving

1975 -
Baz Auckland
11:43 / 01.12.03
I'll be back, Goddamnit.

Baz 1978-2103
Morlock - groupie for hire
11:58 / 01.12.03
In much the same style:

six feet down, but digging fast.


I'm not in right now, please leave a message

though frankly, anything this side of "Sponsored by McDonalds" will do.
12:09 / 01.12.03
haven't you seen Carrie?
Spyder Todd 2008
12:25 / 01.12.03
Always Made the Right Enemies
Loved All the Right People
Managed to Reach Enlightenment
Just as the A-Bomb Went Off

Or something. I don't know. I do like the 'Enemies' line, though.
12:27 / 01.12.03
A pop-up tombstone that says "bjacques! Be as h4rd as this tombstone! No prescription needed!"
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
12:28 / 01.12.03
He lived well.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
12:47 / 01.12.03
Here lies Money $hot

1974 - ?

Back soon.


I was dead for billions of years before I was alive and it didn't inconvenience me at all. This, however, sucks.
Eloi Tsabaoth
13:07 / 01.12.03
Hmm... what's an accurate Latin translation of 'So Long, Suckers'?
13:12 / 01.12.03
I don't want a tombstone. If you put my remains in the ground and put a stone on top of them I'll come back and haunt you. Ruthlessly.
Whisky Priestess
14:17 / 01.12.03
Your Name Here
14:38 / 01.12.03


Like to thank my Mother
For inventing Rock'n'Roll
I'd be lost without it
I would not be whole.

Or any of the rest of the Tombstone lyrics.

Seriously: "Bisexual Feminist". If one can have "Loving Wife and Mother", then I am owed at least that much. And I will hope not to be declawed by the shifting patterns of linguistic usage.
Matthew Fluxington
14:42 / 01.12.03
I'd like something to the effect of "he was the best chain fighter ever," even if that's a total lie. Especially if it is a lie, actually.
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
15:16 / 01.12.03
Pepperoni and Black Olives
pointless and uncalled for
16:36 / 01.12.03
What the hell are you looking at?
Shanghai Quasar
16:45 / 01.12.03
"Wait for my mysterious return in fifteen issues."
pointless and uncalled for
16:56 / 01.12.03
Wish you were here.

The Seldom Killer
19-- to 20--

You must respect a dead man's wish
pachinko droog
17:59 / 01.12.03
I like the view but this neighborhood is so dead...
Bed Head
19:10 / 01.12.03
Not dead, merely sweetening
We're The Great Old Ones Now
19:22 / 01.12.03
Don't make me come up there and slap you about.
20:39 / 01.12.03
With the benefit of hindsight...
21:06 / 01.12.03
"Ouch, you're stepping on me."

(I didn't invent it, but it's still quality.)
21:10 / 01.12.03
While you are reading this I am haunting your house.

Saint Keggers
21:14 / 01.12.03
(Ewww...The ghost of May Trick is leaving ectoplasm all over the upholstery!!!)
21:26 / 01.12.03
Yeah...I think you had better sitdown, Kegboy! Before someone gets slimed here.

Ooh...I have another!

Now leaving for the next dimension
Colonel Kadmon
21:35 / 01.12.03
"Weave a circle round him thrice,
And speak his name with holy dread -
For he on honey-dew hath fed
And drunk the milk of Paradise."
Saint Keggers
21:47 / 01.12.03
Yeah you made that one up!

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