...to shock people and get magickal energy from subverting their innocent little paradigms.
Bwahaha! Buddy, can you paradigm? Funny though, when they try to touch my pentacle, it almost feels as if they are gleaning from me. And Gentlething, that is a really sad story of boobery in the 1st degree. *yikes* nice comeback though!
"Wear it inside your shirt." Problem solved.
Hmm, and if I am topless?
You see, I wear the pentacle and a collar at work (which involves me being disrobed as an erotic dancer). They are for adding a seal on those chakras, as the pentacle falls directly on my sternum (fourth chakra), and the collar seals the fifth chakra. These tend to be problem areas, I think for a lot of people, as the mouth tends to be a point of release for energy and it doesn't flow to the third eye and crown, or it does at less impact. This causes energy to dissapate. The collar (which has no symbol and funtions adequately) and pentacle help me to protect and seal my body so that the energy flow is more efficient. Soon I will be using corsets as well, to seal the third chakra and that has no symbol on it either, but it is a symbol in and of itself.
The problem with the fourth chakra is, it is hard to find something that will rest in the solar plexus that has the ability to function in this manner. Using a pentacle is reinforcing astrally as it is a potent symbol.
However, a funny thing happened to me on the way to the Temple....
I lost my pentacle in between the two last posts I made, yesterday! I posted my last post and realized the item in question was gone! How funny is that! I also lost my collar a few days ago to boot...but then, I suppose I do not need these things anymore. It has been this way for me in stages now, this whole symbolic removing of veils and naked awareness thing (which is only compounded by my occupation and is terribly ironic at times). I think the universe was just confirming to me that ...no, I really don't need these things anymore. However, I have lost it before and it came back.
The universe is such a joker.
As of late, I must admit that I didn't feel the need for the collar in this manner and was using it purely cosmetically as was the pentacle a beautiful piece of jewelery, (and is now just that). But, if the same ends are accomplished anyway, they are superfulous magickally for me. Unfortunately, the universe is no slave to fashion, either. It bothered me at first because it was so beautiful, but in the end it is just a necklace.
The other interesting angle on what Wolfangel posted is the resemblance to jewish laws of refraining from imbuing symbols and idoltry with power. Not quite for the same purpose as a magician, but an interesting correlation.
Hey, maybe I am jewish, after all! 
Magick cracks me up. |