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Rorshach Baby!


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Ethan Hawke
13:48 / 03.11.03
After briefly skimming a CSICOP article about the Rorshach Inkblot Test (via Arts & Letters Daily) i decided that some clever clogs must have come up with a Web version of this. However, all I could find is this site , which offers shoddy inkblots and no answer "key" type thing. Be that as it may, it's a fun way to waste some time, and regardless of any merit this test has in actually predicting psychological 'types' or whatever, it could be fun to have a Barbelith 'profile' based on the ten blots. Or, we could make fun of each other's answers. Whichever.

I suggest you follow the link, write down the answers and come back here to post, BEFORE reading anybody's answers. I'll start, leaving you a nice big spoiler space -



1.) angel. duh.
2.) A pirate armada
3.) venus fly trap
4.) A crab in a tuxedo, pokemon version. This one is really cute.
5.) Two vikings crossing swords in the mead-hall
6.) Cruella de Ville
7.) Two geishas kissing
8.) Some sort of crustacean, with four legs instead of 8
9.) The new NBC sitcom, Osiris and Osiris
10.) A Koala wearing a mardi-gras mask.
ibis the being
14:01 / 03.11.03
1. dancing birds
2. pirate ship
3. cactus
4. totem pole or mask
5. hut
6. evil queen
7. smoke (sorry)
8. samurai
9. I get too caught up in the drawing and noticing it cannot be an ink blot, sorry, sorry.
10. oh crap, same problem, even more so.
Tryphena Absent
14:01 / 03.11.03
1)ballet dancers with carnival masks
2)clowns in small boats
3)a pair of upside down shoes coming out the top of a bonfire
Tryphena Absent
14:04 / 03.11.03
4)a penguin
5)two swords crossed over a farm gate
6)a sorcerer
7)2 geisha kissing (weird! Exactly the same!)
8)men with big stompy feet
10)You know that scene where Beethoven(?) is playing the keyboard in the first Bill and Ted film. That.
Saint Keggers
14:05 / 03.11.03
01) leaves
02) gondolas
03) a man with hairy legs upsidedown in a hole
04) angry creature
05) acrobats
06) whirling dervish
07) dragonfly
08) woman at opera looking into a mirror
09) two skaters kissing
10) birds feeding
14:08 / 03.11.03

1. Bird/Bat type creature
2. Strange Boots
3. Big moustache
4. Demon
5. Japanese God
6. Opera Singer
7. Big ass Bug
8. Fat guy dancing
9. Some sort of Freeze demon
10. Evil Cat

Alot of them seemed like Freeze demons to me....
14:17 / 03.11.03
That was fun, but oddly frustrating...

1. two hummingbirds

2. gorillas doing a face-off (although I did kind of see ships...)

3. a vulva

4. an octopus in a tuxedo

5. a grass hut

6. an opera singer doing that "Total Recall" mask split thing

7. Korean ribbon dancers

8. an orchid (tough one!)

9. Angels kissing

10. My first impression was a broken window, but it turned into stuff tumbling out of Pandora's Box.
Tryphena Absent
14:18 / 03.11.03
There's some real cards (though they're monochrome) and explanations here. I found one of them really horrible, apparently it's the favourite of children and not seeing the animals on the side makes me a mental defective. I put it down to the lack of colour.
14:18 / 03.11.03
I got more than one impression for several, so the impressions are listed chronologically.

1) Birds. Hammer and sickle.

2) Mayan carving

3) Cactus-vagina-bollocks

4) Evil anthropomorphic vegetable of the celery family

5) Elegant hut

6) Really beautiful and unusual cloak - back view, and it's hanging as though someone's wearing it.

7) Giger's babies, nose-to-nose, under a building. A dragonfly-arrow.

8) Musicians. People walking, as seen from below through slightly distorting glass.

9) Two faces pulling tongues. Boats on the ocean.

10) 'The Birds'. This one could be the front cover for an Iain Banks book.
14:29 / 03.11.03
1) Two birds of paradise kissing

2) Two sailboats crashing

3) Bloke with sunglasses and moustache

4) Some kind of many-armed Indian god

5) Man in sunglasses crossing two swords above his head

6) Woman in long ballgown

7) A dragonfly

8) A butterfly

9) Two people in Christmassy outfits having a kiss

10) A Chinese dragon
Ethan Hawke
14:52 / 03.11.03
Well, I didn't see the animals either, Anna, so I must be defective as well. And since we both had 2 geishas kissing for that other one, we can correlate the two results. Right? The "real" cards - I hardly got any of them 'right' - and a lot of my answers were religious in nature. Maybe it has to do with being exposed to Catholic iconography as a child.

Thanks for the link!
15:07 / 03.11.03
1.) first impression: birds Second impression: some kind of pattern resembling ice frost on glass Third impression: deer person

2.) first impression: boats with a "tear" type thing Second impression: the vertical "thingS" resemble the profiles of cartoonish faces 3rd impression: bottom parts seem to be knife blades or shoes

3.) 1st impression: face second impression: vagina

4.) Japanese monster penguin-crab mutant

5.) Hut or construction worker holding on to hand

6.) dervish fox

7.) profil of 2 creatures with rabbit ears and large tails kissing

8.) CRAB!

9.) Kneeling crab doing some weird anime/manga pose

10.) Reflections in broken glass. one of the blots looks like a cartoon chicken.
15:34 / 03.11.03
1. I cannot tell. There’s two of them leaning against each other.
2. Two ships sailing past each other.
3. A plant with thorns and fruit.
4. The Master, Meditating.
5. Two men, sitting, face-to-face, crossing their swords in the air.
6. Ooh, a woman with spiked hair (looks fancy, though)
7. Mutated dragonfly
8. Two guys goofing off with some big clown-shoes, ties that stick up. They’re about to pretend to fight each other.
9. To women kissing each other.
10. Two cartoon animals with tails are pointing or reahing back, hanging onto to guys in go-carts crashing into each other, and two creatures in front of the are spitting fire.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:37 / 03.11.03
1) Two doves chest to chest.
2) Clowns with beards. ARGGGH, CLOWNS WITH BEARDS!
3) Hairy monster with big feet, buried upside-down in sand.
4) Woman in ballgown with lobester claws and an enourmous penis strapped to her back.
5) Two guys with really big swords. The swords are stuck in a monster head and the guys are posing for a picture before dropping their trophy in a sack.
6) Two fire elementals in big skirts, dancing.
7) Stern bunny demon with dragonfly wings.
8) Two guys in jumbo wellies and kimonos, also dancing.
9) Two fir tree fairies, kissing.
10) Two glam rock keyboard-players, borne aloft by a couple of witches on broomsticks as the climax of their show.
15:48 / 03.11.03
I love this (reading the responses). I saw:

1. Ravens on a family crest

2. Gondola collision

3. Club-footed scotsman trapped in thistle

4. Boxing scorpion

5. Two people in a restaurant toasting each other with enormous knives

6. Diva in big skirt floating down stairs

7. Hippy cowboy preparing to draw his guns

8. Dancing Bhuddist percussion group

9. 2 fairies kissing (aaahhh!) OR knarrow-eyed crab, exhausted from carrying shopping home

10. End of the witches' Grand Prix
16:01 / 03.11.03
I really like this. I like this thread and I liked doing the test.

I saw:

1/ Two doves facing each other
2/ Two ships sailing away from each other
3/ A vulva (glad I'm not the only one Iszabelle)
4/ A Chinese dragon mask
5/ Two men with swords
6/ A Christmas fairy for the top of a tree
7/ A rabbit crossed with a dragonfly
8/ Flamenco dancers with swirly skirts
9/ Two leering faces
10/ A reflection in a cracked mirror.

Mordant's and mine seem pretty similar, but for different spots. Weird.
Ethan Hawke
16:06 / 03.11.03
If we get a big enough sample (say, 30 people) I'll write up a lab report. With graphs!
16:11 / 03.11.03
Todd, Anna, I didn't see the animals in the real test either, so I am also defective. I thought the father card looked like a big monster walking away from me (!) and as for the mother card, well I thought it looked like two hands with thumbs up, and didn't see any female figures at all.

It's very interesting to find out what you are 'supposed' to see though.
16:20 / 03.11.03
1. ballet dancers
2. sailing ships
3. hairy legs upside down
4. yoga
5. Sword fighting
6. evil overlord
7. dwarf cowboy
8. men with big boots
9. kissing Egyptions
10. birds eating berries.

For me the World is a happy place full of pixies and glitter! lalalala*
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
16:43 / 03.11.03
OK, here's mine:

1: Wings

2: Joker faces

3: A mushroom cloud

4: A woman holding her arms out while wearing a really big dress and headdress.

5: Two people sitting and facing each other, their feet touching and Big Things on their arms.

6: A very fancy dress.

7: A dragonfly

8: A muscleman posing

9: Two skiiers kissing

10: A confetti explosion
8===>Q: alyn
17:20 / 03.11.03
1) Poland.

2) A primitive maritime disaster.

3) Booby tree.

4) Mutant penguin.

5) Two cavemen making dinner.

6) The wicked witch!

7) Kabuki.

8) Some kind of motorcycle race.

9) Nothing. That's just a bunch of crap.

10) Two puppets sawing down a tree in front of a pond.
18:06 / 03.11.03
1. 2 swan maidens dancing
2. boat first, then fancy elf boots
3. some sort of fuzzy troll critter with its head stuck in the ground
4. Chinese/Hindu demon
5. 2 men sitting, raising crossed swords
6. phoenix
7. big funny samauri helmet with plumes
8. crab
9. veratech fighter plane in plane/mecha hybred mode
10. birds swarming over carrion

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one to see the upside down guy in #3.
18:13 / 03.11.03
By the way, Emode's got an ink blot test here.
8===>Q: alyn
18:40 / 03.11.03
How do you win this game, Todd?
Murray Hamhandler
18:46 / 03.11.03
1. Two vultures making love.

2. Pogo and his evil twin rowing Revolutionary War-era boats away from one another.

3. Animal (from the Muppets), naked and upside-down. From the waist up (or down, depending).

4. A Hawaiian lobster-demon.

5. Two people sitting, holding hands, and fighting w/swords that are implanted in their throats.

6. Magneto's secret ball gown.

7. A clown making an angry face.

8. A happy crab. I don't know what's up w/the crustaceans.

9. A grey alien entering a fire after leaving his arms and feet behind him.

10. The Crash Test Dummies fighting samurai warriors.
Mourne Kransky
18:56 / 03.11.03
No 1: Two fat birds gut barging. Distressed geese perhaps.

No 2: The Hemulen shaving (in the white backdrop of Moomin Valley).

No 3: God looking at me from behind the Burning Bush.

No 4: Flamboyant and excited penguin with artifical limbs.

No 5: Two young female Satanists summoning Beelzebub.

No 6: Cruella deVil, and she's not happy.

No 7: Butterfly (or an alien who looks a bit like one).

No 8: Two drunken friends, having fought, storming off in a huff.

No 9: A tender moment between Akhenaten and Nefertiti.

No 10: Scene from Hitchcock's The Birds.

Now to see what the other tainted Lithers saw...
Whisky Priestess
21:34 / 03.11.03
1) two phoenixes
2) two pantomime dames shouting at each other
3) spiky scary flower
4) carnival devil in black tie
5) two people sitting down and crossing swords over their heads
6) a headless opera diva
7) two dancers in bell-bottoms wearing large phallic headdresses
8) people in big boots dancing back to back
9) two xmas-tree costumed skiers kissing
10)big aerial harlequin/witch fight

I thankew.
22:33 / 03.11.03
1. Two birds of paradise
2. The Mayor of Townsville kissing a goldfish, or maybe two tall ships
3. A large breasted cactus
4. A kabuki actor having a giggle fit.
5. A smoking lodge, or two praying mantises intercepting a bumblebee
6. Aku of Samurai jack
7. A dragonfly in cowboy boots
8. Two vain psychiatrists in neckties looking into mirrors in a strong updraft
9. Smooching harpies in big hats.
10. A costume party featuring two men with Elvis hair and new wave vests giving a trim to people in bunny costumes, while seated in origami chairs which are perched on literally flaming lips.

My therapists never did inkblots with me. They always wanted to talk about my home life and stress levels. It was a bit disappointing.
22:49 / 03.11.03
Hmmm, interesting!

1. Butterfly/Birds
2. Ship/Laughing faces
3. Face w/shades and beard. Could be dr. robotnik.
4. Superhero magic penguin.
5. Nothing really.
6. Dress.
7. Kissing kabuki (or geishas, I guess, after reading thread.)
8. A bug!
9. A mantis!
10. The evil Dr. Robotnik (from sonic the hedgehog).
bio k9
23:25 / 03.11.03
1-two birds

2-two women talking, big hoop earrings

3-breasts and a tie, standing in grass

4-penguin with sunglasses wearing a cape with horns and feathers sticking out of his head

5-two people sitting across from each other holding big thorny leafy things up, a pair of sunglasses with a beard seperate them.

6-a dress with a plunging neckling and several extra arms. spiky hair.

7-some sort of dragonfly mutant woman slowly drifting to the earth, pigtails.

8-two guys in cowboy boots marching away from each other, blood spurting from their necks.

9-first it was two blindfolded girls with their arms thrust back, kissing. they have wings. then it was some kind of muppet with glasses and a gaping open mouth, holding his hands by his cheeks.

10-two of the ostrich riding fighters from Joust in a bloody midair collision
23:25 / 03.11.03
OKay, I am posting this without reading anyone's results yet, so here is my insanity....

1. Elegant gloves or gauntlets

2. Clowns! (mild horror)

3. Stone Mirror...seriously

4. Quetzalcoatl

5. Knights jousting

6. Kali ballroom dancing

7. Dragonfly

8. A house party

9. Disembodied cat head with boots

10. A Butcher or deviant psycho-mutant in a checkered shirt dismembering bodies.

Maybe I should seek help. I am not making this up. These are the first coherent thoughts formulated to me to describe what I saw. Wait, am I supposed to free associate with this too?
8===>Q: alyn
23:56 / 03.11.03
I am now going to give my expert diagnosis based on these responses.

Todd: Messiah complex
ibis: Cretinous
Anna de Logardiere: Hysteria
Kegboy: Oral fixation
bear: None; actually is from the future.
iszabelle: Radical dissociation
Cholister: Oedipal conflict
Sax: Phobias
Lionheart: Paranoia
SMatthewStolte: Hyper-rational
Mordant Carnival: Glossolalia
Saveloy: Gender dysphoria
olulabelle: Drug addiction
spidermonkey: Megalomania
Solitaire Rose: Also gender dysphoria
Qalyn: None. Perfectly normal and quite astute.
cusm: Dypsomania
dericgeneric: Vampirism
Xoc: Kripes! A raving psycho! Who knew?
Whiskey Priestess: Hebephrenia
Mazarine: Cheeky
Suedehead: Delusions of grandeur
Bio K9: Exhibitionist
Trix: Kleptomania
Ethan Hawke
23:58 / 03.11.03
What's really amazing is that we all have different afflictions. Truly, this is a diverse group. And I can't find "cheeky" in the DSM-IV.
8===>Q: alyn
00:02 / 04.11.03
Who's the doctor here? I am, not you. You are a regular person, Todd. You were not put on this earth to save mankind. Okay?
00:13 / 04.11.03
Mazarine: Cheeky

Am not! I possess exactly the right amount of cheek. Four.

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