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Rorshach Baby!


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bio k9
00:28 / 04.11.03
Nice to see you around, Q. I was starting to wonder if you tried to weld your computer.
The Tower Always Falls
01:39 / 04.11.03

1- Two knives with tassels hanging over a family crest
2- Dali-drawn roosters on boats
3- A cow in a grass field
4- A phantom woman with a domino mask and lobster claws
5- Spider
6- Angel (lame, i know...)
7- Two dancing opera singers
8- Two kicking Russian cossacks (sp?)
9- Kissing harlequins
10- A battle where one knight in chekcered liverly is sliciing another knight in half with his sword.
The Tower Always Falls
01:47 / 04.11.03
huh... seems like 8 is pretty often the two kicking boot people back to back... The lobster claws in 4 are common as well...

I'm a bit weirded out that May Tricks and I got practically the same answer on 10 though...
02:13 / 04.11.03
Who's the klepto?, huh?...huh?!

Todd!, Tower is stealing my answers!
No star here laces
03:19 / 04.11.03
Conclusions so far: number five just looks like guys with swords, and seven just looks like a dragonfly. Lots of 'em look like crabs.

My answers:

1. Crab
2. Two people sitting back to back and playing with balls of wool
3. An angry baboon's face
4. A laughing man wearing a robin hood mask, a tux and a dress with boxing gloves on
5. Crossed swords in front of the rising sun
6. A bull with a dove sitting on its head, seen from behind
7. Dragonfly
8. Crab
9. Combine harvester
10. Flock of birds in a tree
03:57 / 04.11.03
1. Two doves breast to breast.
2. Two clowns talking to each other.
3. A pair of chicken lightning legs.
4. A womanly court jester dancing.
5. Two people in a séance setting contacting the spirit of a wolf.
6. The power of Love.
7. Two happy Zen monks flying through the air on their Chi.
8. A masquerade ball psychic intimate moment that floats on dreams.
9. Cheshire Cat!
10. An ultradimensional super wise rodent totem ancestor.
Tryphena Absent
08:30 / 04.11.03
I just tried to set the last list to the Twelve Days of Christmas. Hmmmm. Not a good sign.
Tryphena Absent
08:33 / 04.11.03
And by the way I am prone to hysteria though not so much in the last four or so years.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
08:56 / 04.11.03
Ooh, me play, me play!

1. Outstretched, cupped hands (like that charity symbol, I forget which one)
2. Jester's feet in winkle-pickers
3. Upside down galoot buried up to his waist / or a vagina
4. Impish demon
5. Sword fight
6. Ice Queen
7. A big moth
8. Cossack dancers
9. A large eared bat, facing head-on
10. A Samurai face with head armour.

What do I win??
08:57 / 04.11.03
1) A shield bearing a heraldic symbol
2) A lyre (minus the strings)
3) Tribal mask
4) Some form of creature from the cthulhu mythos
5) Shogunate seal
6) A phoenix, about to rise
7) An insect/man hybrid, possibly from another planet
8) Pair of duellists, back to back and about to settle their argument
9) An example of very bad, but very symetrical, topiary
10) A battle, in which the soldiers in chequered armour are winning
10:55 / 04.11.03
Hmmm, lots of people dancing in my one:

1. Two people dancing
2. Two ladies in big skirts dancing
3. Hairy stork legs
4. A Magician or a scarey Pokemon
5. A pirate with two swords crossed above his head
6. A lady dancing or an opera singer
7. A man in a big hat and gloves holding two money bags in front of his face
8. When I saw only the top bit I thought of two people singing, but when I saw the whole image I think it's a fancy space invader
9. Two ladies kissing
10. Witches and owls on broomsticks

Really not sure what that says about me.
Kit-Cat Club
11:09 / 04.11.03
1. Ducks on pondweed
2. Clowns with the backs of their heads blown off
3. Man with hairy legs buried upside down
4. Rabbit god totem
5. Evil grinning cottage
6. Cruella de Vil
7. Insect God
8. Carnival crab
9. the Disney character with whiskers who hunts... can't remember the name
10. Snarling cat
Jack Vincennes
12:05 / 04.11.03
This is just serving to remind me how terrified I am by inkblot tests. I start off okay, and after about three all my answers are "Ummmm... I don't really know what that might be... it looks like a load of shapes." I don't think that there's any other interpretation of this other than that I fall into the category 'unimaginative dullard'.

Inkblot 3 in this test, however, is definitely a clown buried head down in sand. Definitely.
Morlock - groupie for hire
12:23 / 04.11.03
Hey, can i be an unimaginative dullard too? Feels safer.
My ten:
1. two doves
2. conversation
3. buried head first
4. idol/totem
5. pirate
6. dancing
7. a kiss
8. two guys dancing
9. another kiss, a dog's head
10. henhouse fight.
12:35 / 04.11.03
1) Cock fight
2) Pirate ship
3) Disapproving stare
4) Totem pole
5) Seated sword-fighting
6) Ballet Dancer
7) Humming Bird
8) Soldiers
9) Greeting with kisses
10) Masks

Dull dull dull.

I remember reading somewhere that, in general, any imaginative interpretation of the Rorschach figures indicate a healthy mind. It's an inability to make any association that evidences a disorder. In other words, it's saying "It's just an ink-blot" that's most likely to get you your shoe-laces confiscated.
But maybe that's boswelox. Can anyone put me straight? Ganesh?
Ethan Hawke
12:43 / 04.11.03
I'm going to need a laboratory assistant to help compile all these results. Who looks HOTT in a lab smock?

The Q's authority aside, I'm pretty sure that no one here should be worrying about their mental health w/r/t the lack or surfeit of imagination they see in themselves in comparison to the lists of other barbelithers.
15:33 / 04.11.03
What do I win??

I won Dypsomania. That calls for a drink.
Linus Dunce
16:18 / 04.11.03
OK, without reading others' answers, as requested. I'm a bit crap at this, I like abstract expressionism too much to be able to see things very quickly ...

Ahh, two birds.
Scooter gearbox.
Captain Caaaavemaaaan!
Would you like to see the wine list?
Pond skater
Angler fish
Sea plane
Dancing flock of birds
17:12 / 04.11.03
1. Doves
2. Moose
3. Backside
4. Tuxedo
5. Goatee
6. Wizard
7. Splatted fly
8. Bees
9. Fairies
10. The Annunciation
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:19 / 04.11.03
So, just out of curiousity: no one else saw the woman with an enormous dick strapped to her back then?
Mourne Kransky
17:37 / 04.11.03
Yes, but only when I close my eyes and think of my grandmother.
01:21 / 05.11.03
Oh, hey, I see it. She's facing away from us, then?
Linxy Kakenhoff
01:31 / 05.11.03
1) A funky looking face mask
2) 2 cartoony characters holding something
3) Venus fly traps
4) A monster guy with crab hands
5) 2 people sitting across from each other, they both have really messed up arms
6) a girl with an invisible face
7) 2 wrestler guys kissing
8) Insects..I hate insects
9) 2 guys staring at each other
10) 2 even wierder guys staring at each other
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
23:57 / 05.11.03
1. Dancing mice.
2. 2 couples talking
3. Lucha Libre! Mexican wrestler.
4. Lobster. Thing.
5. 2 people dancing
6 Dress
7 Dragonfly eating...something? Dogturd?
8 More dancing but this time it was a cool russian folk dance.
9 princesses kissing
10 Angry lion, rarrh! I actually said "rarrh" when I saw it.

Mine seem excessively cute, bouncy, positive and all-around happy. I was hoping to see "severed dog's head, severed dog's head" the whole way through. Alas.
13:24 / 06.11.03
Test 1: Birds. definitely birds. And hands. In fact, hands clasped together doing that shadow-puppet bird thing is the most coherent image I can come up with for that.

Test 2: Two sailing ships departing from the same point in opposite directions.

Test 3: Somebody with big cartoony feet is wearing a grass skirt split up the middle. The image shows them from the waist down, and is upside down.

Test 4: That's definitely some kinda devil dude. Check the maniacal grin in the middle!

Test 5: Two people sitting either side of a fire engaged in some ritual activity. The long crossed lines are ceremonial swords above the fireplace, or somesuch.

Test 6: A pretty lady dancer in a flowing dress.

Test 7: um... it's a bit like the "is it two faces or a vase" thing

Test 8: gah. insect.

Test 9: At the top are two upturned surfboards and two soon-to-be-upturned windsurfers.

Test 10: A hairy mask.
pointless and uncalled for
18:10 / 06.11.03
Jumping straight from post one before further commentary. I find tht any of these just make me think of things that fall into one of three categories. Topiary, Insects and Haute Couture. I have a lot of trouble looking at symetrical pictures though, I find them disquieting and hopefully I won't end up being properly assesed on them as I'm bound to look like a wierdo freak from hell.

I haven't really answered the question have I? I'm off to read other peoples answers.
23:06 / 08.11.03
If I just said big fat throbbing cock for all of the above i'd be inappropriately horny even for a seemingly liberal/anarchist website, right?
pointless and uncalled for
09:59 / 09.11.03
Inappropriately horny is not a phrase we feel comfortable around here. Try differently sexually stimulated.
11:46 / 09.11.03
Without reading the rest of the thread:

1) Doves kissing, mid-flight
2) Two open-mouthed people in profile, talking over one another
3) A hybrid desert/pitcher plant, probably insectivorous
4) Herne the Hunter wearing a dinner suit and dickie bow
5) Two people making an after-dinner toast, simultaneously clinking glasses and crossing ceremonial machetes
6) Beardsleyesque wicked queen seen from behind, ascending a staircase
7) Dragonfly wearing flared western chaps
8) Oriental crab
9) Eastern dancer - either Thai or samurai
10) Two flocks of crows attacking one another
The Knights Templar Boogie Machine
13:13 / 09.11.03
1.) A ritual mask/ two doves

2.) Two cartoon shoes

3.) Face with shades with fiery moustache

4.) Some little scorpion like creature with lots of limbs

5.) Two people with crossed swords over some pot or cauldron

6.) Fat opera singer being split apart by some gravitational anomaly

7.) Two people holding each other, with er, stuff above them...

8.) Did't impose any order on this one

9.) Ditto " " " "

10.) Mirror image of orchestra conductor and his rather odd and depraved orchestra.
13:33 / 09.11.03
Sorry my real answers/
1. a peacock.
2. shoe elves.
3. cousin it's bottom half upside down.
4. an evil frog-crab or snorlax in a mecha suit
5. mirror imaged man with pointy arms.
6. neck and face.
7. a girl made of white light in black leather.
8. men slipping on fish.
9. harlequins fired from cannons.
10. furry animals all trying to conduct music.
16:29 / 09.11.03
1. Two birds kissing
2. TWo funny looking guys with big shoes facing away from each other
3. Man with glasses and big moustache
4. Lobster
5. Two people dueliing over a campfire
6. Big vampy ballgown
7. Frowning face
8. Big Japanese robot
9. Blindfold women kissing
10. Flock of birds which quickly changed into witches.
18:34 / 09.11.03
It's been a long while since I last posted around here, so of course you all need to know what I see...

1. Two displaying pheasants riding fireworks
2. Boats sailing away from each other, with the pilots glancing back
3. Monstrous venus flytraps, jaws closed
4. Some appalling manga cartoon creature, with many arms
5. An old celtic hut
6. A fire-haired dancing woman, in a long frock, dividing in two
7. More dancing, two girls, dancing with each other, balancing cross-beams on their heads
8. Psychedelic marching soldiers
9. I see nothing, and boy did I try
10. A sad dragon with wonderful hair
22:03 / 10.11.03
Whisky Priestess
22:13 / 10.11.03
noun a form of pubertal schizophrenia, characterized by hallucinations, delusions, foolish behaviour, and senseless laughter

Qalyn is just jealous.

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