Jude Law would be perfect for Veidt, but apparently he's a huge fan of the book, so having him involved would probably be good. I haven't seen any of Greengrass' stuff, but he doesn't excite me in the way that Aronofsky did. I didn't get the studio's logic that they couldn't wait for Aronofsky, they've been waiting 20 years, what's another year or two.
And on a similar note, Paul McTiegue, the Wachowskis' assistant director, is apparently going to be directing a V For Vendetta movie. V is the 1984 of comics, and I'm not really happy that someone who seems to be such an obvious crappy action movie director is tackling it. Obviously, everyone can surprise us, but just looking at his resume, I've got a bad feeling. V should not be an action movie. |