He died? I had no idea. In any case, as cheese-tastic as anyone calling themselves a ninja sounds, his books are pretty awsome. Theres loads of chi and meditation stuff, dreamwork,kundalini advice and weird anecdotes. I found Pathnotes useful and entertaining, and surprisingly good for a book with the words "Ninja Master" plastered on the cover.
Only just started Shadow Strategies so I guess we'll see how that goes.
Has anyone mentioned the Castaneda books? I know thats opening up a whole barrel of worms, but I for one found the first few he wrote to be pretty good, and even if he was full of it, the ideas and worlds he presented still served to deepen my occult interests and draw me deeper down the rabbit hole. Blew my teenage mind, he did. Now I can't read him with a straight face, or really at all, but he's worth the read once, IMHO.
Mantak Chia's Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy has been keeping me busy off and on for a while now. Its ridiculously in depth and frank about everything from basic energy movement to inflating your sack like a balloon.
The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby blew my doors clear off. As a psychonaut and weirdo in good standing I consider it required reading for anyone remotely interested in shamanism, altered states, or drugs. While he gets a little over enthusiastic from time to time, its still utterly fascinating and brimming with amazing ideas and insights.
and in the interest of brevity, one last reccomendation: The Self Aware Universe by Amit Goswami and The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.
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