I usually need a hardbound notebook, because they're always in my bag, and I always throw that around, sit on it, use it as a pillow when I pass out drunk at someone's house, etc. For a while I liked little mass-market paperback-sized books, but when I wanted to sketch, I'd get frustrated with the size, so now I use the 11 by 14s. I don't like writing on lined paper. Maybe on graph-ruled. That's so math-y. I used to keep seperate my diary, my book for so-called writing, and my sketchbook, for sort of ritual purposes, I guess. But then I'd not have one of the three on hand, and have to make do with writing in the sketcher, or sketching in the writer, and they all became amalgamated. I write in it from either end, and skip pages if I want to avoid seeing something produced before, so there is no order, and things appear at all orientations.
Moleskines are swank, but I lose everything nice I ever buy. |