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Knock backs


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Mourne Kransky
17:37 / 30.10.03
*ruffles killer's hair* Aw, and you're cute as a button too. Assuming that there is such a thing as a "cute" button. Don't think I've ever seen a particularly cute button, ever. You're as cute as something that's not a button, perhaps, but is definitely cute in a Canadian-accented-straight-boy-with-a-camera-way. But I'm not stalking you, I promise (no energy left over because of my long and fruitless pursuit of Sax).

I did once have a stalker-type person. She even looked a bit like Glenn Close. Unfortunately I was her boss, newly single again and looking for a man to read poetry to me on a dark winter night, you know how it is. She was the friend of a man I really fancied (I didn't know that my last partner had been shagging him behind my back at that point), so I agreed to a few social outings and others just happened anyway through work. She was married to a dull but perfectly serviceable man and had two nice girls but still kept trying to get into my unyielding and unresponsive knickers.

After several "No, I'm a poof" rebuffs, which had always got me off the hook previously with some dignity preserved on both sides, I had exhausted my repertoire of "nice". I was, as I said, working with her, and she was also popping up unexpectedly all over the shop, coincidentally to all appearances.

I began to suspect she was suffering from de Clérambault's syndrome and stopped answering the phone or the door for a while. Rostered her on shifts when I wouldn't be there. Froze her out basically, uncomfortable as it was. She must have come to her senses because, the Summer over, she went off to train as a teacher and I never saw her again. Couple of times we nearly collided on Edinburgh's little social scene but I would manoeuvre my way out of those situations with alacrity.

I'm still not sure, as I wasn't then either, that I wasn't getting a bit carried away with myself and imagining or exaggerating it all but when I examine the unvarnished facts, I just thank the Lord she stopped, and abruptly. It was a weird time of my life. I can see how easily that sort of thing can get out of hand.
ibis the being
17:52 / 30.10.03
Trix - ooh. I never thought of that. So it weeds out the potentially decent men and strains the creeps right through.

*I'm a bit fucked up at the moment and can't really do any kind of relationship thing

I'm ashamed to say I'm used that one a few times. Not only is it dishonest, it's not terribly effective. In fact it's rather inticing to the "I'll heal your broken heart" types and to those who admire fucked-up artist types. One guy stuck around being my "friend" until I actually did start dating someone else, and then he promptly disappeared.

I may need some coaching from the Seldom Killer. My hand-eye coordination is miserable in the Friendzone-Throwing event.
10:26 / 31.10.03
"Can we go back to yours, though, because my bed's still damp."

"Yes, 7.30's fine. I might be a little late, though, because I need to check in at the police station first."

"Let me just check if I've got enough tablets to stay the night."

"I'll just have to ring my mum to tell her I won't be home."

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